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Vin, her earring and the mists


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so daring the final empire during Vin's confrontation with the lord ruler, she remarks that the mists seem to be pulling away from her unlike how they normally swirl around her. And this is a sign her defeat is certain. 


Now we know that the mists pull away from her because of her earring carrying Ruins power and it repelling the mists. 


My question is. Shouldn't they always repel from her then? Given that she wears the earring for the entire book up until its ripped out by the lord ruler? Why would she remark about them pulling away now when they don't normally, when they should always do that?

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14 hours ago, MollyMists said:


so daring the final empire during Vin's confrontation with the lord ruler, she remarks that the mists seem to be pulling away from her unlike how they normally swirl around her. And this is a sign her defeat is certain. 

Now we know that the mists pull away from her because of her earring carrying Ruins power and it repelling the mists. 

My question is. Shouldn't they always repel from her then? Given that she wears the earring for the entire book up until its ripped out by the lord ruler? Why would she remark about them pulling away now when they don't normally, when they should always do that?

Within their respctive forums (such as Mistborn) you do not need a spoiler warning unless the material is from a different series or from a new release still in its spoiler period. That said, warning for spoilers is never wrong, and better to err on the side fo caution than not. Thank you. 

As for the question, the Mists were not pulling away from Vin (unreliable narrator, that's her perception, but she is wrong). Mists are repulsed by Hemalurgists while they use powers from thier Hemalurgy (We see it happen more often to Vin in WoA when she is burning Bronze regularly. Here's the scene and more explanation. TFE Ch 38:


The Lord Ruler chuckled as he sat back down on his throne. “You’ll have little success against Kar, child. He was a soldier, many years ago. He knows how to hold a person so that they can’t break his grip, no matter how strong they may be.”

Vin continued to struggle, gasping for breath. The Lord Ruler’s words proved true, however. She tried ramming her head back against Kar’s, but he was ready for this. She could hear him in her ear, his quick breathing almost… passionate as he choked her. In the reflection on the window, she could see the door behind them open. Another Inquisitor strode into the room, his spikes gleaming in the distorted reflection, his dark robe ruffling.

That’s it, she thought in a surreal moment, watching the mists on the ground before her, creeping through the shattered window wall, flowing across the floor. Oddly, they didn’t curl around her as they usually did—as if something were pushing them away. To Vin, it seemed a final testament to her defeat.

I’m sorry, Kelsier. I’ve failed you.

The mists are being pushed away by Kar's hemalurgy - but since she does not know what might cause it at all, she assumes it's her fault. 

Alloy of Law Spoiler WoB:


Brandon Sanderson

Chapter Seventeen

The Mists Form

In writing this book, I had to nail down a few worldbuilding issues I'd been contemplating even before the first trilogy ended. What would happen to the mists, for instance, once Sazed took over and became Harmony?

The mists, obviously, are a big part of the series. It didn't make sense—either narratively or worldbuilding-wise—to lose them completely. However, they'd been created as an effect of Preservation trying to use his essence to fight against Ruin's destruction of the world. So . . . wouldn't they go away?

I decided that Sazed would still send them. They're part of the nature of the world now. To acknowledge what had happened, they wouldn't come every night any longer. But they would come. They were changed in that they are no longer simply the raw power of Preservation; they're now a part of Harmony—so they no longer pull away from Hemalurgy in the same way as they used to. They still have the odd effect of being able to power Allomancy. (And Feruchemy as well—if one knows how to do it.)

The mists are, in part, the raw power of creation. And when one is favored of Harmony, the mists have a greater effect than they might otherwise have. We'll see more of this later.

The Alloy of Law Annotations (Nov. 30, 2015)


Hope that helps

Edited by Treamayne
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10 hours ago, MollyMists said:


so daring the final empire during Vin's confrontation with the lord ruler, she remarks that the mists seem to be pulling away from her unlike how they normally swirl around her. And this is a sign her defeat is certain. 

Now we know that the mists pull away from her because of her earring carrying Ruins power and it repelling the mists. 

My question is. Shouldn't they always repel from her then? Given that she wears the earring for the entire book up until its ripped out by the lord ruler? Why would she remark about them pulling away now when they don't normally, when they should always do that?

That's true, in the same chapter Kar noted that the Mists are attracted by Vin's Allomancy:


Shards of colorful glass spun in the air, spraying before a small figure clad in a fluttering mistcloak and carrying a pair of glittering black daggers. The girl landed in a crouch, skidding a short distance on the bits of glass, mist billowing through the opening behind her. It curled forward, drawn by her Allomancy, swirling around her body. She crouched for just a moment in the mists, as if she were some herald of the night itself.

But as Treamayne pointed out, Mists were primarily repulsed by Kar's 11 spikes. Vin had only one spike that by the time of TFE was weakened by the Hemalurgic decay. It would still repulse Mists and indeed later Vin recognized that's happening, but the repulsion might not have been that strong as in the case of inquisitors and might have been mistaken as attraction at first by Vin as in both cases they swirl around them. Moreover with the WoA Vin began to notice the Mistspirit which was both Preservation and Ruin - she became paranoid and felt unsafe in Mists which might lead her to finally recognize that Mists were in fact repulsed by her, not attracted as she first thought. 

However this also might have been explained by the awakening of Mists. In TFE Mists were dormant and inactive, while after the Lord Ruler's death they became activated and started snapping people. This change of Mists might have changed the way they've reacted to Vin or caused them to be strongly even more repulsed by Hemalurgy. And Ruin also influenced Mists to make them more deadly - his touch might have been noticeable for Vin which gave her the impression that the Mists have changed. There is also Vin's special connection to Preservation and Mists that might have contributed to Mists behavior towards Vin. 

Either way you're right, they should be always repulsed by Vin's earring and that might have been the case, but the effect was so slight that Vin could have not noticed it before she began to fear them in WoA. HoA ch 15:


Mist during the day was unnatural. But even the nightmists didn't seem to be Vin's anymore. Once, they had shadowed and protected her. Now she found them increasingly alien. When she used Allomancy it seemed that the mists pulled away from her slightly—like a wild beast shying away from a bright light.
Why? Vin thought, looking up through the sunlit mists. Why have you changed? What is different? The mists danced around her, moving in their usual, strange pattern of shifting streams and swirls. It seemed to Vin that they began to move more rapidly. Quivering. Vibrating.


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