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Promotion to the Ardentia


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Deep in the Hemalurgical Laboratories of the 17th Shard Dominion, laughter is heard. It is not the sweet joyful laughter of the innocent- no, it is the cruel, crazed laughter of one who has dealt so much pain he has been driven mad by it.

"So, I heard that you are a Knight Radiant of some kind, yes?"

"No, not really! I just chose it for my username because I thought it sounded cool!" This second voice was pained, younger, more innocent. And scared. Yes, very scared. The first voice was pleased with the fear. It would make this more... enjoyable.

"We have noticed your talents."

The second voice was confused. "Talents? What? I'm not a Smedry!"

"Not those sort of Talents, you twit! The other sort. The quoting. The Realmatic verse. The persistence. Don't think these things have escaped our detection."

"But does it really have to come to this!?"

"Yes. It is... the only way we know of."

There was yelling, as thuds were heard deep in the dungeons.

"Welcome. You have joined... The Ardentia."

In other words, we have promoted Windrunner into the staff member as an Ardent (the people in charge of the theories). He's been fantastic so far, and we look forward to seeing more from him!

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Whispers echo in the wind of the long-past Hierocracy. Some say it lives on and will one day return to power to rule Roshar and the General Theories thread with an iron fist. The prophecy is nigh for the Ardentia has risen again. :P

In all seriousness, there are no words to describe how happy I am. A little over a year ago, I found this site and discovered the wonder of the Cosmere. I lurked this forum for months until I decided to sign up, wondering if I'd ever even get an upvote, let alone become a moderator. So I really just want to thank all of you, all those people who answered my dumb questions, said hi in my intro topic, everyone who's debated with me, and helped critique my theories, as well as those who are just so hilarious that I crack up every time I read their posts. You all make this site the very best it can be. This is the greatest community I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of and I'm happy to say that I've made some fantastic friends here, who will be only a mouse click away no matter where I go. I look forward to continuing to be a part of this community with all of you, waiting to see what next grand reveal Brandon has in store for us and theorizing all the way. Thank you all so very much.

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But if you spike him again, you'll grant him greater powers!

Unless you just want to stick him with a non-hemalurgic spike. Just to show that you mean business. Of course, that's not very nice.

FYI Shiv's not a very nice person ;) he's one of those heartless people that offers gifts like waffles, but it's all just a distraction so he can get behind you and make a spike out of you.

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So they got you too, eh? Just remember, the voice in your head is only making SUGGESTIONS!

Yeah, they told me Shivertongue was making me waffles. I should have realized a dungeon wouldn't have any electricity for the waffle iron. The voices are so hard to resist though :P

Hey, dude, Zas... you KNOW I called the next spiking! You're screwing up the rotation something hardcore, boyo.

Wind, I'm gonna have to spike you again. Twice, actually.

Twice? You might want to throw in a third spike to act as linchpin, I think too many more and I'll start to fall apart.

Also thank you Voidus and Alliare!

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  • 3 months later...

Thank you! It is indeed a great thing for me (and I hope for the site too). I hardly even notice the eye spikes anymore. :P What this means is that I've joined 17th Shard staff in role as moderator for the Brandon Sanderson boards.(minus the WoT section) I do my best to keep the discussion on track, provide any input that I have, keep people as informed as possible as they theorize. (to keep erroneous beliefs from popping up) I also keep an eye on member behavior over there, although that's rarely an issue. In addition to that I keep the Ultimate List of questions up to date (something I need to do right now, incidentally) and write Featured Theories columns with Chaos and Zas.

I realize that some of the titles on the site aren't self-explanatory, so here's a list of where various staff members moderate (pulled from the About section)

Administrators manage all areas of the site and provide the leadership for the rest of the staff. In their other section, they are often hold other lesser titles that show where they tend to work.

Global moderators manage all areas of the forums. We have one global mod, Eerongal.

Ardents focus in the Book Discussion boards, as well as General Theories. Our ardent is Windrunner.

Obligators moderate the Role-Playing boards--including the Mistborn RPG--and the fan fiction area. We have one obligator, Kuri Shardweaver.

Radiants moderate the community areas on the site, such as General Discussion. We have no radiants at this time.

Returned moderate the galleries and do random artwork. Our two Returned are E. Hyde and MerryBerry.

Soulcasters are our coding backups. Our two Soulcasters are Ryan and Moru.

Worldbringers are wiki administrators and moderate the Coppermind forums. Our one Worldbringer is Joe_ST.

Worldsingers are the news guys, bringing you the most up to date information about site and Brandon events.

Hope this helps!

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Ignore what windrunner says. He's actually just trying to put a positive spin on it. What it actually means is that he's going to be used as hemalurgic spike fodder. Then probably banned for infinity-million years. Because that's how we roll around here. tongue.gif

You can trust me! I'm a global mod! that means i cant lie*!

*- Too much

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you! It is indeed a great thing for me (and I hope for the site too). I hardly even notice the eye spikes anymore. :P What this means is that I've joined 17th Shard staff in role as moderator for the Brandon Sanderson boards.(minus the WoT section) I do my best to keep the discussion on track, provide any input that I have, keep people as informed as possible as they theorize. (to keep erroneous beliefs from popping up) I also keep an eye on member behavior over there, although that's rarely an issue. In addition to that I keep the Ultimate List of questions up to date (something I need to do right now, incidentally) and write Featured Theories columns with Chaos and Zas.

I realize that some of the titles on the site aren't self-explanatory, so here's a list of where various staff members moderate (pulled from the About section)

Administrators manage all areas of the site and provide the leadership for the rest of the staff. In their other section, they are often hold other lesser titles that show where they tend to work.

Global moderators manage all areas of the forums. We have one global mod, Eerongal.

Ardents focus in the Book Discussion boards, as well as General Theories. Our ardent is Windrunner.

Obligators moderate the Role-Playing boards--including the Mistborn RPG--and the fan fiction area. We have one obligator, Kuri Shardweaver.

Radiants moderate the community areas on the site, such as General Discussion. We have no radiants at this time.

Returned moderate the galleries and do random artwork. Our two Returned are E. Hyde and MerryBerry.

Soulcasters are our coding backups. Our two Soulcasters are Ryan and Moru.

Worldbringers are wiki administrators and moderate the Coppermind forums. Our one Worldbringer is Joe_ST.

Worldsingers are the news guys, bringing you the most up to date information about site and Brandon events.

Hope this helps!

I'd like to serve in the position of Radiant, if I might offer myself here. I've moderated specific areas on other forums and General Discussion seems a natural fit for me. I know I'm still low in post count, but I'm one of few women amongst many men on-site who are serious fans of Brandon Sanderson's work. If considered for the position, I can promise more active participation. If honored with the position, I can guarantee it. Thanks for your response guys!
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I'd like to serve in the position of Radiant, if I might offer myself here. I've moderated specific areas on other forums and General Discussion seems a natural fit for me. I know I'm still low in post count, but I'm one of few women amongst many men on-site who are serious fans of Brandon Sanderson's work. If considered for the position, I can promise more active participation. If honored with the position, I can guarantee it. Thanks for your response guys!

Sorry, Tamzin, but we're working on restructuring our staff right now, in hopes that we won't need to promote anyone new. I'm glad to see that you're interested in the position, and previous experience is always a plus. If we do end up deciding to promote new staff members, we will consider many aspects of everyone we're looking at, but we never look at gender when we do our promoting.

Thanks for your interest, though!

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