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[Firefight Tour] Miami 1/08


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fletchershair on tumblr went to this signing and has shared this report:



1. Why is Urithiru safe from the Everstorm?

It’s on the east side of a mountain, and it might be high enough to be above the storm. So it’s not SAFE, it’s safER.


2. Now that Nightblood is on Roshar, can it feed off of Stormlight the same way is can off of Breaths?

He was going to RAFO this, but then he said that because we had already figured it out pretty much he would answer. And the answer is yes. Nightblood will feed on pretty much anything.


3. How do you convert between types of Investiture?

It depends on the types. For example, it’s really hard to convert to/from Aons [i’m guessing this is because you’d have to change the Aon to fit the landscape].


4. Can you combine Aons?



5. How long has Odium been on Roshar?

He couldn’t say for sure without getting out the timeline, but a LONG time.


6. Has he been on Scadrial or Nalthis?

No, but he is aware of their existence.


7. Aside from Marsh, is there still Hemalurgy in Alloy of Law era Scadrial?

He RAFO-ed this one, but then added that yes, it will play a big part.


8. Out of all your characters, who would you most want to be like, personality-wise?[This was my question during the general Q&A, he said to wait for the signing part to ask my cosmere questions]



9. Is there any chance of queer characters later on?

There already are some; Drehy the bridge man is gay and Ranette is some form of queer[he specified it, but I couldn’t tell what he said and I had already asked loads of questions and the line was long]. There will definitely be more.


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Actually, I was picturing this:


Szeth draws Nightblood, Nightblood starts sucking up all of the Stormlight.


One of the Unmade shows up, and Nightblood slurps up that Odium-Investiture like a milkshake, booming "DESTROY EVIL!" 


(Of course this assumes that the Unmade are sentient Investiture on a similar level to the Stormfather.)

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