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I have realized that I am bad at recognizing puns. I did not get how an epic named Rick O'Shea was funny until later when I was reading something about Steelheart on TV Tropes. I was like "Oh! Its pronounced ricochet!" 


I only realized that Wax and Wayne was a pun when I was reading some interviews on Theoryland about character naming and someone mentioned that it was a pun. 


Please tell me I'm not alone here!

Edited by gjustice99
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I take a lot of my puns from the internet because I'm literal trash.

But my friend pulled a great accidental one. Or rather, on purpose, but it was accidentally funnier than it should have been.

We were talking, about.. a year ago it must have been. Back when I was reading Words of Radiance for the first time. I told her "I'm not sure how I like Stormlight Archive. Its a bit long and the plot is really slow." And she turns to me, at three in the morning, and says right in my face, "That's because its just a shard of the plot!"

I lost it. Not only was it a Shardplate pun, but it was also a pun for the entire Cosmere. Which she didn't know existed back then until I told her.

She just outpunned everything.

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