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Drunk Spinner


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I had an idea for an NPC in a Mistborn setting (D&d homebrew) where they were a blacksmith that had tinkered with making specialized Metalminds and Allomantic fuel for the PCs. Basically, the idea was that this NPC was a Spinner Ferring and got black out drunk one night, then in their stupor Tapped about a year's worth of Fortune and in the process made some kind of McGuffin item that eventually needs to be recovered after being stolen by some bad guys (and can't be replicated because they still don't remember most of that night :P).

But in any case, this got me wondering, what would happen if a Spinner were to Tap Fortune while being drunk? Would it be beneficial or detrimental to their following Fortune (okay, probably the former, but still, good to ask others' opinions)?

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1 hour ago, Trusk'our said:

But in any case, this got me wondering, what would happen if a Spinner were to Tap Fortune while being drunk? Would it be beneficial or detrimental to their following Fortune (okay, probably the former, but still, good to ask others' opinions)?

Probably a bad idea because their mental state is stunned and they can't really follow the Fortune feeling that well. It might make them deal better with drunkenness, but it would be a real waste of the attribute. Their Fortune would be focused on getting them to the store for more booze, rather than conquering the world when they're sober. They would get to the store really well and avoid tripping on the way but they could have been ruling the world instead.

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If Brandon is writing it, it depends on how closely he wants the scenarios to resemble Mat Cauthon from WoT. Insanely lucky and often drunk sums Mat up quite well. Getting drunk then waking up the next day in a gutter outside town with pockets full of cash and hearing stories about a cheating gambler that got run out of town could totally be a thing. What Mat has that isn't in the Cosmere is fate and the Pattern literally working in his favor, so it depends on how Fortune works fundamentally which is still a big question mark.

If you want ideas for irresponsible use of luck, Mat's a good reference, the gambling, drinking, womanizing punk.

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