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Epics of Oregon


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Well, I've been following this RP for a while, so I decided to try my hand at Epic Creation. 

It's funny, the two places I was most interested in (Portland and the Dalles) are closed to Epics. So maybe I'll make a vanilla later.

Here goes:


Epic Name: Snare

Age: 24



Snare wears a black jacket and pants. He does not wear shoes, or anything on his hands. He has brown hair, grey eyes, and usually has a look of concentration on his face. He's tall, lightly muscled, a little bit unkempt-looking.


Primary Power: Quantum entanglement. Basically, he can touch two objects to "link" them together. Anything that happens to one object will happen to the other, inverted. (Think the reverse fabrials from WoR that Navani uses to lift a platform.) He can use this to stop most things, person or object, by linking them to the ground. Snare can link to one object and hold the link open, allowing him to go somewhere else before linking to the other object. Since weight and momentum factor into his links, it's very hard for him to do anything with large or heavy objects.


Secondary-ish Power: If Snare concentrates reeeeeally hard, he can constantly link and re-link everything touching him to something else. Gives him a very weak PI, he can freeze bullets and other projectiles. He can only keep it up for about 10 seconds, tops.


Background: Jack Woods was a college grad student pre-Calamity, in engineering. He got his powers a couple months after Calamity rose, and his Rending pretty much consisted of pushing heavy things off roofs and using them to slam people into walls. Or straight into the air. Though he hurt a couple dozen people, he only killed two. After his Rending, he left the university, and was last seem at some (as-yet undecided) location in Oregon... 


Scene detailing his powers:

Snare strode into the small town. Night was just starting to fall, and the decrepit buildings surrounding him were just beginning to vanish under the cover of shadow. As he walked, his bare feet making a smack-smack against the packed dirt, he pulled two smooth, round rocks from his pockets and beginning tossing them from hand to hand. Though the street, if it could be called that, had previously held several groups of people, it was now deserted. This little town, Snare couldn't remember the name, knew Epics. And the people knew to get away if they saw anyone who looked too confident, or just different. Snare slowly came to a halt as a door flew open and a short, very muscular man walked out. 

"I assume you're the one in charge of this town?" Snare called, still tossing the rocks back and forth.

"Yes!" the man replied. "I am Beatdown!" He flexed, trying, and failing, to look impressive.

Oh great. Snare thought to himself. Looks like some kind of strength Epic.

"What do you want?" Snare asked.

"This is MY town!" Beatdown yelled. "An' there ain't no Epics passing through my town withou' paying the FEE!" He cracked his knuckles.

This is taking too long. Snare thought. I need to keep going. In response to the man's yells, Snare caught the two rocks he had been tossing, and held them for a second. And then Snare focused, lip curling as he Linked the rocks. Then, he reached out in front of him, and tossed the rock at Beatdown. 

While throwing the other behind him. 

The two linked rocks fed off of each other's inverted momentum, accelerating through the air. The first rock smashed into Beatdown's chest with a cracking sound. The other stopped in the air, as if it had hit something, and landed on the ground.

Snare released the link and looked at his handiwork.

The strength Epic was knocked over, falling onto the road. Then, he stood up and laughed.

"Ha! You puny man, you think that would stop me?" Beatdown taunted.

Looks like increased resilience as well. Hmm.. This could be interesting. 

With a roar, Beatdown began to charge Snare. Snare shifted, moving his weight back a little, and shuffled his foot into the dirt until he felt something. He smiled, linking to the rock he felt embedded there. He held the link, waiting, until Beatdown was almost on top of him. Then, he thrust out his hand, and tapped Beatdown's chest. And closed the link. Beatdown halted abruptly, coughing as the strain of what felt like running straight into a wall crashed into the same spot the rock had hit him, earlier.

"Sounds like you busted up a rib there, pal." Snare said as he walked away from the frozen Epic. Beatdown was pushing, trying to force his way out of the link. He wouldn't be able to. Snare strolled out of town, holding the link in the back of his mind. It got harder the further away he got, but he held it until he was about a half a mile away. Then, he released the link, and continued walking. The strength Epic, if he had any sense, would go back to his pitiful little town. Snare didn't care about him.

He had far bigger plans to think about.


EDIT: Fixed a slight problem in the scene

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  • 3 weeks later...

Current Epics:

Name: Cannon Fodder

Location: Corvallis

Description: Original form is 4'10", bald on the top of the head, black hair on the sides, wears black cape. About 40 years old. (looks somewhat like Vizzini)

Epic power 1: Ability to create minions. After remaining still for one minute, he can cause a a copy of a random person to appear next to him. This power can only select people who are armed, and nearer people are more likely to be copied. When a person is copied, any objects they are carrying or wearing are copied as well. His minions cannot be separated from the gear they were carrying when they were created, and have the same proficiency with them that the original person had. (If an epic was copied, they do not retain epic powers.) They can be given new gear, but will ignore it in favor of their original equipment. After his minions are created, he can issue them a command consisting of up to 5 words, which they will immediately attempt to carry out. His minions are completely obedient. When any blood leaves their body, they say, "poof", and turn into a small puff of smoke. He can have up to 75 minions at one time.


Epic Power 2: Ability to create henchmen. He creates these in much the same way as the minions, but before creating one, he must remain still for 30 minutes. After creating one, he can issue it more detailed commands than he can to minions. Henchmen are obedient, but free-willed to an extent that allows them to carry out orders more effectively. If an epic was copied, henchmen have none of their powers. He can have up to 5 henchmen at one time.


Personal strengths: He's a good planner, he's patient, and he tends to stay focused on his goals. He keeps a realistic assessment of his vulnerabilities.


Personal weaknesses: Paranoid, overly fond of traps, single-minded. No prime invincibility.


Epic Weakness: Alcohol


Backstory: Grew up in Idaho interned to an engineer. He was smart, but his ideas were often ignored. He continued to work in an engineering department, and often grew resentful of how his talent was wasted. When he became an epic, he had his clones storm the building and destroy it. He then laid traps and ambushes for his supervisors that were not in the building, after which he set up a lair and began manipulating the city.


Planned Epics:

Name: Pockets

Location: California

Description: Blonde, blue eyes, trenchcoat and cargo pants when seen alone. He wears a wristwatch on his left arm and a wrist-mirror on his right arm. When seen in a crowd, his power activates to make him as nondescript as possible.


Epic power 1: Nondescript: blends into crowd depending on what is least obvious. When seen on his own, he appears to be the most average for the most people viewing him. He does not actually change form, it is just a passive illusion. He does not know what he looks like when he changes, or that he changes at all, hence the wrist-mirror. When moving from one crowd to another, if nobody is looking, he changes immediately. If people can see him the entire time, he subtly changes appearance, and if people are watching him specifically, he doesn't change.


Epic Power 2: Ability to create up to 10 "pockets" only accessible by him. (other people just reach into the space that would normally be there.) He can only create these pockets in an enclosed area with one entrance less than one foot wide, and they function like a bag of holding, meaning that he can dump any number of items into them, despite their outward size. He can choose to reach into the original space, if he wishes. If knocked unconscious, only five of his pockets remain active. The least full bags explode their contents outwards, as though they were in that small space and suddenly expanded to fill the space they should. If killed, all bags explode outwards. If exposed to his weakness, all bags disappear.


Epic Power 3: Retrieval: He can retrieve any item from within a container immediately. If he has seen the exact item, he pulls out the exact item. If he only knows the general idea, he may pull out a general type of item. For example, he can reach into his pocket and pull out a lockpicking set. Or he can reach into soft sand and pull out a rusty sword, despite having aimed for a less decrepit sword. He cannot retrieve an item that is not in that container in the first place.


Personal strengths: Criminal skills: He is an excellent pickpocketer and lockpicker, and is a decent climber. He is proficient with a knife and throwing items, and he can escape from bonds with relative ease.


Personal weaknesses: impulsive, kleptomaniac, socially inept.


Epic weakness: Lawyers


Backstory: Grew up in an impoverished area, and resorted to criminal activities. He grew very good at it, and his family became very well off before he was caught. He was sentenced to prison for life when evidence of his activities became known, and was roaming the prison grounds when he got his epic powers. He blended in with a group of guards, and stole all the keys, leaving both the guards and the other prisoners stuck in the prison. Out of prison, he found stealing to be too easy, despite it being the only thing he was good at, and turned his sights to the epics in Oregon. He would set himself up as a robin hood, stealing from the rich to... satisfy his own desires. He was sure the people would love him anyways.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In Salem!





A handsome, but shy teenager in a certain middle school where all the bullies bullied him for some reason. Probably due to jealousy. He had always been obsessed with knights, and loved to play castle with his younger brother, who died of cancer. His mother and father were deeply religious, and punished him harshly for doing anything that might bring bad luck. The worst of such incidents occurred when he accidentally broke a mirror while he was playing baseball, and they locked him out of the house for an entire weekend. When Calamity came up in the sky, he was one of the first to obtain his powers, and short-circuited everyone in the school at lightning speed. He then went home and turned up the dial on his parents, who he still keeps alive, because he hates them. He then killed everyone in the town.



Primary: He can shoot invisible "pain bolts" at high speed that cause varying degrees of pain to any one person. This has many uses, including making people not notice him (it is scientifically proven that if people have a subtle current of pain going through their heads, they will be less observant), killing peoples' brains, torture, etc. He can do this extremely rapidly to multiple people, so it seems like he is affecting everyone.

Secondary: Can go incorporeal. He cannot be stabbed or shot via normal means; it will all go through him, doing no damage. Also can glide/fly using this power.

Tertiary: Cannot be harmed while asleep. In any way shay perform. If poisoned somehow, he will be unaffected while asleep, and the poison will have no effect when he wakes up.

Minor: Generally isn't affected by natural temperature, unless it is extreme temperature, in which he will burn or freeze like anyone else.



He is a staunch rule follower, albeit arrogant and haughty like any other Epic. He generally avoids killing or torturing vanillas, although Epics he's fine with using his powers on. When he does kill/torture vanillas, he always makes the punishment fit the crime.



Mousy black hair, and a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. When it is cold, he always wears a black jacket. In battle, he always carries a one handed black skull sword,


Current status: 

Back in Salem, ready for the fights.




Bunny addict. More need not be said.



Primary: Can summon bunnies of various types. These include warrior bunnies, scout bunnies, assassin bunnies, etc.

Secondary: Can control said bunnies



Eh. Doesn't care.



White dress, white socks, white shoes, white hair, extremely black skin.


Current Status:

Dead by Marissa Spade's hand.

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  • 1 month later...

Wastelands Epics:




Epic Name: Afterglow

Actual Name: Briya Holmes

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Description: About 5'6" with blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair. Has large black wings protruding from her back. Usually wears tank tops or t-shirts under a thin jacket with cargo pants and hiking boots, but lacks a consistent costume. Always has a machete, which she uses in combat.

Primary Power: Auramancy. She can "stick" four different colored auras to any object, effecting them in various ways. The strength of many auras increase with proximity, but others require direct contact. She can lay one aura on an object, up to four on herself, and two on anything she holds.


Heated (Red)

Can imbue an object so it releases heat up to 500 degrees Celsius. This aura only affects things the object comes in contact with after imbuement. This aura can only be stuck on by direct contact. Affects only the first solid or liquid contacted. The object originally stuck with the aura is not effected by the heat given off. She can only apply this aura to the same object once every 2 minutes.

Fast (Blue)

Can increase the speed of an object by up to 20 times, acting inversely upon increases in size. This allows her to throw something such as a marble or nail at up to 1500 miles an hour, almost as fast as a bullet. She can also increase her speed by 50%. This aura works far less effectively without direct contact.

Sharp (Green)

Can increase the sharpness of an object. This allowas for someone's sword or knife to cut through wood and some rock relatively unhindered, but not many metals. 

Durable (Yellow)

This aura increases the tensile strength and density of an object, but not the mass. It increases an object's resistance to damage and capability in inflicting blunt force trauma.

Secondary Power: Flight. Has a pair of black, feathered wings capable of flight. Originated from the power of singular bestial trait mutation, but she still hasn't figured out if or how she can change it or switch it off.

Passive: Blood clots and wounds heal at an accelerated  rate, making things like a severed femoral artery less deadly. This is 10-20× accelerated healing, not PI levels of 500× and up.

Weakness: Anyone heavily intoxicated by alchohol

Modus Operandi: Leads a group of wandering Epics, ex-military, anarchists, and whoever she deems worthy. She raids towns for food and serves as a supplier of slaves. As of recently, her group has been recruited to hunt other Epics.

Personality: Level-headed and serious for the most part. Being granted powers made her much happier, but primarily via the euphoric rush she gains when hurting or killing others. When she hasn't done so for too long, she becomes very irritable and angry. The joy of inflicting pain has led to violent, Psychopathic tendencies such as slowly killing innocents for her enjoyment.

Skills: A high school gymnast of moderate ability, she often relies upon dodging when in close quarters. Rather intelligent, with an IQ of 131. Moderately skilled in both thrown projectiles and sword fighting, although only after gaining powers and having to learn.

Pre-Calamity: Briya had a normal upbringing in a small town with a middle class family. Originally very outgoing and cheery, she changed when her father died in an accident with a drunk driver. She was able to move past the death, but never forgave the man who killed him. After she turned, she killed everyone close to her, then hunted down the driver and spent two days slowly butchering him. She has since built a group of mercenaries and Epics in search of violence and profit.



Real name: Nathan Li

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Primary Power: Trustworthiness. Charisma is trustworthy and believable to a dangerous. To anyone without a very strong will, he'll seem like your best friend the moment you meet him. This allows him to do things such as make the most blatant of lies believable. He also can exhibit a degree of mental control upon others by doing this, persuading them to do his will.

Secondary power: Beauty. Charisma passively uses memory tampering upon anyone who sees him to look like their standard of absolute human beauty. This can also involve changing his voice, wording, or minor actions to a degree, so long as the same thing is conveyed or achieved.

Appearance: Usually wears a suit or other form of expensive and classy clothing. His physical features change between viewers.

Personality: Charisma comes off as a kind and perfect gentleman. Upon being with him long enough, Epics and those with strong will eventually see through this. Under a facade of kindness, he's very much a sleaze to people around him.

Weapons: Charisma is rarely without his handgun and butterfly knife, and is proficient with both.



Real Name: Natalie Smith

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Primary power: Greatly enchanced limb strength. Deathgrasp has the ability to break bones in her grip (hence the name), bend gun barrels, and jump close to 15 stories into the air. However, this ability doesn't let her do things like lift and move things of immense size.

Secondary power: Enchanced physical capibilities. She has increased capabilities in speed, reflexes, endurance, and any other physical trait. Although not a massive boost, she has the capabilities of a professional athlete without needing to train.

Appearance: Deathgrasp is , slightly chubby and tanned, with dark hair. Her back and arms have a sophisticated series of tattoos on them. She wears jeans, a hoodie, and sometimes a bandana over her face. She also has a pair of gloves with steel knuckle spikes which she uses for combat.

Personality: Natalie is easily angered and rather violent but enjoys a good time. She mainly joined up with Afterglow because she was bored with what she was doing.



Real name: Jeremy Roberts

Gender: Male

Age: 52

Primary power: Sand and dust manipulation. Sandstorm can control the sand and dust around him in large amounts, but not with much percision. He can do things like accelerate it into razor-like discs and create small storms or gusts to knock people over. His powers aren't finely attuned enough to let him do things like create tangible objects from sand.

Personality: Sandstorm is rather calm and soft-spoken for an Epic, but tends to be gruff. He served in the military in his earlier years and had unknown but horrible things happen before gaining his powers. This has left him with a fair amount more emotional trauma than the standard Epic.

Appearance: Sandstorm is a muscular older man with dark skin. He keeps his head shaved to a stubble, and what hair he has is graying. He wears a tan cloak covered in thick strips of cloth which he splays out in combat, causing disorientation.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Epic Name: Coldpin

Actual Name: Mike Docker

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: 170cm, bleach-blond hair, light-blue eyes, wearing whatever outfit Bird of Paradise made.

Primary Power: Cold infusion- Coldpin can infuse anything with cold as long as it meets these critreria- 1 cubicmeter in quantity, in solid state and not alive. When infusing an object he can change its temperature to anything between 0°C and -250°C. The temperature isn't altered by outside circumstances(fire,microwave,the sun). Infused objects have the consistency and hardness of glass. They also don't affect the temperature of air but do affect the temperature of solids or fluids they are touching. He can remove infusion at any time.

Secondary Power: Frost pulse- He can fire frost blasts from the palms of his hands. These blasts freeze any water and fluids containing water(blood, juice, beer, etc. ). The width and travel distance of the blasts is chosen by Coldpin although the max radius is 0,25m and max distance is 5m. Has greatly reduced effect on alive people, although wounds aren't considered alive.

Teritary Power: Cold immunity: His blood, bone and flesh has no freezing temperature making him immune to cold.

Weakness: Pine trees. His powers don't work near them.

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  • 1 month later...



Epic Name: Borrower

Actual Name: Adam South

Gender: Male 

Age: 26

Appearance: Varied, but pale with brown hair

Primary Power: Can mimic powers of Epics within 100 feet, but has to touch them to began mimicking 

Secondary Power: Can shapeshift without limits, but his mass will remain constant while shapeshifting and he has to have a compartment big enough for his brain. This encourages him to gain as much weight as possible.

Personality: Supremely confident, someone who can lead others without qualms. Rather impulsive, but sees this as a weakness and over compensates. Intelligent with an IQ of 142.


Demonstrating Use:


The Borrower walked into the small, meandering town. He failed to see why it was even still here; the most logical reason was that no one cared enough to take it out. The vanillas seemed almost happy. He even saw a couple of children playing what looked like tag. He had heard that there was an Epic ruling this town, but hadn't heard much else about it. Well, I guess the best way to lure out this Epic will be to take away the things he seems to love, he thought. He walked over to the nearest male vanilla, and shifted a band of muscle over his neck. Slowly, he contracted, squeezing until the vanilla stopped struggling. He tossed aside the corpse, while the other vanillas scurried away. He walked out to the middle of the road just in time to see a person come down from the sky, landing nimbly in front of him. 
   "I am Airdeath, protecter of this town. Who dares to disturb the peace!" the Epic said, obviously trying to look intimidating, slashing at the ground with what appeared to be knives made of air.
   "I am the Borrower. Did you not recognize me?" He said, while walking towards the air Epic.
   "The Borrower? I'll have to say that I've never even heard of you." Airdeath said.
   The Borrower, now mere inches from the Epic leaned forward, and placed a hand on the Epic's shoulder. "Soon, there will not be a soul in the Fractured States who hasn't," the Borrower whispered. He then took a step back, and used blades of air to cut off the pompous air Epic's head. It rolled to the ground, and the Borrower re-began his trek towards Astoria.



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  • 2 months later...



Epic Name: Crankshaft

Actual Name: James Wayman

Age: 28

Nationality: British

Appearance: Fairly tall and gangly, Messy, Dirty Blond Hair (Looks a lot like Junkrat from Overwatch). Normally wears a biker jacket over tight fitting shorts and t-shirt (To prevent them getting caught in something when he's using his powers.

Primary Power: Can transform body parts (or his entire body) into pieces of machinery. He can not turn into anything much larger than himself (something the size of a motorbike is about the biggest he can go) and has to have touched the object he wants to transform into (so no motivator based technology or other rare items). Machinery formed from him also draws its power from him, meaning he generally has to eat a lot to fuel his powers.

Secondary Powers: Enhanced strength and durability, allowing him to use machines formed from him without risk of injury. Can also ingest and metabolise fossil fuels, although this may be caused by his primary power transforming his digestive system.

Personality: Crankshaft is a Carefree Wanderer. He goes wherever he wants with no regard to the consequences. He's generally rather relaxed for an Epic, often chatting with Epics and Regular humans alike (Not that he actually cares about them, he just likes learning new things). The only time he really shows anger is when someone gets in his way or tries to prevent him going somewhere. Those who do so are normally found spread across several dumpsters, with wounds from a variety of power tools.

Pre Calamity: James ran away from home at the age of 15 and spent the next few years wandering and stealing to survive. By the time Calamity rose he was in prison for multiple charges of theft and assault. During his Rending Crankshaft destroyed most of the prison and walked free, deciding he would go on the roadtrip to end all road trips.


"Hey pal, that there is our Gas" Said the larger of the two goons, brandishing his rifle. "Ah think maybe ya should be handing it over, real fast like"

Crankshaft eyed the weapon, reclining back in his chair. "Oh, i'm sorry mate. I've just got a bit of a thirst so i'll be taking a bit for myself." Crankshaft punctuated the statement by taking a swig from the gas can he was holding.

"Are you taunting me boy!? ARE YA!?" The larger goon yelled, pressing his rifle against Crankshafts head. A sudden flash of green and the weapon was cut in two by the hydraulic claw that had replaced Crankshaft's right arm. The goon staggered back in surprise.

"Oh sparks" gasped the smaller goon "an Epic, we've attacked a sparking Epic."

"Get it together ya Slontze, there's no way this guys an Ep..." Big goons words were cut off, along with his head, by the whirr of a chainsaw.

"Oh godohgodohgod" whimpered the remaining goon. The revving of the chainsaw drowned out the rest of his screams.


Ten minutes later Crankshaft emerged from the gas station, the last of the blood washed off. "Now, where to next?" He mused, examining a map. "I think this Salem place looks interesting."




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