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Vision POVs you wish we had seen


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What Vision POVs do you think Dalinar should have tested out?

I think he should have tried out being one of the Midnight Essence. No clue what he may have learned, but at the minimum he could have tried talking to one of the Knights while in that form. But there's also the possibility he could have heard the commands of the person who summoned/released them, in which case he could then try being that person

I also think he should have tried to be any of the Knights at Feverstone Keep, who give up their Shards.  Do the Knights have an offscreen conversation? Can he talk to his Spren? Can he possibly not give up his Shards?

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1 hour ago, LabRat said:

No clue what he may have learned

Nothing much. He doesn't gain the knowledge or skill that those people in his visions have. In Nohodon's first vision he didn't even know that the person he was in that vision lost his arm, nor that he was one of the trusted advisors and a friend of the king.

1 hour ago, LabRat said:

but at the minimum he could have tried talking to one of the Knights while in that form

He did that. In OB ch 34, he took over one of the Radiant that arrived at the scene, he even tried to find out something about Shardplates and failed. Stormfather warned him he wouldn't learn much from asking questions. He himself, as Radiant in that vision, did not gain any knowledge, feelings or thoughts of that person. He was fully himself.


“I think something might be wrong with my armor!” Dalinar shouted to him. “I can’t make my helm retract!”
In response, the other Radiant made his vanish. Dalinar caught sight of a puff of Light or mist.
Beneath the helm, the man had dark skin and curly black hair. His eyes glowed blue. “Retract your helm?” he shouted. “You haven’t summoned your armor yet; you had to dismiss it so I could Lash you.”
Oh, Dalinar thought. “I mean earlier. It wouldn’t vanish when I wanted it to.”
“Talk to Harkaylain then, or to your spren.” The Windrunner frowned. “Will this be a problem for our mission?”
“I don’t know,” Dalinar shouted. “But it distracted me. Tell me again how we know where to go, and what we know of the things we’re going to fight?” He winced at how awkward that sounded.
“Just be ready to back me up against the Midnight Essence, and use Regrowth on any wounded.”
You will find dif iculty getting useful answers, Son of Honor, the Stormfather rumbled. These do not have souls or minds. They are recreations forged by Honor’s will, and do not have the memories of the real people.
“Surely we can learn things,” Dalinar said under his breath.
They were created to convey only certain ideas. Further pressing will merely reveal the thinness of the facade.


2 hours ago, LabRat said:

I also think he should have tried to be any of the Knights at Feverstone Keep, who give up their Shards.  Do the Knights have an offscreen conversation? Can he talk to his Spren? Can he possibly not give up his Shards?

That could have been useful, but I doubt he would have gotten much from it. As said by the Stormfather in the quote above, this is just a charade, they aren't real people, or real spren - they don't have any mind or soul. In OB ch 34, the Midnight Mother encounter, he was a Radiant, be he wasn't able to talk to her spren, hear them or even feel them - the same would likely be the case during the Feverstone Keep vision. He would fully replace that Radiant, including their Shards and Spren - they would be gone. But he might have been able to get something from other Radiants - a useful word or two.

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