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What are all of Brandon's Planned Cosmere Books?



Okay guys, a few years ago, I saw a list that Brandon had created of every book in the cosmere he plans to one day write. It might have had them in chronological order or in the order in which he plans on writing them, etc/I don't really remember. It had Hoid's book on there, an Elantris sequel, and every Mistborn book he plans to write. Does anyone know of said list and where I can find it? I'm pretty sure it also had some commentary by Brandon.

Maybe it was in one of the State of the Sanderson's? I haven't scoured those yet...

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6 hours ago, AonNae said:

Okay guys, a few years ago, I saw a list that Brandon had created of every book in the cosmere he plans to one day write. It might have had them in chronological order or in the order in which he plans on writing them, etc/I don't really remember. It had Hoid's book on there, an Elantris sequel, and every Mistborn book he plans to write. Does anyone know of said list and where I can find it? I'm pretty sure it also had some commentary by Brandon.

Maybe it was in one of the State of the Sanderson's? I haven't scoured those yet...

There's an old, outdated WoB about it floating around, but there's also an updated list every year in the States of the Sanderson, but I don't think any of those are 100% fully accurate. Off the top of my head, there are the following planned books:

  • Sa 5-10
  • Mistborn 8-13 (Era 3 and Era 4, set in the 1980's and in the far future (Scadrial is earth analogue)
  • Elantris 2-3
  • Nightblood + maybe a third
  • Dragonsteel series(Hoid's books)
  • The night brigade book
  • Kite magic book
  • Aether books (May be affiliated with the Dragonsteel series?)
  • And also maybe a rework of a failed book that was titled something like Kingkiller. 
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7 hours ago, AonNae said:

Okay guys, a few years ago, I saw a list that Brandon had created of every book in the cosmere he plans to one day write. It might have had them in chronological order or in the order in which he plans on writing them, etc/I don't really remember. It had Hoid's book on there, an Elantris sequel, and every Mistborn book he plans to write. Does anyone know of said list and where I can find it? I'm pretty sure it also had some commentary by Brandon.

Maybe it was in one of the State of the Sanderson's? I haven't scoured those yet...

Please see the Coppermind here and here. For me, it's easier to just think of them in series context (Era 2 already shows that not only can a planned "standalone" turn into a trilogy, but a planned trilogy can turn into a quadrilogy). In no particular order (other than Mistborn 4 last, because we know it is last):

  • SA 5-10
  • Ashyn Story 
  • Elantris Trilogy (2-3)
  • Warbreaker Sequel(s)
  • Mistborn Era 3
  • Dragonsteel (number unknown - likly btwn 3-7)
  • Aether story or series
  • Night Brigade
  • Mistborn Era 4


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