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The Anti-Bakery VS. The Dark Alley


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Screwloose struggled to his feet, clutching his head. 


"Calamity. After all this you just give up?! How am I supposed to explain this to your pack?"


He reached into a pouch, fishing out his second transport device. He pressed a button and the skyscraper was consumed by a bright green fireball. When the smoke cleared Screwloose was nowhere to be seen.


I've gone back to the packs thread.

Edited by Screwloose
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"Uh, helllo?"


A solitary figure suddenly stood in the field, shifting a box to his left hand as he consulted a slip of paper.


"Anyone battling here? Someone wanted a mid-combat delivery."


Nobody answered. 


"Please tell me I got the address right this time."


The figure looked at his wrist, even though he didn't wear a watch. Mumbling followed.


"No, the fixed digits are there... The inter-stish is cancels... Mem-tensor's good..."


He scratched his head, looked around, then stomped.


"AUGH! Crazy customers. Why can't you just check the shipping timetables? It's so simple! You-"


Noticing the confetti on the ground, he stooped down.


"Confetti. In the Roughs. Smells like jelly beans. Odd."


Placing the package on the ground, he sifted though some of the confetti for a few minutes, occasionally stopping to stare into the middle distance and rearrange objects only he seemed to see, muttering to himself. He got up and began pacing, but jerked to a stop.



"Gak! Musn't be late for the Dole. Too bad for whoever wanted the Aon fabs."


And in a blink, no one was there. 

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  • 2 months later...

The sudden spike in Investiture on the battlefield alerted Voidus who stepped out of a nearby shadow.

"Huh. This place still here? And also apparently confetti. Who put confetti on my battleground? And how? And even more importantly why?"

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Venture drew Aon Tia in the bottom of the ocean, then duralumin-Pushed Xanas into a spike. Burning brass and duralumin he took control of Xanas. "Kill Voidus"

P.S. Xanas I will remove the spike if you join with the Surgebinder Thieves.

Edited by Venture Mistborn
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Voidus raised an eyebrow as Xanas temporarily lost control of his body.

"Really? We're a hemalurgic research institute, you don't think we're aware of and have counters for that sort of thing?"

Voidus pulled a Blessing of Stability out and, taking careful aim, Steelpushed it into Xanas' spiritweb, rendering him far more resistant to emotional Allomancy.

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