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Hey, I have read most, if not all of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books. The first time through i didn't read them in any specific order, but i started with Mistborn, then Stormlight archive, then Warbreaker, etc. But i never noticed how they are related in the Cosmere. Recently i have reread a lot of them and noticed many connections. I would like to know more about these connections and such. For example at the end of Words of Radiance, Szeth gets a dark blade that speaks to him saying, "Would you like to destroy some evil today" (or something along those lines). This reminds me a lot of Vasher's sword from Warbreaker. Another thing i wanted to talk about is Hoid (i have done some research but am still confused). I actually didn't even notice that he was in a lot of the Cosmere books until i decided to research Wit from Stormlight archive because he looked like crazy character. How does he have a role to play in many of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books, what books is he in/ when? I would like to know more because he is very intriguing to me. I actually didn't even notice that he was in a lot of the Cosmere books until i decided to research Wit from Stormlight archive.

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I am pretty sure i have read all of the books, I just am bad at finding connections or understanding how they connect. If someone doesnt mind posting all of the cosmere books, it would be appreciated. Just to make sure i didnt miss any.

I think the ones i have read are

3 Mistborn and alloy of law

Way of kings and Words of radiance


Emperor's Soul

Sixth of the dusk


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Hi :)


There's also Shadows For Silence In The Forests of Hell, a short story in GRRM's 'Dangerous Women' anthology.


For connections, and more info, try either the Cosmere 101 Thread or the  Coppermind Wiki (which, beware, you can get lost down).

Thank You for the cosmere 101 thread, it is really intriguing, I kind of wish Brandon Sanderson would make a book dealing with all of the cosmere books combined. Maybe from the 17th Shard's Perspective, or Hoid's perspective. Also something I noticed while typing this, why does auto-correct for Brandon Sanderson's Fan forums say that Sanderson is spelled incorrectly!!!

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Actually, Brandons planning 2 more Mistborn trilogies, the 2nd will be a modern setting (ie scadrial has evolved tech etc), and the third will have the magic systems understood at a scientitic level, powering space travel, and this trilogy will have Hoid as a major character and will cross the Cosmere. We just have to wait quite a while till its written. :)

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*Hoid is actually Cookie Monster. I've got it all worked out :)

*Dark Alley daydreams...*



You've just fallen victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia," but only slightly less well known is this: "Never take a proffered cookie when a SEVENTEENTH SHARDER is online!

*Maniacal laugh, maniacal laugh...*

[sicilian worldhopper falls over motionless and dies. For those that haven't seen the Cosmere rewrite, he then Returns and continues laughing]

Edited by Shardcellist
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