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The Mailbag: Ask Us About Stuff!


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So, as was mentioned in the episodes 0 and 1 thread, ShardCast is going to have a mailbag! It will either be a whole episode or a shorter segment in each episode, sort of like how news is now. But before we can have something like that, of course, we need - guess what? - mail! Or forum posts, as the case may be. And that's where you guys come in!

We want your questions. They can be about Cosmere stuff, the books themselves, rumored projects, site things, waffles, or why the penguin overlords are the pirate Terrismen's worst enemies. Anything at all, as long as it's something we can legitimately respond to. We'll answer questions about Pirate Terrismen and Monkquisitors, but if you want a dissertation on the political situation in the Middle East, you're probably contacting the wrong podcast. ;)

To submit questions to ShardCast, you can do the following:

  • Post in this thread. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • Send us an e-mail at mailbag AT 17thshard DOT com. If you do this, please let us know the name you want to be called when we read your question ("Chaos wants to know blah blah blah" and so on). If we don't know who you are, we can't credit you!

This thread is primarily for the main ShardCast, but I'd love to hear any questions you might have for our RPG cast as well - such as anything about MBI, for example. Musicspren, I'm looking at you here. :P

So, yeah. Send us questions, and we will answer them! Depending on how many questions we get, I can't promise we'll get to them all, but we'll certainly try to give you guys the attention you deserve, because you're awesome. So send stuff in! :D

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I do want to make sure we get to the Alcatraz series at some point. For now we'll be focusing on cosmere books (while we wait for Al 5 to be published). Plus, we want to focus on books with annotations at first. However, I assure you that if the demand is big enough we'll put them higher up on the list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's your favorite "wild, stab-in-the-dark theory" that ended up being right (yours or not)?

How do you go about theorycrafting? What's your process? (a little reminiscent of Writing Excuses, i know :))

How does zas get and stay on top of all those quotes? Where does one have to place the spike to steal that power?

If you wielded Shard x, what would you do? (eg - if you were Ruin, what would you try and ruin? If you were Cultivation, what would you try and cultivate?) ... pretty lame, admittedly.

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