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unknown shards


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Al the Shards that i know of,:

Mistborn/ Scadrial
Ruin - was held by Atil. Currently held by Sazed.
Preservation - was held by Leras. Now held by Sazed.

Endowment - Unknown holder. (In a WOB BS said if a shard tempted Hoid this is what he would choose)

Devotion - Held by Aona. Splintered by Odium
Dominion - Held by Skai. Splintered by Odium.

Roshar/Stormlight Archive
Honor - Held by Tanavast. Splintered by Odium.
Cultivation - Unknown holder.

Braize/Stormlight Archive
Odium - Held by Rayse. A real bad guy. Called the most dangerous of the 16. Rayse and Hoid have beef.

Taldain/White Sand
Unknown Shard name - Held byBavadin. Hoid and Bavadin have beef.

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I think that Brandon really loves creating logical patterns like the way every metal has its opposite and,in the same way, all shards (known and unknown) will complete each other in pairs

So then you have (those bolded are the ones we know):

Ruin / Preservation


Odium / Affection or maybe Honor


Honor / Trickery or maybe Odium


Cultivation / Famine or maybe a Modern Consumerist Culture God


Endowment / the God of DEPT

Devotion / Apathy

Dominion / Freedom


And then we have 2 missing shards.

OFF TOPIC THEORY: I think that if Brandon is the ultra writing machine that we think he is, then maybe once two shards are combined, they will also form other opposing or complementary shards (ex: Harmony formed out of Ruin and Preservation - complements Discord possibly being formed out of Honor and Odium)


And maybe then they will keep on combining until we have one last conflict between 2 major shards.  Let's say these will be The Sentinel and The Outsider (spiritual battle)

OK, now what I believe to be one MAJOR in your face detail from Brandon is the fact that all shards have human emotions, traits or titles. If in the final battle, the last 2 major shards combine, I don't believe they will form Adonalsium because Adonalsium was just another human, THE HOLDER of the complete shards. 


The last 2 shards have to form the most complete human trait, title or emotion: THE ONE.

The One is complete, combining all shards into one, in a very subjective and humane manner.... and you know, even The One has its one opposite... THE VOID!

Edited by anarchitect
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OFF TOPIC THEORY: I think that if Brandon is the ultra writing machine that we think he is, then maybe once two shards are combined, they will also form other opposing or complementary shards (ex: Harmony formed out of Ruin and Preservation - complements Discord possibly being formed out of Honor and Odium)

Odium+Honor is more likely to be Vengeance or the type of justice that Nale dishes out.

Edited by gjustice99
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I hate sourcing WoB...so I'm not going to.  I do however remember reading one where Brandon states that most shards are not paired the way preservation and Ruin were.  The fact that those 2 shard occupied the same world was a result of their similar/opposing nature.  I don't think that we can count on finding and ideological opposite for each shard we know of in order to guess what they will be.  


I've racked my brain long and hard trying to figure out the unknown shards myself...but with what we have been given...they could really be anything.  It's fun to try and guess though.  


Here are a few of my guesses:


Unity - Awareness - Presence - Mystery - Finality - Perfection - Independence - Perception


I (obviously) don't know for sure if I'm getting any of these right...but...I feel that the concepts behind some of the words may be correct.  


Now...I am not a spiritual person myself...and I have NO idea how seriously Brandon takes the theological concepts of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints...but there is something in christianity called the "divine attributes" that refer to the different qualities that God exhibits...or is made of...or something.  If you read into these (I think there are somewhere around 27...although not all of them are agreed upon) you will find that many of them bear some similarity to the known shards.  Also...there are a few of these "divine attributes" that seem to be quite similar to one another...and could very easily be grouped together to express a roughly similar idea.  Look into it and see for yourself.  




That being said...there are also a few known shards that do not seem to fit any of the divine qualities without quite a bit of logical massaging.  


As I said...I could very easily be wrong...but what do you guys think? 

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i'm sure there's more then 16 parts to any being they just happened to split him in to 16 and got those intents  they could have split him in to more parts but i would guess you go in to shards that would be pretty lame like the shard of sillyness or something

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i like the perception and presence

unity seems like it would be a pair of shards

this is totally unrelated...but I just noticed that your profile pic is Spike and Viscious's confrontation in ballad of fallen angels...up vote for good taste in anime...

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i'm sure there's more then 16 parts to any being they just happened to split him in to 16 and got those intents  they could have split him in to more parts but i would guess you go in to shards that would be pretty lame like the shard of sillyness or something


There is WoB about how, should Adonalsium have Shattered in a different way, the 16 (or more/less) intents would be different. That is why it is so difficult to guess accurately what the others might be. Particularly when you get very complex intents like Devotion and Dominion.

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Well...there are a few other hints that we have been given I guess...


I think there is a WoB out there about a shard that just wants to survive and is hiding from odium.  That being said...I doubt it would be anything as obvious as Survival...but who knows....


I also remember reading that one of the upcoming books is going to involve a system of magic that empowers the deathly ill or disabled.  What intent would create such a magic...fatality?  

Edited by hoidhunter
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Note that all of the Shard's Intents are verbs or actions. Based on this, I would say that Logic wouldn't be possible as an Intent. However, Reason, Revelation, or Obfuscation are possible.


Brandon has said that if Alcatraz were Cosmere, the Shard would have been the Shard of Self-Contradiction or Self-Betrayal. Based on that, there might still be a Shard with that intent somewhere. But... I doubt that he would use it since he already used some of those ideas in Alcatraz. 

Edited by Curiosity
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Note that all of the Shard's Intents are verbs or actions. Based on this, I would say that Logic wouldn't be possible as an Intent. However, Reason, Revelation, or Obfuscation are possible.


Brandon has said that if Alcatraz were Cosmere, the Shard would have been the Shard of Self-Contradiction or Self-Betrayal. Based on that, there might still be a Shard with that intent somewhere. But... I doubt that he would use it since he already used some of those ideas in Alcatraz. 


All of the shards are actually abstract nouns.  Abstract nouns pretty much represent an ideal.  Some abstract nouns can be formed by taking an adjective or verb and adding a proper suffix to the end of it like -ion.  For example, preserve (verb) becomes preservation (noun).  Now some shards don't fit this pattern like Ruin.  Ruin can be both a verb and a noun.  When its used as a noun though, it is an abstract noun.  Logic is an abstract noun just like Honor is.  It might not sound as "good" as the other names of intents but the only common thing among all the shards is that they are all abstract nouns.

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I also remember reading that one of the upcoming books is going to involve a system of magic that empowers the deathly ill or disabled.  What intent would create such a magic...fatality?  


I think something more along the lines of Pity is applicable.

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