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time travelling wit (spoilers)


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A bit far fetched here and I'm probably reading too much into it.. 

also, not sure how to mark a spoiler here yet so beware below if you haven't read WOR: 
do you think that perhaps wit didn't meet shallan until she hugged him in the war camps? he just seemed so off guard then, and when he first saw her as a child he was surprised to see her.

think there's any chance that is because he had met her in her future for the first time and was surprised to see her there as a child? maybe that's how he knew to evoke lightweaving out of her in particular. 
again, I know this is far fetched. just a thought.

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If you search hard for it, there is a WoB that says that Hoid only travels forward in time.  He is very old but has not been necessarily conscious (awake, but not simply sleeping) for all that time.

I have been looking but there are so many WOB scattered about it's hard to find. I assume traveling back in time is possible but holds has a cost and i know that he the most powerful character in the series except the Shards themselves from another WOB.


He really is a fascinating character i can't wait to find out more about him,  we get glimpses from his POVs in SA but most of it is from WOB's. Every time i get a theory about him all it takes is 1 little WOB to blasts it out the water.

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IIRWOBC, Wit knows when and where he needs to be, but not what he will find there or what he needs to do.  Accordingly, he might have known he needed to be there, but not that he would find that he needed to encourage Shallan.  So he would be startled to find Shallan and unsure of how to proceed until he explored the situation by ingesting some metal powder. 

As I read the story, he was unusually kind and gentle w/young Shallan, so he was startled by her affectionate reaction when she saw him again. 

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I seriously hope the Cosmere has no (backward) time travel.  Not only does time travel make a serious mess out of any continuity unless the author is absurdly careful, but it makes it much harder to get dramatic tension unless the rules are very carefully outlined.  Why worry about problems if you can undo them with time travel?

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