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Quick Scadrial question...


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It's my job to keep the admins lazy so I might as well help you while I'm at it :P Here's a quote for you.


How many moons circle Scadrial, i.e. when the planet was moved were the moons moved as well?


Scadrial has no moons. I think I let slip the phrase "he's mooning over her" somewhere in the third book, but that is just a translation quirk to English. These people have no concept of a moon. There is a very bright star patch, however, covering much of the sky—much brighter than on Earth.


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Well, we aren't sure how much landmass is included in the world. We know that there is two 'colonies' of humanity. The first is what we are most familiar with, the second is a group that Rashek left alone in terms of genetics in case he made a royal mistake.

We don't know if the second colony is on a land mass, if they are living underground, or what...

We also don't know what percentage of the world is water, and thus if currents are able to be formed. We do know that in the era of TLR winters did have snow, which suggest that ice caps are a possibility, but also less likely due to the closer proximity to the sun. If there were ice caps somewhere it creates a high likelihood that ocean currents exist which can substitute for tides in some ways.

Also we have no clue what the salinity of the oceans are...that will also have an effect on how currents form and what not.

As for weather effects. Well there is not too much of an effect there. Because of the day/night cycle we can assume that the world is spinning, from the Ashmounts being a form of volcano we can imply that there is some level of platetectonics and a molten core, meaning there is a good chance of EM shielding. The world spinning creates variability in where hot and cold spots occur, as well as high and low pressure fronts. So I personally don't think that their weather is drastically different from ours.

What it does mean though is that when the world was formed it was subject to more...meteoric impacts. Our moon acts like a shield of sorts and took the impact of several life altering asteroids.

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Well, we aren't sure how much landmass is included in the world. We know that there is two 'colonies' of humanity. The first is what we are most familiar with, the second is a group that Rashek left alone in terms of genetics in case he made a royal mistake.

We don't know if the second colony is on a land mass, if they are living underground, or what...

I'm like, 95% sure he's said in interview that the second colony lives in the polar region, and underground (which protected them from most all of Rashek's "adjustments"). Brandon's got some sort of plan for 'em.

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