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Theory: Feruchemy can't work on Pure Godmetals

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Something I've been thinking about is how we technically haven't seen Feruchemy used on Godmetals.

We know that Atium stores Youth, but that's the Electrum Alloy not the actual Pure Atium.

I theorize that you can't store into Pure Godmetals because they are already too full of Investiture. Like Shardblades, which are themselves made out of Godmetals.



Can a Shardblade, dead or alive, become a Hemalurgic spike?

Brandon Sanderson

It's already too strongly Invested for this. It couldn't hold anymore charge.

I think that in order to use Feruchemy on a Godmetal you need to alloy it, so that the non-godmetal parts of its structure creates room for more Investiture to be put into.

I kind of hope I'm wrong, but this explanation does feel sort of right to me.


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Does every metal have a Feruchemical and Hemalurgic property? If not, are there metals which have Feruchemical or Hemalurgic properties which do not have Allomantic ones?

Brandon Sanderson

Every metal has a Feruchemical, an Allomantic, and a Hemalurgic property. The godly metals each also do something else. There are several interesting Feruchemical powers yet to be discovered and revealed in the next series. Feruchemy is less widely understood because there were so few practitioners in the modern era, and a lot of the time they were too afraid of capture to really study and use their powers.

Never mind, this theory is a bunch of bunk, good day.

Edited by JustQuestin2004
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1 hour ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

I theorize that you can't store into Pure Godmetals because they are already too full of Investiture. Like Shardblades, which are themselves made out of Godmetals.

Just to point out, Shardblades are not only alloys of two godmetals, they are alive and that's why you can't use them in Metallic Arts. They are no longer treated as metals when they are alive. 



What would happen if a person from Scadrial were to try to burn a manifested metal from Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

So you're meaning they're in Shadesmar, they manifest it, and they try to burn it, right?


Say a Spren of a Radiant manifests as a bead of metal instead of a Shardblade?

Brandon Sanderson

You're not going to be able to burn that if it's something that's coming from a spren, because that's not going to be treated as a metal in your body. Like, those are God Metals, and that one is actually alive and awake and it's just not gonna work. There are ways, though, that you could make that work. So it's totally possible, but you're gonna need something that's not an alive spren that's manifest like that. You're gonna need some way to get access to some tanavastium or something like that that's not, like, some living being.

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)


1 hour ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

Found this


Yup, just by looking at the title, I already had this WoB prepared for you :P 

Edited by alder24
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35 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Just to point out, Shardblades are not only alloys of two godmetals, they are alive and that's why you can't use them in Metallic Arts. They are no longer treated as metals when they are alive. 

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What would happen if a person from Scadrial were to try to burn a manifested metal from Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

So you're meaning they're in Shadesmar, they manifest it, and they try to burn it, right?


Say a Spren of a Radiant manifests as a bead of metal instead of a Shardblade?

Brandon Sanderson

You're not going to be able to burn that if it's something that's coming from a spren, because that's not going to be treated as a metal in your body. Like, those are God Metals, and that one is actually alive and awake and it's just not gonna work. There are ways, though, that you could make that work. So it's totally possible, but you're gonna need something that's not an alive spren that's manifest like that. You're gonna need some way to get access to some tanavastium or something like that that's not, like, some living being.

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)



Yup, just by looking at the title, I already had this WoB prepared for you :P 

Yeah, I was looking through WOBs, saw the Shardblade wob and decided to make a theory, then went back to the wob and found the one that debunked right underneath.

Oh well, I was hoping to be wrong anyway.

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