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And occasionally sleet.


I am a high school physics teacher, and very very interested in the *mechanical* components and effects of the cosmere.

I am mostly posting this because I just dumped a pretty crazy science theory into the cosmere thread, and felt it was rude to do so without also introducing myself.


Hi, I'm Heliovox, I speak for the sun.

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The best answer is probably 'a variety'.


I don't like things to be the same too much or for too long, so I try to have different things.


If forced into one specific bagel... it is usually the everything bagel... just because there is more likely to be more differences in how they were prepared.

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1 hour ago, heliovox said:

The best answer is probably 'a variety'.


I don't like things to be the same to much or for too long, so I try to have different things.


If forced into one specific bagel... it is usually the everything bagel... just because there is more likely to be more differences in how they were prepared.

nice! I think I can kinda agree with that . . . if I eat one flavor to often I tend to get sick of it.

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1 hour ago, Pineap-spider said:

Welcome to the Shard! do you have a favorite magic system?

I am mostly interested in how systems work and how systems break, so I guess I am going to say that my favorite system is a side effect of other systems, which is compounding.

I haven't figured out how to make it work yet, but I *think* an Iron/Iron compounder could *make* themselves a black hole if enough other stuff was set up right... and I would dearly like to see that.

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5 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

Welcome to the shard! If you could have any cosmere magic system which would you choose?

Entirely meta-plotting, but definitely surges or.... micro-kinesis, because I want to be able to mess with the fabric of reality (I would almost certainly die quite quickly, soulcasting stuff into anti-matter is a bad idea, but I want to see if it *works*)

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