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Which Sanderson series should I read first?


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Hi guys,

Just joined and I would love some guidance on which series I should begin with?

Have recently finished A Song Of Ice and Fire and loved it obsessively.

I was thinking Mistborn seeing as there lots of those released but each series seems so interesting!

Should I start with the most 'simplest' of his works?

My head is kind of exploding with all the possibilities!

Can anybody give me a bit of a brief rundown on them all?



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Elantris is, currently, a standalone and is one of my personal favorites but it is his first published book.  It's not as well-written as his latter works


Warbreaker is also currently a standalone (and is free on Brandon's website in ebook form).


The Mistborn trilogy is a complete series and it's the place I started (if you exclude Wheel of Time).  Personally this is where I would recommend you start.


I would really recomend against starting with Stormlight.  They're great but they're door-stoppers.  Start with something smaller so you can start to trust Brandon.


Of course those are just the cosmere series...


Rithmatist is great, but we aren't getting the sequel any time soon.


Steelheart good and the sequel comes out in January.


(both of those are YA by the way)


And then there's the Alcatraz which is his middle-grade, but it's hilarious even as a more grown-up person.

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If you must choose, I'd probably start with Mistborn, and time your reading of Stormlight so it lines up with the next book release. Steelheart would also be a good start since the next is coming so soon.


Not all of his books are equal, but I think they're all worth reading. 

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Mistborn and Warbreaker before you even think about Stormlight Archive. It's so stuffed with Cosmere goodies and it'd be a shame if you missed them thanks to just no having read his other works first. Doubly so for Words of Radiance. That there is a Cosmere goldmine if you've read his other works.


Also I'd recommend The Emperor's Soul. it's like, an hour read, but a very well-written novella.

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I just recently told my mother to read the Mistborn series as her first jaunt into Sanderson's work outside of TWoT. She loved Brandon's writing in TWoT and wanted to know what else he had written. I then proceeded to buy her all three of the Mistborn books and she devoured them in just a few weeks. 


I think you're off to a good start by starting there. Then if I were you, I'd read Elantris followed by Warbreaker. 

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