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Koloss Returned


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When someone comes back to life as a Returned, they naturally appear as a "perfect" version of themselves based on their own perception and their society's perception.

Even if it would be hard, it is possible for a non Nalthian to Return, so if a Koloss-blooded person were to Return, would/could they turn into a full Koloss but without needing any Hemalurgic spikes due to their perception of them and their society's perception of them?

And vice versa, if a full Koloss that was unwillingly made into one were to die and become a Returned, would they be able to reject their spikes and live as a human again (okay, a Returned human, but you get the idea) due to their perception?

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49 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Even if it would be hard, it is possible for a non Nalthian to Return, so if a Koloss-blooded person were to Return, would/could they turn into a full Koloss but without needing any Hemalurgic spikes due to their perception of them and their society's perception of them?

No, because they are not Koloss. If they use the perception trick that Vasher uses they might be able to get the Koloss body, but it would be as strong as the Returned body, because they still aren't a Koloss (for the same reasons Vasher or Denth are still faster and stronger than a normal human in their suppressed form).

50 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

And vice versa, if a full Koloss that was unwillingly made into one were to die and become a Returned, would they be able to reject their spikes and live as a human again (okay, a Returned human, but you get the idea) due to their perception?

Investiture resists investiture. A Koloss is made out of a person's soul, which appears as a person, not a Koloss, in CR after their death. So a Returned Koloss would be a normal Returned stuck in Koloss body - it would be like taking a Returned and making him into a Koloss with spikes. HOWEVER during the Return process the body is healed and I think spikes might be pushed out of the body to match the Spiritual Ideal of a person who's Returning, and because those are people, they would perceive themselves as people. But investiture resists investiture so I don't know what would happen, but I find it highly unlikely for a Koloss to be chosen to Return in the first place.

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