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hello there fellow branderson enthusiasts! my name is chris and it's a pleasure to meet you.

i'm not really sure how in-depth these introductions are supposed to be so i'll just stick to the basics for now:

18, male, australian, obsessed with mistborn and constantly up for theorizing.

i'm (possibly too) chatty, so don't be afraid to say hi :)

EDIT: oh i should probably mention that i work in a bookstore???? it seems like a good thing to throw out there ;D

Edited by bronzecompounder
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Welcome to the forums! and there's no such thing as being too chatty, particularly when the chatting is about theorising :D I've always wanted to work in a bookstore but I think i'd probably annoy the customers by talking for too long :P

Hope to see more posts from you soon!

ps. Watch out for the admins, they like to spike people give people delicious waffles and cookies.

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Welcome to the forums! and there's no such thing as being too chatty, particularly when the chatting is about theorising :D I've always wanted to work in a bookstore but I think i'd probably annoy the customers by talking for too long :P

Hope to see more posts from you soon!

ps. Watch out for the admins, they like to spike people give people delicious waffles and cookies.

hi voidus!! i'm glad to hear that hahaha :P

also yeah i end up talking to customers for ages... mostly it's to convince them to read Mistborn. i think i have a problem.

also waffles and cookies sound amazing, thank you admins :3

p.s. spiking doesn't sound too bad though I GUESS i mean these days Ruin is just a piece of Harmony so i'm okay with this because Sazed is amazing. plus then i'd get some other powers. hell yeah.


*passes you a coffee* still awake? :D

Hey there Bronzy, how's it going?

only just, i should compound some more wakefulness soon :P *gratefully accepts coffee*

additionally, i quite like that nickname. everyone should totally feel free to call me that from now on ;D

also i am pretty great this morning! how are you, joe? :)

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Hey, welcome! We are glad to have you!

I too have always wanted to work in a bookstore, B&N/Half-Price here only hires 18+, though, and we don't have any indie bookstores...

Anywho, hope you enjoy yourself Bronzy.

By the way, how did you hear about 17th shard?

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Hey, welcome! We are glad to have you!

I too have always wanted to work in a bookstore, B&N/Half-Price here only hires 18+, though, and we don't have any indie bookstores...

Anywho, hope you enjoy yourself Bronzy.

By the way, how did you hear about 17th shard?

thanks lyss! :)

that's terrible! i got hired when i was 14 and 9 months, so it's been great heh :P 30% off of all books? YES.

i just did some googling one night when i was internally theorizing about feruchemy and stuff... i have one friend who's read the books and he was nowhere near as taken with them as i was, so i just stuck to thinking about it. but yeah after some googling i found some threads on here that were very interesting! but i decided to join after i'd at least started Elantris, considering that i'd heard that the universes of the books crossed over (or at least, have the potential to).

in short, it looked like the place for someone like me :D

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Haha, I am in the same boat. I am loaning my copies out to friends, but with only one set (and a few slow readers) it is slow going. Also, I am fairly certain they don't want to theorize about "Stalkerson" (what they all call Brandon, because for a while I always had a sanderson book on me and I know a lot of random crud about the authors I like)'s universe.

My brother reads the books and *loved* WoK, but he thinks the cosmere is silly. Sigh.

So which books have you read?

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Haha, I am in the same boat. I am loaning my copies out to friends, but with only one set (and a few slow readers) it is slow going. Also, I am fairly certain they don't want to theorize about "Stalkerson" (what they all call Brandon, because for a while I always had a sanderson book on me and I know a lot of random crud about the authors I like)'s universe.

My brother reads the books and *loved* WoK, but he thinks the cosmere is silly. Sigh.

So which books have you read?

I ended up buying two sets of MB as well, because the first set got a little tatty from dragging it to school and all that. So I have the boxset now too. They're my "viewing copies" ;D

one of my friends is reading TFE right now, and she's enjoying it, but she's also a slow reader :c

I'm not 100% on my knowledge of the cosmere... but i don't see how anyone could think it was silly. it's basically the universe containing the planets of Warbreaker, Mistborn, WoK and Elantris, right?

I've read through the MB trilogy twice, the AoL once, WoK once and Warbreaker once. I'm on like chapter 6 of Elantris right now too, but it's taking me a little longer than usual because of uni work :P

I'm planning on reading the Wheel of Time, too, but that looks like a summer holiday project ;D

Outside of Stalkerson's (lol!) work, I'm a fan of Garth Nix, Lemony Snicket, J. K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Brent Weeks.... the list goes on. it's the curse of the bookstore worker!

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Yay! Another book slave on the site! I also work at a bookstore. We're an independent store, which of course means were far superior to B&N.

Brent Weeks is one of my favorites too. Pdxtrent and I make it our personal mission to tease Brent. (He makes it so easy)

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Yay! Another book slave on the site! I also work at a bookstore. We're an independent store, which of course means were far superior to B&N.

Brent Weeks is one of my favorites too. Pdxtrent and I make it our personal mission to tease Brent. (He makes it so easy)

book slaves unite! :D

except i work for QBD (i'm fairly sure it's australian and not in the USA or where ever else...) and we're not really independent so i will just be inferior and be okay with it :o:P

also A+ for liking brent! i cannot WAIT for the blinding knife :3

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book slaves unite! :D

except i work for QBD (i'm fairly sure it's australian and not in the USA or where ever else...) and we're not really independent so i will just be inferior and be okay with it :o:P

also A+ for liking brent! i cannot WAIT for the blinding knife :3

You're probably right about QBD. I'm excited for the Blinding Knife too. I'm going to try to get my hands on an ARC.

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you are *friends* with Brent Weeks? *envy* I wish I was friends with a famous author. My dad is friends with an author but she's not famous and she doesn't write fantasy/sci.

One of my Youth Leaders is an author, but she writes in the LDS market. Also, it is LDS romance, so... Not really my thing. Still kinda cool though, she knows some of the other authors that I think are awesome. Also, one of her books is among the few romance books I can tolerate- a high commendation.

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Oh, I wasn't talking about getting one from the publisher. :rolleyes: I meant getting one from him directly.

(We're friends and he lives about 45 minutes away.) :D

you are *friends* with Brent Weeks? *envy* I wish I was friends with a famous author. My dad is friends with an author but she's not famous and she doesn't write fantasy/sci.

ECHOES CRAZYRIOTER'S SENTIMENTS.... oh my god. that is awesome. the next time you see him, please give him my love. :3 (in a the least creepy way.)

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That's one of the great things about living in Oregon. There's loads of famous authors here. Besides Brent, I regularly run into Jay Lake, Ken Scholes, Devon Monk, Mary Robinette Kowal (that won't happen as often now that she's moving to Chicago), and David D Levine. I've met Ursula K. LeGuin twice (she's intimidating), Timothy Zahn is at Authorfest every year....

It's a cornucopia of awesome!

Bronzy, if you're on twitter, G+, or FB you can express your non-creepy love to him directly. He's on all three. However, if just the thought of speaking to him robs you of the ability to form a coherent sentence, I can still pass your message.

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