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Soulcasting Allomantic Metals


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I've been wondering about this lately. We know it's not possible to Soulcast gemstones, but magic systems from different worlds can often exploit loopholes (like Zahel using Stormlight instead of Breath). Is it possible to make metals for use in the Metallic Arts using Soulcasting?


One thing to consider would be if metals on the other Shardworlds have the same link to Preservation that they do on Scadrial. We see Hoid using Allomancy in WoR, but he could have got the metal from Scadrial.

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It's not the metals that have the link per se, but either way we have confirmation from WoB that metals from any world will work for Allomancy/Feruchemy/Hemalurgy. 


WoB on metals in the metallic arts:

People ask about getting the power from metals and things, but that’s not actually how it works. The power’s not coming from metal. I talked a little about this before, but you are drawing power from some source, and the metal is actually just a gateway. It’s actually the molecular structure of the metal… what’s going on there, the pattern, the resonance of that metal works in the same way as an Aon does in Elantris. It filters the power. So it is just a sign of “this is what power this energy is going to be shaped into and give you.”



I'll be hunting for that other WoB as it is far more elusive right now... but it says the metal source doesn't matter in terms of planet, etc. 

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It's totally possible to Soulcast Allomantically-viable metals, though alloys are a bit tricky since you have to get the ratio just right.  Of course the exception to this is lerasium and atium.

Q: If I were to try to Soulcast pewter, the way Shallan does with the blood in The Way of Kings, would it come out that an Allomancer be able to use it?
A: You could create Allomantically viable metals, yes.
Q: But is it automatic?
A: I would say that the pure metals are, but the alloys are not.


Q: Could someone Soulcast more atium and lerasium if they had a bead?

A: No, Investiture messes things like that up



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Ooh, that's a new WoB for me.


We also have a more general WoB that confirms that any non-Scadrian metal can still do the trick: so there's no loophole of soulcast metals being special or anything.



PhantomMonstrosity: Do synthetic gemstones work in fabrials too?

Brandon: Synthetic gemstones should work [for fabrials]. It's a combination of color and chemical structure that's important. Just like metals from off Scadrial would work for an Allomancer, synthetic gemstones should work.
Edited by Kurkistan
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It's totally possible to Soulcast Allomantically-viable metals, though alloys are a bit tricky since you have to get the ratio just right.  Of course the exception to this is lerasium and atium.







That is one of them I was thinking of Weiry, but in researching another question last week, I came across a WoB (that ended up not being relevant to that discussion so I didn't note it) that specifically talked about being able to use non-Scadrian metal for Allomancy. Agh I can picture the site layout and colors, but not the name... I'll find it eventually I hope. 


Tangent - the whole "not being able to SoulCast gems" thing, I think is another one of those in world fallacies, a la "there are only 10 metals for allomancy"... I think the issue is you can't use fabrials to do it, but I suspect/wonder if actual surgebinding Soulcasters can do it. 

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Ooh, that's a new WoB for me.


We also have a more general WoB that confirms that any non-Scadrian metal can still do the trick: so there's no loophole of soulcast metals being special or anything.




That's the one! Argh, can't believe it was Steel Ministry site that I couldn't think of...

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