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why are soulcasters more powerful than windrunners?


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when you compare the two all that we've seen that windrunners can do is heal themselves, increase the physical capabilties and do lashings. while soulcasters could create food in famine, turn attackers to smoke [probably destroy etire armies with a large enough gem], heal people [if they are skilled in organics. even jasnah was able to heal shallans poisoning, and she sucks at that stuff].

so are there abilities of windrunners that we haven't seen. or is the price for soulcasting higher than jasnah indicates.

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Yeah I think it's basically to do with the rate of consumption, soulcasting uses a lot more than stormlight to create a useful effect. If a windrunner had access to that amount of stormlight I can easily conceive them becoming a living siege weapon, triple-lash a few giant boulders towards the enemy army and you will do a LOT more damage than just turning a few people to smoke.

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I don't think we've seen all the Windrunner powers yet either.


What can you tell us about the Knights Radiant?


Um…what can I tell you that's not in the books?


A little more about them.


There were 10 orders of Knights Radiant. Each order was based on a combination of two of the "smaller" magic systems in this world, so to speak. You combine two of them together and they each had something kind of "their own". So if you look at the map in the front of the magic system and you mark circles that include one large circle and two of the smaller circles in between, you can find the 10 orders right on there. The mini circles are the powers and the big circles represent the orders and the essences and things like that. So one big circle, two little circles equals an order of Knights Radiant.


Szeth explained that basic and reverse lashings are very similar, and both related to gravity, and that the full lashing is related to pressure. We haven't seen this "something of their own" yet, but it may be related to this.

Child of Tanavast. Child of Honor. Child of one long since departed. The sudden voice shook Kaladin; he floundered in the air.

The Oathpact was shattered.

The booming sound made the stormwall itself vibrate. Kaladin hit the ground, separating from the storm. He skidded to a stop, feet throwing up sprays of water. Stormwinds crashed into him, but he was enough a part of them that they neither tossed nor shook him.

Men ride the storms no longer. The voice was thunder, crashing in the air. The Oathpact is broken, Child of Honor.

This "riding the storm" may be the Windrunner's specialized power, but it isn't confirmed.

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Soulcasters also are limited in that they can only create something if they have the correct gem(s) and that it's difficult to make anything too complex.

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Yeah I'd have to go with stormriding as being the Windrunners 'something of their own' either that or yeah something we just haven't seen, maybe some combination of atmospheric pressure and gravity? Trying to think of a useful ability that could come out from that but I can't really think of anything, ideas anyone?

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when you compare the two all that we've seen that windrunners can do is heal themselves, increase the physical capabilties and do lashings. while soulcasters could create food in famine, turn attackers to smoke [probably destroy etire armies with a large enough gem], heal people [if they are skilled in organics. even jasnah was able to heal shallans poisoning, and she sucks at that stuff].

so are there abilities of windrunners that we haven't seen. or is the price for soulcasting higher than jasnah indicates.

Also, Jasnah's healing only worked because she was trying to purify Shallan's blood, and blood is one of the Essences. She wouldn't have know how to heal a wound or something like that.

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Also, Jasnah's healing only worked because she was trying to purify Shallan's blood, and blood is one of the Essences. She wouldn't have know how to heal a wound or something like that.

Depends on the wound I think, she wouldn't exactly be able to Aes-sedai heal but I can see her closing wounds over (sinew is another of the essences after all)

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Would be quite possible that the first soulcaster fabrials was to let the other orders of knigths radiant do some limited soulcasting aswell? Perhaps there where other fabrials, letting the other orders do a limited variant of the windrunner stunts.

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Yeah I'd have to go with stormriding as being the Windrunners 'something of their own' either that or yeah something we just haven't seen, maybe some combination of atmospheric pressure and gravity? Trying to think of a useful ability that could come out from that but I can't really think of anything, ideas anyone?

I doubt this. Personally, feels like another 'remnant of Honor', ala Dalinar's visions.

I believe instead that the 'something of their own' is indeed a Reverse Lashing. Szeth is a Surgebinder, and there is something strange going on in this sense, but I doubt he has access to one and a half sets of KR powers, presuming that he can access more than one set, and that he has no other powers we aren't aware of. Also, where else would Reverse Lashings lie? It would have to be in either Nalan (2) or Ishi (10) to coincide with Szeth's Windrunner abilities. Also, it could be explained as a combination of the two WR powers:

Take the arrow -> shield example.

The arrow is coursing through the air. Windrunner touches shield, infuses Light and then 'prisms' (my terminology for 'bend the Light', those of you familiar with my 'vessels-theory' will know this) it into the two separate KR powers he possesses, but in the SAME objects at the SAME time.

The shield then imposes both gravitational pulls (towards the user) but also exerts atmospheric pressure on the now recoursed arrows, funneling it towards the shield. The shield catches the arrow, and the user is safe.

However, this may break down, especially in light of the 'Reverse Lashing takes least Light' fact, but maybe this has to do with the fact that a KR's hybrid ability may cost less Light because it is further mastery, as opposed to 'two Surges used equals twice cost'.

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They are just different. I think that when the KR were alive and fighting in the Desolations or just teaching, they had different jobs. Windrunners would probably be more like scouts, due to the fact that they can potentially fly above enemies to spy. Whatever order Dalinar is would probably be like the guardians/front attackers if they really get enhanced Shardplate abilities like some people have theorized about Dalinar. And Soulcasters would be the people who would stay in the back, potentially target leaders with their distance attack, and supply food and shelter to the army/organization. This how I think the KR worked when they existed.

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