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First time watching Venom. Now I want to make him in the cosmere.

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Hello my fellow shardsters. I haven't posted anything new in a while but this one has me excited to hear feedback on.  

I just saw Venom. I know... welcome to 2018. The guy is awesome though... and now I want to make him. 

Confession is that I only watched it because as I was describing the Aethers to my 12 year old he got really really stoked on midnight aetherbound. I was a roseite fan through and through but as I was reading the coppermind to him he went wild for midnight... as he was spouting his ideas it reminded me of venom. Of course then I had to watch it. Even for just the aesthetics I would love to make something like this a thing. But we would probably need to combine some stuff right?  

@Trusk'our anytime I think of a kandra as a base race for anything your name pops into my head.

Seeing Venom get blasted and the bullets just move through him or blow some of him off and keep moving I think that a kandra has to be base for this. Honestly I think Kandra alone does most of this on its own. 

But how could I implement in that black tar oily substance?  My first guess is midnight aether or essence. Dalinar sees in visions that the midnight essence is able to create claws on themselves capable of breaking plate... which is an obvious bonus watching Riot create those weapons he does. But what one would work for this best? 

Being a spore eater or an aetherbound?  

This is where it gets tricky. Getting enough fuel to play the game.  Obvious synergy is bendalloy compounding. This would have to be done through spikes right?  Does anyone have ideas for getting a kandra to be able to compound bendalloy that doesn't involve instantly being taken over by angry gods who frown upon you wanting to create a monster?  I thought if trellium could disrupt communication with harmony perhaps an Aether being part of your being could help it as well?  I guess having a primal aether isn't a better trade off but maybe?  


My next question is this.  Is it worth worrying about all of the water?  Could bendalloy feruchemy /pewter feruchemy offer enough mass trade for a base kandra to shapeshift in ways we see Venom do? (More specifically Riot if I am to be honest)

Just a wild picture trying to conjure itself up in my mind and curious how others may build it.  

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3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Hello my fellow shardsters. I haven't posted anything new in a while but this one has me excited to hear feedback on.  

I just saw Venom. I know... welcome to 2018. The guy is awesome though... and now I want to make him. 

Confession is that I only watched it because as I was describing the Aethers to my 12 year old he got really really stoked on midnight aetherbound. I was a roseite fan through and through but as I was reading the coppermind to him he went wild for midnight... as he was spouting his ideas it reminded me of venom. Of course then I had to watch it. Even for just the aesthetics I would love to make something like this a thing. But we would probably need to combine some stuff right?  

Honestly, I watched it a few years after it had come out as well :P

I heard that a lot of people didn't like it, but I thought it was great. Maybe that's just because I'm relatively easy to please, but I enjoyed it regardless.

3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

@Trusk'our anytime I think of a kandra as a base race for anything your name pops into my head.


Noice Meme Guy Gif : Noice | video effect - YouTube : Michael rosen headbang on make a gif.


3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Seeing Venom get blasted and the bullets just move through him or blow some of him off and keep moving I think that a kandra has to be base for this. Honestly I think Kandra alone does most of this on its own. 

Oh yeah, Kandra are the Cosmere's Venom 100%. I even came up with a Venom-styled Kandra character a while back; I named it the Kandra of Ruin :).

They have gooey bodies, can shapeshift, and can eat bullets all day without breaking a sweat.

3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

But how could I implement in that black tar oily substance?  My first guess is midnight aether or essence. Dalinar sees in visions that the midnight essence is able to create claws on themselves capable of breaking plate... which is an obvious bonus watching Riot create those weapons he does. But what one would work for this best? 

Being a spore eater or an aetherbound?  

This is where it gets tricky. Getting enough fuel to play the game.  Obvious synergy is bendalloy compounding. This would have to be done through spikes right?  Does anyone have ideas for getting a kandra to be able to compound bendalloy that doesn't involve instantly being taken over by angry gods who frown upon you wanting to create a monster?  I thought if trellium could disrupt communication with harmony perhaps an Aether being part of your being could help it as well?  I guess having a primal aether isn't a better trade off but maybe?  

I would say that Midnight Aether is probably the best way if you want to expand the Kandra's abilities a bit further, but honestly most of Venom's power portfolio is already there.

Stealing the carapace-growing powers of a Progression Surge Fused with a Hemalurgic spike could also be used to make a skeleton from scratch, and a strong one at that; Jasnah punched one of those Fused in the knee in RoW while wearing Plate, yet the carapace was strong enough to fully absorb the blow.

As for protecting from Shardic/Allomantic control, I have a few suggestions;

1. Aluminum skeleton or box around the nervous system to disrupt control.

2. Feruchemical electrum (especially improved with Compounding or having a friendly Rioter giving you extra determination to Store) to resist being controlled.

3. Utilizing Feruchemical duralumin to Store the Connection formed by an Allomancer or Shard trying to control you, thus severing their influence.

4. Supercharging Allomantic copper, the Blessing of Presence, or the Blessing of Stability (probably via Awakening or Identity Blanking hacks and recharging the spike with multiple Hemalurgic donors).

Also, if you want to be a human and be Venom, Midnight Aetherborn probably can achieve some amount of success in this area by creating a "suit" that covers you and responds to your mind.

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I think that just makes Klynar an Aetherbound world taken over by the Midnight Essence and maybe something unique to give individual symbiotes more of a unique spren-like personality, and instead of Water they need Meat (or Chocolate, per the sequel).

Or maybe a Radiant style-skaze, bonded with a Nahel Bond but with enough Dominion to use Death as fuel like Dakhor, and flavored with much more gooey Blade& Plate equivalents.  

EDIT: I just learned that the 3rd one is coming out in November.  I wonder if they'll set up Knull or one of the other big Symbiote storylines from the comics, or just make something "fresh" for the screen.  

Edited by Quantus
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4 hours ago, Quantus said:

I think that just makes Klynar an Aetherbound world taken over by the Midnight Essence and maybe something unique to give individual symbiotes more of a unique spren-like personality, and instead of Water they need Meat (or Chocolate, per the sequel).

Or maybe a Radiant style-skaze, bonded with a Nahel Bond but with enough Dominion to use Death as fuel like Dakhor, and flavored with much more gooey Blade& Plate equivalents.  

EDIT: I just learned that the 3rd one is coming out in November.  I wonder if they'll set up Knull or one of the other big Symbiote storylines from the comics, or just make something "fresh" for the screen.  

Venom 3 looks sick! 



 Yeah honestly a couple weeks ago I would have said midnight essence had the least appeal of all of the aethers. Now what I see in my mind, although not cannon, is great. 

With the Kandra base and Midnight Aether I truly envision this Venom esque morphing pet class.  

At first I thought of ravens as a cool midnight aether pet but now I think I dig the idea of just sending out a bunch of little oozy balls that can shape-shift on the go.  

We obviously have very little on what midnight aetherbound will do but we have lots of midnight essence examples. Somewhere in between them all... and I envision more control than any of the others as well... 

14 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Honestly, I watched it a few years after it had come out as well :P

I heard that a lot of people didn't like it, but I thought it was great. Maybe that's just because I'm relatively easy to please, but I enjoyed it regardless.

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Noice Meme Guy Gif : Noice | video effect - YouTube : Michael rosen headbang on make a gif.


Oh yeah, Kandra are the Cosmere's Venom 100%. I even came up with a Venom-styled Kandra character a while back; I named it the Kandra of Ruin :).

They have gooey bodies, can shapeshift, and can eat bullets all day without breaking a sweat.

I would say that Midnight Aether is probably the best way if you want to expand the Kandra's abilities a bit further, but honestly most of Venom's power portfolio is already there.

Stealing the carapace-growing powers of a Progression Surge Fused with a Hemalurgic spike could also be used to make a skeleton from scratch, and a strong one at that; Jasnah punched one of those Fused in the knee in RoW while wearing Plate, yet the carapace was strong enough to fully absorb the blow.

As for protecting from Shardic/Allomantic control, I have a few suggestions;

1. Aluminum skeleton or box around the nervous system to disrupt control.

2. Feruchemical electrum (especially improved with Compounding or having a friendly Rioter giving you extra determination to Store) to resist being controlled.

3. Utilizing Feruchemical duralumin to Store the Connection formed by an Allomancer or Shard trying to control you, thus severing their influence.

4. Supercharging Allomantic copper, the Blessing of Presence, or the Blessing of Stability (probably via Awakening or Identity Blanking hacks and recharging the spike with multiple Hemalurgic donors).

Also, if you want to be a human and be Venom, Midnight Aetherborn probably can achieve some amount of success in this area by creating a "suit" that covers you and responds to your mind.

I did see that drawing before.  It does look a lot like Venom. I especially like how it is twice the size of an inquisitor. Probably my favorite part of Venoms transformations is just how massive he is in comparison to other humans. The Kandra fits that really well. 

Paired with Midnight Aetherbound and F- bendalloy I think it has some awesome potential.  Not only being able to use months and months worth of water storage in a single go but also as a kandra being able to eat and store people for extra mass and regeneration as well. 

What blessing would you choose?  Personally I like presence the most and if midnight aetherbound has the potential to create essence creatures and send them out with some sentience to work on their own and then take them over when needed... I think presence would give better command over that. 

I feel like I have to head cannon that the aether can be manipulated to become hand and sturdy enough to support the weight of the kandra as well growing massive without a skeleton structure at all would be a fail. 

Your idea of a regrowth power is good. Perhaps tension and cohesion could do it as well. 

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