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Nomad's Invitation


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So something that happens near the end of TSM is that Nomad is accepted by the Beaconites as one of their own, thus being 'Invited' and becoming as Connected to Canticle as he is to Roshar. Having 'Two Homeworlds' and gaining the 'Heat-Leech Touch' that all Canticilians have. He also gets named as Zellion.

The only other time we've seen this is with Hoid when he became an Elantrian in Tress.

So I've had an idea, Invitation isn't something that works for just anyone, you need to have held a Dawnshard for it to work. As holding a Dawnshard permanently Connects you to the entire Cosmere, which is what allows Nomad to Skip, but I also think that his experiences and the Connections he forms with the people cause his pre-existing Connection to Canticle to grow, so when he is Invited he effectively becomes a child of Canticle.

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6 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

So I've had an idea, Invitation isn't something that works for just anyone, you need to have held a Dawnshard for it to work.

Interesting theory. But doesn't Hoid note in Tress that the reason his attempt to become Elantrian in the Postscript (10th anniversary Edition) fail because he was lacking the invitation? And he implied that was what the Shaod provided - an Invitation to become Elantrian. Though it may just be that people not considered Arelish are the only ones requireing the "Invitation."

So maybe you need to have been a DawnVessel - or maybe just being a DawnSliver makes the process easier?

Edited by Treamayne
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On 10/23/2023 at 9:15 AM, Elite01 said:

I wonder how this would work on other planets. How would a group of Scadrians or Rosharians "invite" someone to become connected to a second planet? Not enough information to say but it's an interesting thing to think about. 

It might involve the group collectively believing that the individual is one of them, and that shared perception/connection is enough. If that's the case, then it would have to be genuine belief which would be very difficult to achieve depending on the culture.

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On 10/23/2023 at 10:15 AM, Elite01 said:

I wonder how this would work on other planets. How would a group of Scadrians or Rosharians "invite" someone to become connected to a second planet? Not enough information to say but it's an interesting thing to think about. 

It is unlikely that such a mechanic applies to all shardworlds - more likely it applies to manifestations of investiture from four or eight Shards.

SA Spoilers


Assuming the theory of four fours is correct based on the Dawnshard mural


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Yeah it isn't a cosmere constant for sure but its still interesting to think about 

Like maybe you could be accepted by the Alethi if you fought well in multiple battles and was seen as one of them. This could maybe help with an offworlder becoming a radiant

stormligh spoilers


Azure being captain of the wall gaurd is a decent example, maybe if she did it for longer something would have clicked

Someone introducing an offworlder to sand masterery could do something similar

Tress spoilers


technically what Hoid did in Tress in becoming an elantrian could be seen as a version of this. An elantrian "invited" him to become connected to the Dor and maybe to Sel


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