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Useful evil quotes


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Im running a semi-modern dnd campaign and one of the big bads is a business man who is kinda like jack horner, no magical abilities but access to a loooot of scrolls and magic. I remember Mr. Suit having a quotes similar and thats the one im currently looking for but i could use as many evil quotes you've got 

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You may consider checking the Coppermind page(s) for relevant characters, as most will have quotes scattered across the page, or a dedicated quotes section (please see link). In a more general sense, you can also try the Wikimedia Foundations wikiquotes which makes it easy to see person (Shakespeare), work (Illiad), or idea (business) related quotes (then use ctrl+f to search for key words amongst the assembled quotes). 

Also, for some depth, you may consider quotes closer to Grey and Gray Morality (allowing the character to interpret them darker than normal as interpreting a mrally gray quote as having black connotatiosn says more about the person than the quote). 

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7 hours ago, Returned said:

Good lines like this seem like they'd tie to motivations and perspectives on the world more than the tools available, can you give a bit more background on the character?

To summarise the NPC is the father of one of the PCs and is also the pastor for the church in the area, he isn't naturally gifted with magic or power but he has access to a bunch of high level scrolls in the form of business cards, the party just found out the churches involvement and the PC wants to confront his father about it, I plan on him giving a small speech about how the world is changing and i remembered Mr. Suit having a similar quote so i thought to use that.

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37 minutes ago, SomePog said:

To summarise the NPC is the father of one of the PCs and is also the pastor for the church in the area, he isn't naturally gifted with magic or power but he has access to a bunch of high level scrolls in the form of business cards, the party just found out the churches involvement and the PC wants to confront his father about it, I plan on him giving a small speech about how the world is changing and i remembered Mr. Suit having a similar quote so i thought to use that.

Sorry to echo @Returned again, but it feels like we still need more detail on the motives. Does he believe the tenants of the religion he is a pastor for or is he simply using the kindly pastor gig as a cover for his true motives? Is he trying to convert the NPC's to his way of thinking or is he mocking the party for their "short sightedness" or "naivety at failing to understand how the world really works" from his perspective, or is that he genuinely believes that he is trying to do good (from his perspective) and that he's allying himself to a lesser evil to fight a greater one (poverty, corrupted governments, sin, etc.)? The way that you do this is important setup for how the party views the church, the business connections, how the community views the church or the party ("they just killed Pastor Johnson! What's wrong with these people?" vs "Did you see how much heat Pastor Johnson was packing? That's not normal, something's not right with this church."). If you need a specific outcome for the rest of your planned story and just need a villain monologue we can probably spin something up.

For kicks, I threw your prompt into ChatGPT then swapped out pastor for businessman because it really heavily weights that for the prompt. Tried putting it back in and... well you see.

Speech prompt for a more modern D&D campaign. Businessman Big Bad giving a coldly rational speech to the party about how the world is changing while his organization will be in control.
2 / 2

[The setting is a sleek, high-tech boardroom adorned with futuristic displays and holographic projections. A group of adventurers stands before a well-dressed, confident businessman, the Big Bad of this modern D&D campaign.]

Businessman Big Bad: "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed adventurers, I welcome you to the dawn of a new era. Allow me to dispense with the pleasantries and address the elephant in the room: change. Change is inevitable, relentless, and most importantly, profitable. The world as you know it is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and those who fail to adapt will inevitably be left behind in the dust of progress."

[He gestures to the holographic displays showing various scenes of technological advancement and societal transformation.]

Businessman Big Bad: "Look around you. Technology has revolutionized every aspect of our lives, from communication to transportation, from healthcare to entertainment. And yet, amidst this whirlwind of innovation, one thing remains constant: power. Power is the currency of the modern world, and my organization holds the keys to the kingdom."

[His tone becomes increasingly impassioned as he speaks.]

Businessman Big Bad: "While others cling to outdated notions of honor and heroism, we understand the true nature of the game. It's not about good versus evil, light versus darkness. It's about control. Control over resources, control over information, control over the very fabric of society itself. And make no mistake, my friends, control is what we offer."

[He fixes each adventurer with a steely gaze, his words carrying the weight of conviction.]

Businessman Big Bad: "You may see us as villains, as purveyors of chaos and corruption. But in reality, we are the architects of progress, the stewards of a new world order. And soon, very soon, our influence will be felt in every corner of the globe. Those who stand in our way will be swept aside by the tide of history, for in the end, power always prevails."

[With a self-assured smile, he concludes his speech, leaving the adventurers to ponder the implications of his words.]

[End of speech prompt.]

Okay, not add in that they are a pastor who seems to have corrupt business dealings

[The scene remains the same: the sleek, high-tech boardroom with its futuristic displays. The adventurers stand before the well-dressed, confident businessman, who also happens to be a pastor, adding a layer of religious authority to his already imposing presence.]

Businessman Big Bad (Pastor): "Dear friends, esteemed adventurers, I bid you welcome to this sacred chamber, where faith and fortune converge in divine harmony. Allow me to shed light upon the sacred mission that guides us, even as the world shifts and trembles beneath our feet."

[He gestures to the holographic displays, each projection pulsating with the rhythm of progress.]

Businessman Big Bad (Pastor): "Behold, the fruits of our labor, the bountiful blessings bestowed upon us by the Almighty Himself. Technology is but a tool, a vessel through which we manifest His will upon this mortal realm. And yet, in our pursuit of righteousness, we must not shy away from the realities of power."

[His voice takes on a fervent tone, mingling piety with ambition.]

Businessman Big Bad (Pastor): "For too long, the forces of darkness have held sway over this world, corrupting the hearts of men and sowing seeds of discord and despair. But fear not, for we are the chosen ones, the righteous few who dare to defy the tyranny of the wicked. Our business dealings may seem unorthodox to some, but rest assured, they are but a means to a noble end."

[He fixes each adventurer with a piercing gaze, his eyes ablaze with righteous zeal.]

Businessman Big Bad (Pastor): "Brothers and sisters, we stand at the precipice of a new age, a golden age of prosperity and peace. And it is our sacred duty, our divine mandate, to seize this opportunity with both hands and mold the future in His image. Those who question our methods do so at their peril, for we are guided by a higher law, a law that knows no bounds."

[With a solemn nod, he concludes his speech, leaving the adventurers to ponder the enigmatic words of the pastor-businessman.]

[End of speech prompt.]

You can probably mash those up together. Suit's main appearances are:

AoL epilogue

SoS chapters 8, 17

BoM chapters 16, 25 to basically the end.

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2 hours ago, SomePog said:

To summarise the NPC is the father of one of the PCs and is also the pastor for the church in the area, he isn't naturally gifted with magic or power but he has access to a bunch of high level scrolls in the form of business cards, the party just found out the churches involvement and the PC wants to confront his father about it, I plan on him giving a small speech about how the world is changing and i remembered Mr. Suit having a similar quote so i thought to use that.

Does this mean you are looking for a specific quote? I'm sorry I thought you were just looking for possible quote inspirations. Do you have any keywords or context to help find the correct quote?

Are any of these the quotes?


AoL Epilogue:


“Hinston was going to take it,” Lord Ladrian said, buttering a roll. “His disease was … unfortunate. Plans were already in motion. I didn’t have time to search out other options. Besides, I hoped—obviously, without basis—that you’d have overcome your overdeveloped childhood sense of morality. I had hoped you’d be a resource to me.”


“A series of targeted attacks,” Ladrian said, leaning in, sounding pleased with himself. “House Tekiel is doomed. They owe payments on too many high-profile losses. These attacks, and the insurance claims, have devastated them and their financial integrity. Company shareholders have been selling their stakes for pennies. 


“We have just seized one of the most powerful financial institutions in the city,” Ladrian said. “The materials stolen are being returned, and so while we’ve assumed Tekiel’s debts by purchasing them, the claims for lost goods will soon be nullified. I always expected Miles to be captured. This plan wouldn’t work without it.”


“We needed only the temporary disappearance of goods,” Edwarn said. “And everything has worked out perfectly. Thank you.”

SoS Ch 8:


“All people are foolish, just in different ways,” Uncle Edwarn said offhandedly. “That lesson I learned elsewhere. No, this coin showed me a harsh but invaluable truth. Money is meaningless.”

Waxillium perked up. “What?”

“Only expectation has value as currency, Waxillium,” Uncle Edwarn said. “This coin is worth more than the others because people think it is. They expect it to be. The most important things in the world are worth only what people will pay for them. If you can raise someone’s expectation … if you can make them need something … that is the source of wealth. Owning things of value is secondary to creating things of value where none once existed.”


“The day of heroes has passed,” Uncle Edwarn said. “The stories of people breaking out of history belong to another world. We have reached an era of modernism, both louder and more silent at the same time. You watch. Where once kings and warriors shaped the world, now quiet men in offices will do the same—and do it far, far more effectively.”


“Your assessment is correct on one hand,” Uncle Edwarn said, oblivious to the direction Waxillium had been thinking, “but flawed on the other. Yes, we will lend to the poor man—but we will not accept risk to do so.”


“The papers our banker is now presenting will tie the laborer in debt that is impossible to escape. If he fails to meet payments, his signature on that paper will allow us to go directly to his employer and take a percentage of his wages. If that isn’t enough, we can do the same for his sons. The rich man has banked with us many times, and his house negotiated favorable terms. We will earn barely three percent on what we lend him. But the laborer is desperate, and no other bank will consider him. He’ll pay us twelve percent.”

SoS Ch 17:


“Have you ever wondered,” Edwarn mused, ignoring Wax’s objection, “if you’d get along with them? If you’d lived back then, what would you have seen? A bunch of miscreants? Lawbreakers? Would you have trussed up the Ascendant Warrior and tossed her in a cell? The law is not something holy, son. It’s just a reflection of the ideals of those lucky enough to be in charge.”


“It’s more like we’re riding the storm,” Edwarn said. “Personally, I’d love to see you bring this creature down. It might topple some of my rivals, give me a chance to propose something audacious of my own to the Set. But I’m not going to help you, Nephew. Perhaps this is what needs to be.”

“How can you do this?” Wax asked. “You’re going to watch it all burn?”

“Ashes are excellent fertilizer,” Edwarn said.

BoM Ch 25:


You call me a monster; you hate me because I seek rule. And yet you serve those who do the very same things as I. Your senate? It strangles the life from children with its economic policies.” Edwarn stepped forward, a motion which put the barrel of Wax’s gun right at his temple. “The longer you live, Waxillium, the more you’ll know I am right. The difference between good and evil men is not found in the acts they are willing to commit—but merely in what name they are willing to commit them in.”

BoM Ch 27:


“The old world is dying, Waxillium!” Edwarn said. “I told you that a new one will soon be born, a world where men like you don’t belong.”

“I can find my place in a world of airships.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about,” Suit said. “I’m talking about the secrets, Waxillium. The world where constables exist only to make people feel secure. It will be a world of shadows, of hidden government. The shift is already happening. Those who rule these days are not the men who smile at crowds and make speeches.”

Edwarn moved around a corpse, then followed Wax’s blood trail with his eyes. Only a few more steps.

“The day of kings has passed,” Edwarn said. “The day of mighty men to be worshiped has gone, and with its passing goes the right of Allomancers to power. No more will their gifts hinge on the whims of fate. Instead, the powers will come to those who deserve them. Who can use them.”


Then, of course, there is Quirrell quoting Voldemort in HP1:


Philosopher's Stone Ch 17:


There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. 



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Im very sorry for being vague i just didnt want to dump a lot of stuff, as i was afraid it'd be unintentional but here is the essential jist

The church masquerade as good but secretly atleast the upper crest that is, are working to ascend the Arch Bishop to god status as the god they "Worship" is actually chained and bound to a rock deep withing the High Church (that hopefully will be the final fight)

This NPC specifcally is a Pastor for the town the party is in and he is involved in the events and plans of the church but isnt the one to ascend, my general idea was to convey how this NPC is currently out of the parties reach, form what i understand from my players actions is that the PC who is related to the character is going to confront his father about what they found out (Church doing evil stuff but not fully realised yet) i then want the NPC to use a scroll of Power word: Pain (yes im evil) on the PC to indicate the power gap currently between the two and thats where my idea of Mister Suits quote about how time has changed from the Final empire and how now the world is changed by regular people not those born with power

17 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Does this mean you are looking for a specific quote? I'm sorry I thought you were just looking for possible quote inspirations. Do you have any keywords or context to help find the correct quote?

Are any of these the quotes?

These are all useful thank you

18 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

“The old world is dying, Waxillium!” Edwarn said. “I told you that a new one will soon be born, a world where men like you don’t belong.”

“I can find my place in a world of airships.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about,” Suit said. “I’m talking about the secrets, Waxillium. The world where constables exist only to make people feel secure. It will be a world of shadows, of hidden government. The shift is already happening. Those who rule these days are not the men who smile at crowds and make speeches.”

Edwarn moved around a corpse, then followed Wax’s blood trail with his eyes. Only a few more steps.

“The day of kings has passed,” Edwarn said. “The day of mighty men to be worshiped has gone, and with its passing goes the right of Allomancers to power. No more will their gifts hinge on the whims of fate. Instead, the powers will come to those who deserve them. Who can use them.”

This is it thank you so much

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I always liked Edwarn's line in BoM about distracting Wax with dead-end leads to keep him out of the Set's hair:


"You really should have focused on your own city, Nephew, and kept your attention on the little crimes fed to you. I've tried being reasonable. I fear I'm going to have to do something drastic. Something that will be certain to divert you."

It stuck with me because Edwarn is such a manipulator (as is the Set more broadly), and the line expresses both that he needs to keep Wax out of his business but also that Wax is little more than a nuisance. Those two ideas are in contrast to each other, but Edwarn's character and thought process come through in his dismissive attitude. And his scheme worked really well! Right up until it didn't, which is how so many TTRPG antagonist plots end up.

It would need some tweaking to fit your specific plot and environment (specifically, the villainous organization would need to be actively diverting and deceiving the PCs with cutouts and other distractions), but probably wouldn't need too drastic of an overhaul.

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  • 2 months later...

Edwarn’s manipulative nature and the way his schemes unfold until they eventually fail is a classic trope in storytelling, particularly in TTRPGs where players’ actions can unpredictably influence the outcome. Autodesk annual subscription benefits. Incorporating such a character into your own TTRPG campaign could add depth and intrigue. 

Edited by herovtret
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