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Hey all, for anyone that sees this. I am trying to get back into writing, and my writing is generally fine in the past, but I really need help. I really just need help coming up with writing/story ideas. If you guys could help me come up with a few, or just post a few, that would be amazing.

If you do post or try to get in touch lmk on the legalities of your idea. Basically how fine are you if I by some random chance end up publishing a story with your idea. I'm really writing for fun, but I could see myself trying to publish if I really like an idea/story.

So after all that, please at least consider posting a story idea you have, or try to get in touch with me so we can come up with a story together, and if anyone wants to I'd totally be down to write a story with someone, if anyone wants to.

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I'm thinking like either a medieval or semi-modern fantasy. That or something like a detective-fantasy. I really just want to be able to write about an interesting magic system that either has never been done before or is rarely done.

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A succession war is taking place after a king is murdered. The younger son thinks the older son killed their father. The main character is an assassin who serves said younger son. Maybe make a magic system that revolves around death?

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that’s cool. anything more on the magic system? I kinda want the world to rely on it but hate it. i’m sorry that’s just an idea i came up with it’s totally random. Like they’re protected by it or smth but hate it for some reason idek im just laying my thoughts down.

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Oo no I love that! Magic systems like that can be so fun. There’s an idea for a magic system I’ve wanted to see that’s almost like…Elantris during the bad times, I guess? (Sorry words aren’t working in my brain right now xD). Basically, magic is almost a parasite that feeds on destruction, so it attaches itself to people, and then, if they don’t cause enough harm it’ll use them to feed itself? Not sure if that helps, but you could definitely try to make that into something!

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41 minutes ago, Shardwatcher01 said:

haha my brain ain’t working either rn. that would be really cool but how would the parasite like feed. also how would it “know” what chaos is?

*shrugs* up to you!

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3 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Could also have things be built and magic be fueled by human souls, so people who are deemed unworthy of life get consumed for greater prosperity.

ooooh so like an actually useful electric chair.

5 minutes ago, Lightweaver2 said:

Alright, here’s one I’ve really wanted to write but it would be way too dark for me.

 Essentially, the basics are that sacrificial rituals work.


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3 minutes ago, Shardwatcher01 said:

ooooh so like an actually useful electric chair.



you get enough people together that believe in a certain god, then if you sacrifice someone you can gain a blessing. For example, sacrifice someone in a specific way, you can gain strength. Or you can sacrifice someone to have another person killed. The more powerful the blessing, the more people need to be sacrificed.

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1 hour ago, Shardwatcher01 said:

yea sure


Magic magic magic... 

Mideval? Well... hm...


Stupid writers block

So, there's this world Idea I've had but have no time to write, you can just have it:

These demons live underground, massive monsters. They are, unfortunately, attracted to Metal. They can literally make it through ANYTHING, if you have metal they will attack you. The way it looks is kinda like the sand worms approaching in the Dune movie. They're covered in spines, long bloodred ones. These are the only things people see, they kinda stick out of the ground like a sea urchin's spikes. They also come to the sun whenever it rises, but only out in the open (Not in cities). So if you're outside of civilization when the sun rises the ground will be practically made of huge red spikes. I had a magic system with the world, if you're interested, and a small semblance of plot. The idea was going to be that the supreme dictator (lord ruler type thing) doesn't know he's the supreme dictator and evil. He just thinks he's a great leader, nice guy. Then, the oppressed person who was "destined" to overthrow him ends up (through a long string of events) reluctantly teaming up with the man he was supposed to overthrow.

Other idea:

Megaliths have extremely powerful magic properties. (That's all I got for this one)

Sorry if any of this is confusing, I'm tired and not very good at communicating my imagination 😅

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2 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:


Magic magic magic... 

Mideval? Well... hm...

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Stupid writers block

So, there's this world Idea I've had but have no time to write, you can just have it:

These demons live underground, massive monsters. They are, unfortunately, attracted to Metal. They can literally make it through ANYTHING, if you have metal they will attack you. The way it looks is kinda like the sand worms approaching in the Dune movie. They're covered in spines, long bloodred ones. These are the only things people see, they kinda stick out of the ground like a sea urchin's spikes. They also come to the sun whenever it rises, but only out in the open (Not in cities). So if you're outside of civilization when the sun rises the ground will be practically made of huge red spikes. I had a magic system with the world, if you're interested, and a small semblance of plot. The idea was going to be that the supreme dictator (lord ruler type thing) doesn't know he's the supreme dictator and evil. He just thinks he's a great leader, nice guy. Then, the oppressed person who was "destined" to overthrow him ends up (through a long string of events) reluctantly teaming up with the man he was supposed to overthrow.

Other idea:

Megaliths have extremely powerful magic properties. (That's all I got for this one)

Sorry if any of this is confusing, I'm tired and not very good at communicating my imagination 😅

that’s sweet. one thing though how would a city/civilization even form without the use of metal, cuz it would just attract the monster. Also if you’re up for it i’d love to hear the magic system

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Just now, Shardwatcher01 said:

that’s sweet. one thing though how would a city/civilization even form without the use of metal, cuz it would just attract the monster. Also if you’re up for it i’d love to hear the magic system

Well, you'd essentially have to make everything with wood and stone, making it really difficult. Like a mesa verde or Petra, or even just a whole lot of stone/wood buildings. You'd have to use magic and be creative.

Okay, magic. The idea is that symbols and elements have magic. It all informs transformation. You draw two symbols on an object (kinda interlocking/interlapping/connected in some way). The activation symbol and the transformation symbol. The activation symbol tells a few things: how it's activated and what it affects (whether what has the symbol on it changes, or what it hits). The transformation simply says what it'll transform into/what it does (ex. it explodes, it turns something into something else, it sticks to whatever it touches, or, my favorite, it pushes something away from itself). Say I draw the symbol for Stone as my activation symbol (also saying it'll transform the item it's carved into), and then connect it to the symbol of water as my transformation symbol. When the activation symbol comes in contact with stone, the symbol will activate, and turn whatever it was carved into to water. 

ANYONE can use this magic (I think), so long as they know the symbols. People who fight with it draw the symbols on things like staffs and coins. ONE NOTE: You should not attempt to use the symbol for "life" or "people" (because it does bad stuff). My idea was that something went wrong with someone's symbols, and in the process that made the spiners (underground demons), but no one knows that.

Make sense?

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