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What does a longbow cost, how many arrows should I start out with Edit: Found these

Should I butt into the Hear Ye! thread while they are negotiating? Because I am planing to enter with a bang. Not a literal bang, though.

Edit: How many hit points do you start out with?

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What does a longbow cost, how many arrows should I start out with and should I butt into the Hear Ye! thread while they are negotiating. Because I am planing to enter with a bang. Not a literal bang, though.

Edit: What do arrows cost?

75 gp for a Longbow (100 gp Composite Longbow, extra 10 ft range increment is only change), 1 gp fo 20 arrows. 3 lbs for the bow and 3 lbs for 20 arrows.

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Currently attempting to download a massive load of pdfs, but if you're around/available, Eerongal or Emeralis and happen to use AIM (don't know if Skype has file transfer features) or could email me the Bo9s and PHB 1 I could get started on rolling up my character.

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Currently attempting to download a massive load of pdfs, but if you're around/available, Eerongal or Emeralis and happen to use AIM (don't know if Skype has file transfer features) or could email me the Bo9s and PHB 1 I could get started on rolling up my character.

i'm around (as in available on the forums), but i wont be home until later tonight (i work evenings) at which point i can do some stuff with drop box, and simply give you a web link :P


Should I butt into the Hear Ye! thread while they are negotiating? Because I am planing to enter with a bang. Not a literal bang, though.

Edit: How many hit points do you start out with?

feel free to butt in whenever and however you wish. There's no real rules being used in this particular instance.

Also, you start with max HP for your hit Die (so if its a D6, you start with 6, D8 start with 8, etc.) plus your constitution modifier (so if you have an 18 con, an extra + 4)

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Ok, thanks, and how much do they go up each level?

Edit: On the character app, what is BAB for the attack bonus? Is it Base Attack Bonus? And where do I find my BAB?

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Ok, thanks, and how much do they go up each level?

The progression for each HD size is in the character creation and FAQ topic. It's basically "Half" each level, alternating between odd and even (with the lowest "first", starting at 2nd level). (that is, a D6 would alternate between 3 and 4 each level all the way up to 20). You also add your con modifier every level. So if you're level 20, and you have an 18 in con, you have 4x20, or 80 extra HP. Con increases are also retroactive, so if you go from a +1 modifier to a +2 modifier at level 4, you go from getting +4 from your con score in total to +8.


HP advancement is by Hit die... So if your hit die is a d4, you roll a d4 and add it to your pool, though some DMs have you add a full HD worth of HP as well

Yeah, i'm using standard progression method instead of rolling. It makes easier for people to level themselves up without needing to roll (it explains in the DMG somewhere)

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What are Skill Points? And what is my BAB for a ranger with a longbow?

Edit: Sorry for all the questions. What does this mean in the character app?

[Class]SkillName - Ranks - Attribute - Misc. = total

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What are Skill Points? And what is my BAB for a ranger with a longbow?

Skill points are distributed on skills. The max you can have in class skills is level + 3. The max you can have in cross class skills in half that. Class skills cost 1 skill point, cross class cost 2. Your class will list out what your class skills are. If it's not listed in the class, then its a cross class skill.

And rangers have a full BAB progression with all weapons. That is, their BAB is the same as their level.


Edit: Sorry for all the questions. What does this mean in the character app?

[Class]SkillName - Ranks - Attribute - Misc. = total

That's the formula for your total skill bonus. Ranks is the number of skill points you put in it (see above) attribute is the modifier for whatever attribute its tied to (for example, if its a skill tied to strength, you add in your str modifier) and misc. is any other misc. bonuses you get, due to feats, race, class, synergy bonuses, etc.

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Can you put in as many skill points as you want into a skill?

your max is your level +3 for class skills at ever level. At level 1, the max ranks in class skills is 4, cross class skills is 2 (and those two cost 4 points, because cross class skills cost 2 point per rank)

Now I am curious. Why do wizards get so few skill points? And what is with the pathetic duration of summon spells? (2minutes on lvl 20)

Classes that aren't considered to have strong skill-based things usually get 2+ int modifier (like paladin, and fighter and wizard), but classes that are supposed to be considered skillful (like rogue) get a lot more. However, wizard is actually in a pretty good position for skill points, because their main stat is int, so they're better off than, say, a paladin.

And summon spells have a short duration because they're considered very powerful. Even the most powerful summon spell, gate, still has a 1 round/level duration. Though you could modify them at higher levels with things like extend spell to make them last longer. They're considered powerful because you're essentially increasing the size of your part and giving your party extra attacks/actions during a fight, and actions are basically the most precious resource you have.

Also, at higher levels, the summon spells start calling in more than one creature.

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Hypothetically, as a ranger could I put enough skill points into Speak Language that at the first level I know every language? Edit: Answered

And how does Speak Language work?

Edit: Do I get all of my 28 skill points into all my class skills if I want as a ranger?

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Hypothetically, as a ranger could I put enough skill points into Speak Language that at the first level I know every language? And how does Speak Language work?

Nah, you could only put two ranks into it at first level (cross class skill).

Also, speak language is a bit different than other skills. Every time you get a full rank in it (2 points for everyone but wizards, who get it as a class skill), you pick a new language you learn. So if you were to put 4 points in it at level 1, you could add two new languages you can speak, on top of those you got based on your race.


Edit: Do I get all of my 28 skill points into all my class skills if I want as a ranger?

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you asking if you can ONLY spend on your class skills? because you can spend them on any skills you want, class and cross class just determine your max and how much they cost.

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Ok.. At first level, I can summon, say, 1 skeleton for 1d6+1 attack, which is limited in range and may miss ( btw, what are numbers 18-20 after the attack in the srd?) Or, I can cast a spell that hits much more likely and deals 1d6 damage per level. Powerful how, exactly?

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Ok.. At first level, I can summon, say, 1 skeleton for 1d6+1 attack, which is limited in range and may miss ( btw, what are numbers 18-20 after the attack in the srd?) Or, I can cast a spell that hits much more likely and deals 1d6 damage per level. Powerful how, exactly?

Well, at 1st level, no wizard ability is considered particularly powerful. Wizards start out weaker, but get stronger than basically EVERY class in the game. at later points, you can start summoning 1D3/1D4 creatures, which last 1 round/level, that you can cast once per round, so you start amassing a huge mob of creatures, then it gets incredibly powerful. Especially once you get gate and can start summoning Balors and other such elder demons/celestials. They're considered powerful because you're adding a number of extra actions every round, because of all the extra creatures. And these extra creatures don't cut into your loot or EXP gain.

First level is a bad level to look at to consider an ability weak or strong. Fighters start out pretty strong at first level, but by the end of things, theyre basically the weakest class :P

Also, the 18-20 is likely threat range for a critical hit, but i'm not sure specifically what you're referring to without seeing it. Got a link to what you're talking about?

Edit: also, summons have the advantage of taking damage for you. A spell that deals 1D6 damage can't also take a hit for you in most instances :P

Damage, that i might add, that your cleric doesn't need to worry about healing, because the summon is temporary anyways.

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Well, at 1st level, no wizard ability is considered particularly powerful. Wizards start out weaker, but get stronger than basically EVERY class in the game. at later points, you can start summoning 1D3/1D4 creatures, which last 1 round/level, that you can cast once per round, so you start amassing a huge mob of creatures, then it gets incredibly powerful. Especially once you get gate and can start summoning Balors and other such elder demons/celestials. They're considered powerful because you're adding a number of extra actions every round, because of all the extra creatures. And these extra creatures don't cut into your loot or EXP gain.

First level is a bad level to look at to consider an ability weak or strong. Fighters start out pretty strong at first level, but by the end of things, theyre basically the weakest class :P

Also, the 18-20 is likely threat range for a critical hit, but i'm not sure specifically what you're referring to without seeing it. Got a link to what you're talking about?

Edit: also, summons have the advantage of taking damage for you. A spell that deals 1D6 damage can't also take a hit for you in most instances :P

Damage, that i might add, that your cleric doesn't need to worry about healing, because the summon is temporary anyways.


Also, I can summon a horse for two hours, which, while weaker than skeleton, will still attack, won't it? I remember reading a suggestion of perming a mount spell at lvl 17, and stampeding all enemies to death :) I am still kinda dubious. I mean, even on high levels, a wizard gets around 30 spells per day. Thinking of about 10 encounters per day, isn't that a bit on the low side?

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Also, I can summon a horse for two hours, which, while weaker than skeleton, will still attack, won't it? I remember reading a suggestion of perming a mount spell at lvl 17, and stampeding all enemies to death :) I am still kinda dubious. I mean, even on high levels, a wizard gets around 30 spells per day. Thinking of about 10 encounters per day, isn't that a bit on the low side?

Yeah, that's threat range. Because of the weapon, the skeleton has a crit range of 18-20, that means if they roll a natural 18 or 20 (the die shows these numbers) they they could possibly crit, so long as they confirm the crit.

I think the spell you're thinking about is mount. It summons a light horse or pony for 2 hours/level. It will also attack, but its not a warhorse, so its not nearly as powerful as a horse trained for battle :P. It's more of a utility spell than a combat spell

Also, 10 encounters per day is a lot. The entire game is built around the assumption of 4 encounters per day, at all levels, so 10 encounters is 250% what the game is built around :P

Edit: also, i suppose i should point out that horses will generally ran as opposed to fight if they arent war horses, so they'll only fight if trapped :P

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The idea was to cast mount every round for a day, creating around 10000 horses, and letting them run in a general direction of a threat. The sheer mass should be enough to clear most traps and many encounters. 4 encounters a day, huh? How many critters in each, on average?

Btw, what is attack progression for wizards? ( dagger)

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The idea was to cast mount every round for a day, creating around 10000 horses, and letting them run in a general direction of a threat. The sheer mass should be enough to clear most traps and many encounters. 4 encounters a day, huh? How many critters in each, on average?

Heh, yeah, that would be kinda....a rough thing to happen to anyone. And you could do it, too, it would just be expensive, because you would need all the scrolls to cast it that many times.

As far as encounters go, that's the "expected" amount, but that changes depending how the party is shaping up for a given day. They may decide to take it easy after a few brutal encounters, or press on past 4 if everyone still has plenty of spells/abilities left for the day.

And there's no real set number of monsters per encounter. It operates on a challenge rating system that basically goes "X number of creatures at Y challenge rating are considered a significant challenge for the party". So it could be 1 creature with a high challenge rating (or CR) or a bunch of weaker creatures whose combined CR is considered that high (it's not a straight "add the CRs together thing", there's a bit of a formula to follow)

Edit: wizards only end up with 2 attacks at level 20 (look at your base attack bonus progression). That's ok, though, because as a wizard, you generally shouldn't need to be attacking things, at least not at later levels (more attacks dont let you cast more spells)

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