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Hoid's skipping [COSMERE]

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Hoid must have skipped somehow to find Nomad, so I have a theory : He has some kind of way to follow Nomad as well. Is this revealed somehow? Nomad was wanted because he could help find the dawnshard, can Hoid somehow track him through the planets like the night brigade? If so, could the brigade also catch Hoid?

Another question, Hoid got the investiture for skipping somehow, right? WHy does it seem like the night brigade is a very elaborate way to stop Nomad from figuring something out...

I dunno, do we have any evidence that there might be some kind of conspiracy between Hoid and the Night Brigade?

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1 minute ago, The Stormfather said:

Hoid must have skipped somehow to find Nomad, so I have a theory : He has some kind of way to follow Nomad as well. Is this revealed somehow? Nomad was wanted because he could help find the dawnshard, can Hoid somehow track him through the planets like the night brigade? If so, could the brigade also catch Hoid?

Another question, Hoid got the investiture for skipping somehow, right? WHy does it seem like the night brigade is a very elaborate way to stop Nomad from figuring something out...

I dunno, do we have any evidence that there might be some kind of conspiracy between Hoid and the Night Brigade?

Nomad is Sig from Stormlight, and Hoid def knew him there.

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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

Nomad was wanted because he could help find the dawnshard, can Hoid somehow track him through the planets like the night brigade? If so, could the brigade also catch Hoid?

Hoid wasn't exactly tracking him to my understanding. Aux and Hoid were leveraging the Connection that Nomad and Hoid have from their time together to allow Hoid to speak to him. I don't think Hoid had any idea where Nomad actually was or how to get there. 


There is a wob that Hoid does not have the ability to skip, this is unique to Nomad. 


1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

If so, could the brigade also catch Hoid?

This is why they are trying to catch Nomad. It is mentioned in the book that they can make a spike from Nomad that will point them to whoever had the Dawnshard after Nomad, which we assume is Hoid. 


1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

I dunno, do we have any evidence that there might be some kind of conspiracy between Hoid and the Night Brigade?

The conspiracy is that a reason Hoid had Nomad hold the Dawnshard was to delay the Night Brigade. Hoid will protect the Dawnshard at all costs, even if that means condemning Nomad to a life on the run to protect himself and the Dawnshard. 


This is why Nomad is so mad at Hoid. Hoid knew when he gave the Dawnshard to Nomad that he would never be safe again - and he did it anyways. Nomad tells us that Hoid explained the danger in taking the Dawnshard but Nomad (and most people) have pointed out that you could never truly impress the gravity of that decision. Therefore Hoid was intentionally misleading to Nomad because he needs him as a meat shield essentially. 

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3 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Hoid must have skipped somehow to find Nomad, so I have a theory : He has some kind of way to follow Nomad as well. Is this revealed somehow? Nomad was wanted because he could help find the dawnshard, can Hoid somehow track him through the planets like the night brigade? If so, could the brigade also catch Hoid?

Another question, Hoid got the investiture for skipping somehow, right? WHy does it seem like the night brigade is a very elaborate way to stop Nomad from figuring something out...

I dunno, do we have any evidence that there might be some kind of conspiracy between Hoid and the Night Brigade?

It was just a Connection trick. Hoid wasn't there on Canticle. Aux set this up. TSM ch 10:


“Auxiliary?” Nomad demanded. “Did you reinforce my Connection to Wit when you were playing with my soul earlier?”
Since I am dead, the knight replies with a huff, I don’t really have to care if you’re angry at me or not.
Oh, storms. That’s what had happened. Now that they had the proper threshold for it, Auxiliary had reached through the distance and let Wit Connect to Nomad.


2 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

There is a wob that Hoid does not have the ability to skip, this is unique to Nomad. 

WoBs you've mentioned. Hoid was not able to skip in the past, skipping started because of a certain event, it's unknown if Hoid can skip by the time TSM is happening.



Can Hoid “Skip” like Sigzil?

Brandon Sanderson

RAFO. He hasn't been able to in the past. You have not seen him able to do so in the books that you have read. If we take the current Cosmere timeline as being where basically Stormlight is, with maybe the Wax and Wayne books. That's where we are in the real timeline of the Cosmere, without the glimpses of the future that some of these books are providing. Hoid has no idea how to do this. 


Secret Project #4 Reveal and Livestream (March 29, 2022)




Is there a specific reason as to why Hoid cannot Skip, but Nomad can?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, there is a specific reason for that. I'll get into it someday. Let's just say the Skipping started because of a certain event, that probably I won't write a book to talk about, but you will get an answer to that someday I hope. So it's a RAFO, but a RAFO with a little bit of a promise.

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)


Edited by alder24
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