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the stormfather will become honor


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So I think that at some point the stormfather will absorb the rest of Honor and will stay bonded to Dalinar I think he will then make him a splinter/ Avatar of Honor and use their bond to empower him to do Shard like stuff and to have a connection to the Physical Realm and allowing him to do some interesting things What are these interesting things? no idea but I think it would be cool. Any theories? and also I know this not is very likely, feel free to tear this Theory apart 

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5 hours ago, ..... said:

So I think that at some point the stormfather will absorb the rest of Honor and will stay bonded to Dalinar I think he will then make him a splinter/ Avatar of Honor and use their bond to empower him to do Shard like stuff and to have a connection to the Physical Realm and allowing him to do some interesting things What are these interesting things? no idea but I think it would be cool. Any theories? and also I know this not is very likely, feel free to tear this Theory apart 

How exactly?

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9 hours ago, ..... said:

So I think that at some point the stormfather will absorb the rest of Honor and will stay bonded to Dalinar I think he will then make him a splinter/ Avatar of Honor and use their bond to empower him to do Shard like stuff and to have a connection to the Physical Realm and allowing him to do some interesting things What are these interesting things? no idea but I think it would be cool. Any theories? and also I know this not is very likely, feel free to tear this Theory apart 

Stormfather is already Honor's Cognitive Shadow and also Honor's Splinter. I think this might be very tricky, because for Splinters like that the distinction between being a Vessel or being just raw power of a Shard would be very thin. Can spren even Ascend? We don't know. I think it's more likely that a Spren would rejoin the rest of the power, from which it was Splintered, and become a whole with a Shard, be they wouldn't become a Vessel. But at this point nothing it is hard to say.

If somehow Stormfather Ascend to Honor and became its Vessel, Dalinar would become more like a Herald then a Radiant. But if Stormfather became Honor without becoming its Vessel, then Dalinar would have a very easy time to Ascend to Vesselless Honor.

P.S. Every Shard has a Connection to PR. 



Does the spren have to be present for a Surgebinder to have their abilities? Because with Dalinar, the Stormfather won’t be around all the time...

Brandon Sanderson

Good Question! Fortunately, the Stormfather is a little more omnipresent. Normally you’re gonna have to have your spren close, but the Stormfather absorbed... is basically Honor’s Cognitive Shadow, which means he’s got a connection to a lot of different things, so he’s not bound by a lot of the rules that others are.

Shadows of Self San Francisco signing (Oct. 9, 2015)




Would it be possible for an inanimate object that was invested to the point of sentience Ascend to Shardhood?

Brandon Sanderson

To become a Vessel of Adonalsium, or become a Shard through...? This is a tricky question because the power left alone will become sapient. And at that point, the distinction between being a Shard and a Vessel is fine but still extant. And I would say the power could not become a Vessel in the same way because it's defined as something different. But it is possible for the power to be left alone and to gain sapience on its own.


The example we were thinking of was Sel. It was stated in Arcanum that the landscape itself was invested to the point of.. Could the planet of Sel be the Vessel of Devotion?

Brandon Sanderson

At this point, it's playing semantics, and I would say no. But there are people in-Cosmere that would argue that the semantic distinction is irrelevant and that it is the same.

Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)




We've seen people Ascend. If it were in the position to do so, could Nightblood take up a Shard?

Brandon Sanderson

This is a RAFO, as I'm not specifically willing to comment on whether or not power that has become self-aware (Seons, Nightblood, Spren) can Ascend or not.

/r/books AMA 2015 (June 24, 2015)



Chris White

Could a sentient Invested object take up a Shard?

Brandon Sanderson

Highly unlikely, probably impossible--but impossibility is hard to judge.

#SandersonChat Twitter Q&A with Audible.com (Feb. 4, 2016)


Mistborn spoilers:


We know from SH that Cognitive Shadows aren't very good at being a Vessel, so even if the Stormfather somehow became one, he wouldn't be a strong Vessel.


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