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names of the multiple lights

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so we have stormlight, voidlight, lifelight, towerlight and warlight. what would the outher shard's lights be called. i know we don't actually know but i want to see what we can come up with. i think preservation or harmony light would be mistlight but beyond that i have no ideas.

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50 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

so we have stormlight, voidlight, lifelight, towerlight and warlight. what would the outher shard's lights be called. i know we don't actually know but i want to see what we can come up with. i think preservation or harmony light would be mistlight but beyond that i have no ideas.

Please see this thread for some speculation.

Personally, I'm not entirely convinced every shard/pair will have a "Light' since  Light is so integral to Roshar, but not every form of Investiture manifests as a "Light."

Also, it's possible that White Sand and Yumi kinda break pattern (spoilers):


Since Mastered Sand creates an opalesent light, but a single color associated with Autonomy; but the Starmarks (also Autonomy) each have their own color/light

In Yumi we see that shard's "light" (Hion) manifest as more than one colors, each separate. (Blue and Magenta, with a possible absent "Yellow") WOB:



The hion colors are two of the inks used in printers, magenta and cyan.

Brandon Sanderson

They are.


Was this intentional?

Brandon Sanderson



If so, what happened to yellow?

Brandon Sanderson

Good question. RAFO.

Secret Project #3 Reveal and Livestream (March 22, 2022)

Lacrosse Demon

In the Yumi and the Nightmare Painter prerelease spoiler stream, someone asked about a third hion, colored yellow, which you hinted was a thing. Nothing like that appeared in the novel beyond the third color on the cover artwork. Could you expand on that a bit?

Brandon Sanderson

There could be a third theoretical color that would be relevant in this conversation. And it would be yellow. If there were a third hion line, it would be yellow. And there is not a third hion line, currently. I wonder why…

YouTube Spoiler Stream 6 (Dec. 19, 2023)



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