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Guys, I'm speaking as a Mod here. Remember to be respectful, as per the rules of our Etiquette Doc. Remember that this is a game where hindsight is 20/20 and that everyone is using their knowledge to the best of their ability. Please don't ridicule anyone for having a different opinion than your own. It's one thing to poke fun at each other. It's another to call a person's judgement into question. 


We (the Mods) are all for jokes and fun, but don't do it at another player's expense unless you already know that it's okay to do so. 

Edited by Metacognition
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Other than the villagers lynching an OC and Scadrial getting Death Starred, nah, you didn't miss much. :)

I notice that our beloved Shard of Hatred is strangely quiet about these happenings. What say you Maw? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Or better still, Confessions? :)

Edited by little wilson
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O.o Huh, well I didn't actually expect Dow to be an OC. To be honest, I thought the votes against him were a bit of a bandwagon, but it probably wasn't worth defending an inactive anyway. The problem I had with everybody's analysis of Dow and his suspicions, I thought Winter was suspicious as well the first half of this game. Looking back now, it was obviously all just not understanding the rule sets completely, or grasping just how fast the Shards were all able to get together and be trusted/verified.


From Maw's lack of posts, and Dow not even logging on the site recently, I'm starting to think that the OCs have mostly gone inactive. I mean, let's face it, this Shard Collective and Hoid is pretty storming OP. With Odium locked down, how much of a chance do they really stand? I figure their best best is to just sit back and watch the game play out to it's inevitable end, that or just give up and let the game go into Wrap-up. >.<

Edited by Gamma Fiend
Grammar Fiend
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Honestly Gamma, I hope you're wrong.


I implore you Champs, don't just give in.  Fight to your last breath if thats what it takes.  Don't give the Shards the satisfaction of thinking you're just going to roll over and die.  They may have a seemingly insurmountable advantage but you can make them work for the victory.

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Lady Otrisce Tekil walked sedately down the Hall way of her Summer home. Whuch was now her regular home, due to Scadrial's destruction. Those Rusting Unmade, lowering all her property value and destroying all her goods. She was ruined now. As far as she could tell, Not a single servant, guard or Noble, other than the new Gardner,  had made it out, other than her. So what now? She would have to figure something out.


Her wandering had brought her to the doors that lead to her garden and Lawn. The Old man who had recently joined as a gardener was there as well, rolling something around in his hand, and looking at the Freshly trimmed lawn. She steped onto the grass to approach Gramps, but he spun around, somehow sensing her, and screamed.


"Get off the Lawn! It's freshly trimmed don't you know? You're not supposed to get on my Lawn!" Otrisce stepped back in surprise, than scowled, and stepped back onto the lawn.


"I own this lawn Gramps. I'm the one who's paying you to tend it, so you can-" She gagged as she finally got close enough to sense his Investiture. It was higher than it should have been, and it radiated Malevolence. "You, you're a Champion!"


"Yes, I'm a champion, I kill people, don't you know. Now, knowing that, how about you GET OFF MY LAWN!" She stumbled back, hurriedly increasing the distance between them. She had to report this, but why would he reveal himself anyway, unless. . .


Acting on Instinct, she dived forward, barely dodging the sword thrust of the other Champion. She scrambled to her feet but was kicked back down. She didn't even see the sword as it sliced cleanly through her neck.



"Maybe that will teach people to stay off my Lawn." Gramps spat on to the Lady's corpse. Her blood was staing his grass though, he'd have to clean that. And his compatriot was still on the lawn. He turned towards him and asked "Is the plan still on?"


"Yes, I'll be holding on to Odium come tomorrow. And you'll be serving me Old man."


"Cool, until then, get off my storming lawn. I need to clean it again."


The Heir of Odium's eyes burned. "Show some respect Grandpa! I'll be the one providing you with your powers come Morning!"


"Nah, Not while I still have this." Gramps lifted the Black marble that Maw had given him. The prison of the Unmade. "You don't control this baby. Now, how about you run along and play young'un!" He gave his rival and soon to be master the most Lethal glare he could, and the man flinched, then turned.


"Fine. But you'll be hearing from me." He glowed, then vanished, leaving the planet.


"Heh. Stupid idiots gonna get themself killed one of these days." He shook his head at the thought. Maybe he'd be the next Odium. Wouldn't that be nice.


"Heh, stupid Idiot, letting me get behind you like this." Gramps whirled, to see a Shimmering golden figure, drenched in Black mist throw something at him. It hit him in the chest and went all the way through, staining the Lawn with even more blood. Storms, that will take, even, longer...




Rayse was sweating by the time he got his door open. His Muscles ached before he'd gotten off his porch, and he ran out of energy by the time he got to the end of the street. Storming Ruin, Even dead his power stops me. Hoid was still on guard, blocking his every move. What's the point. I wouldn't be able to shatter anyone in this state. He turned back, and started to walk to his house, the resistance fading away as he was no longer attempting to take action.


He stepped onto the porch, and then stopped. On his door was a glowing red Rune. A Bloodseal. He smiled. Looked like Plan C was in motion. A pity. He'd hoped to shatter some shards before passing Odium on. 


He could hear rattling, as the Skeletal closed distance. It was still to far out to be seen, but judging by it's sound, it was going fast, and would be on him, right about, Now.


A Sharpened Ivory Hand ripped through him, Rayse smiled hungrily as his blood spattered over him and the Skeleton. He could feel Odium trying to get free now. He could no longer hold it, dying as he was. The Shard fled him suddenly, passing through the skeletal, destroying him as it passed and fleeing to where His Champions were. Hopefully, thed's be able to carry on without him. 


Maw, once called Rayse, Once called Odium, Dread Lord of Hatred, died covered in blood, but smiling gleefully.


Ostrich was an Awakener!


Mailliw was Odium! Odium's shard has been passed on.


Gamma Fiend was an Unmade!


The day will end on Tuesday the 16th, at 10pm PST.


Sending PM's will take a while.

Edited by The Only Joe
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I am now thoroughly confused. So Malliw somehow died via bloodsealer? I guess we can say the Eliminators have a Bloodsealer now.


We lost our Awakener.  <_< 


Did the Shards make a lucky stab in the dark and kill Gamma the Unmade, or did I miss something?


Now excuse me while I try to hammer some sense back into my head with bamboo beer.

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I am now thoroughly confused. So Malliw somehow died via bloodsealer? I guess we can say the Eliminators have a Bloodsealer now.


We lost our Awakener.  <_< 


Did the Shards make a lucky stab in the dark and kill Gamma the Unmade, or did I miss something?


Now excuse me while I try to hammer some sense back into my head with bamboo beer.

I suspected him, so I PMd him and got him to admit to a role that he wasn't. Thus we killed him.  

Do we know who Maill invested in last? An OC or an innocent? .3.;

1. We don't know, though I have my suspicions.

2. I would assume that it was an OC.


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I suspected him, so I PMd him and got him to admit to a role that he wasn't. Thus we killed him.   1. We don't know, though I have my suspicions.

2. I would assume that it was an OC.


I HAVE been a but suspicious of Unodus, but why are you voting for him?

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Two reasons:

1. He's been trying to pump me for information.

2. Something Mailliw said to me.

I'm on mobile so I really don't want to type a much longer explanation. I do have good reasons. Ultimately, it's just a suspicion though.

Edit: Joe, can we have a new player list?

Edit 2: Any Bloodsealers wanna come forward?

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From what i understand of the rules, only his shardic ability, or kill, could be locked down, but not his investiture. when maw died, his shard went to the last person he invested in.

Which means that whoever the Shards are, they are no longer safe. This game is not as wrapped up as some have thought, and so we need to start sharing info if we have it to try and find the deceivers.

Edited by leiftinspace
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Exactly. He basically had two ways to get out of the roleblock.

1. Not post for three turns OR not Invest for two cycles. (This is the one that I thought he was going for.)

2. Get a Bloodsealer to kill him off. (This was unexpected. I'm unsure whether or not the Bloodsealer was an OC)

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It did look like he was going for option 1 there, so maybe the Bloodsealer was an OC who didn't have permission, so to speak, to kill off Odium, and force the Shard to select someone new.


My vote for this cycle is for Unodus. Not because I have hard evidence against him, but rather because you guys killed off the only other person I was suspicious of. Turns out he was innocent too (Ostrich). So, I'm going to trust Snoopy.

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