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Kandra Detection Maybe *SPOILERS*


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I'm half way through The Well of Ascension (This is a great series btw). Something was bugging me.

As Vin is looking for the Kandra impostor she is coming up with ways to detect it. Which is supposed to be rather difficult. OreSeur says Kandra don't use allomancy and can't even tell it's being use on them.

So, why didnt Vin just take people she suspected into a room and wham them with Brass or Zinc and see the reaction?

It would appear that she can do it in a way that is noticeable and can be strong enough a reaction would be generated.

Except in a Kandra which wouldn't know anything was happening. Easy quick Kandra detection...

Any insight on this?

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I'm half way through The Well of Ascension (This is a great series btw). Something was bugging me.

As Vin is looking for the Kandra impostor she is coming up with ways to detect it. Which is supposed to be rather difficult. OreSeur says Kandra don't use allomancy and can't even tell it's being use on them.

So, why didnt Vin just take people she suspected into a room and wham them with Brass or Zinc and see the reaction?

It would appear that she can do it in a way that is noticeable and can be strong enough a reaction would be generated.

Except in a Kandra which wouldn't know anything was happening. Easy quick Kandra detection...

Any insight on this?

Probably to avoid freaking out the real crew. Also, if the kandra knew what was going on, he could fake it.

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She did investigate each member of the crew for allomantic abilities. Kandra can be affected by emotional allomancy, that is how she eventually discovers the traitor. Without a mistborn the method is dead by the times of AoL though.

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Ok, didnt know about the exception. I only knew that Kandard were not effected by allomancy.

She could have taken them individually and tested them I think. But I'm sure it could be done with out alerting anyone.

If emotional allomancy works on them then... I guess it's moot. Thank you.

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Actually, it would be quite interesting if she tried that. It wouldn't make the book less awesome, I think. :D

Edited by Eri
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I don't think she is ever told that they are unaffected by allomancy, but I could be mistaken there. I think what she was told is that they are unable to perform any allomancy. The situation is explained fairly well later on in the book. Pay attention to it because it becomes important in book 3.

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