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Mythology and Animals


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Figured I'd drop this question by, in case anyone happened to have any answers... does anyone know of any good websites for gathering information on mythology?


I was really interested in it as a kid, but as I grew older I never really found books that went into much details about myths and legends- at least, not beyond the "big" cultures, like the Greek, Egypt or Norse mythos. I read a little bit of Celtic mythos recently (mostly Irish, but a little Welsh), but I'm looking for a bit more information on a wider range of cultures. Any dedicated wiki's or suggested reading people can recommend?


Also, and tangentially related... I'm trying to find information on Unicorns.

And no, this has nothing to do with MLP; I've actually been thinking lately about an image for a short story; a Joan of Arc-type knightly figure astride an armoured warhorse, goring lines of enemies with it's alicorn. I get the feeling that if Warhorses are bad (for the enemy), WarUnicorns would be worse.

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I don't know how useful you will find this but I've generally treated this as some sort of non-narrative starting point. It's not too user-friendly because it lists terms/beings in the separate mythologies and gives you a very short primer on them, but as I mentioned, I tend to use this as starting point to draw terms for a more specific Google search.

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I don't know how useful you will find this but I've generally treated this as some sort of non-narrative starting point. It's not too user-friendly because it lists terms/beings in the separate mythologies and gives you a very short primer on them, but as I mentioned, I tend to use this as starting point to draw terms for a more specific Google search.


Thanks for the link! I admit, I'd like a narrative-style piece as well, but having an Encylopedia of knowledge at my fingertips is awesome- in fact, I remember having a print copy of something very like that growing up. I've lost it since then, but I still remember it being incredibly useful, so having a copy that I won't wear out or lose is majorly useful.


I don't know how much help I'd be, since I'm not big on mythological creatures. I could give you a few names of books on Native American folklore, though. 


Again, very useful. I probably should re-title the thread, since I suppose I am sort of shifting more towards the question of how to find information on myths in general... and books which actually collect mythologies and folklore would be on that list for sure.


WarUnicorns :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:  I LOVE this idea :wub: :wub: :wub:


Unfortunately, so do I. And the reason I say 'unfortunately' is because for the past few days I've been starting to consider a story featuring the Unicorn Knights of Boz for my Nano entry, rather than what I had planned on using.

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