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Could this WOB refer to Moash?


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Not sure if this would be the right place for WOB discussion but:

Originally, Kaladin and Moash were essentially the major darkeyes who were in a position to criticize the nobility and lighteyed culture. Now that Kaladin has kind of (if not emotionally) bought into the system to some extent, by outranking most lighteyes, and Moash has gone full villain, are we going to get another character playing that role of a darkeyed or lower class individual who is critiquing the system?

Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, I've been looking at that. One of the questions is whether Lift can justifiably fulfill that role, as someone who considers herself a bit of an outsider even among the Radiants. But let's hang a little bit of a RAFO on that, ask me after you've read book five.


Do we think the RAFO in book 5 could be referring to plans for a Moash rehabilitation arc to serve in that role?

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20 minutes ago, FXL3 said:

Not sure if this would be the right place for WOB discussion but:

Originally, Kaladin and Moash were essentially the major darkeyes who were in a position to criticize the nobility and lighteyed culture. Now that Kaladin has kind of (if not emotionally) bought into the system to some extent, by outranking most lighteyes, and Moash has gone full villain, are we going to get another character playing that role of a darkeyed or lower class individual who is critiquing the system?

Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, I've been looking at that. One of the questions is whether Lift can justifiably fulfill that role, as someone who considers herself a bit of an outsider even among the Radiants. But let's hang a little bit of a RAFO on that, ask me after you've read book five.


Do we think the RAFO in book 5 could be referring to plans for a Moash rehabilitation arc to serve in that role?

No, I don't think so, because the question is about another character that would replace Moash in this position. I don't think Moash after redemption would be able to just go back and be a valid criticism to the nobility - you can't go around killing people and then just tell them it was all their fault, and that is how Moash would be perceived. 

It seems like Brandon is planning to introduce such character in the second half of SA, Lift is considered as such (she is a main character of 6th book), but he probably just didn't go into details yet, or maybe there is a character that will appear in KoWT that will serve this role, or known characters will be able to get into that position through events in KoWT, like Lirin or Helsina. There are too many different possibilities.

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43 minutes ago, alder24 said:

No, I don't think so, because the question is about another character that would replace Moash in this position. I don't think Moash after redemption would be able to just go back and be a valid criticism to the nobility - you can't go around killing people and then just tell them it was all their fault, and that is how Moash would be perceived. 

It seems like Brandon is planning to introduce such character in the second half of SA, Lift is considered as such (she is a main character of 6th book), but he probably just didn't go into details yet, or maybe there is a character that will appear in KoWT that will serve this role, or known characters will be able to get into that position through events in KoWT, like Lirin or Helsina. There are too many different possibilities.

Thanks for replying- these are all great possibilities. A Lirin type figure in that role would be pretty cool.

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On 10/13/2023 at 0:37 PM, FXL3 said:

Not sure if this would be the right place for WOB discussion but:


Originally, Kaladin and Moash were essentially the major darkeyes who were in a position to criticize the nobility and lighteyed culture. Now that Kaladin has kind of (if not emotionally) bought into the system to some extent, by outranking most lighteyes, and Moash has gone full villain, are we going to get another character playing that role of a darkeyed or lower class individual who is critiquing the system?

Brandon Sanderson
Yeah, I've been looking at that. One of the questions is whether Lift can justifiably fulfill that role, as someone who considers herself a bit of an outsider even among the Radiants. But let's hang a little bit of a RAFO on that, ask me after you've read book five.


Do we think the RAFO in book 5 could be referring to plans for a Moash rehabilitation arc to serve in that role?

On 10/13/2023 at 1:10 PM, alder24 said:

No, I don't think so, because the question is about another character that would replace Moash in this position. I don't think Moash after redemption would be able to just go back and be a valid criticism to the nobility - you can't go around killing people and then just tell them it was all their fault, and that is how Moash would be perceived. 

It seems like Brandon is planning to introduce such character in the second half of SA, Lift is considered as such (she is a main character of 6th book), but he probably just didn't go into details yet, or maybe there is a character that will appear in KoWT that will serve this role, or known characters will be able to get into that position through events in KoWT, like Lirin or Helsina. There are too many different possibilities.

I think the premise of the original question is just wrong. The questioner (Comatose) implies Kaladin has bought into the system, presumably because he doesn't snap at people for refering to him as lighteyed or Brightlord anymore (as often) in RoW.

However, RoW still shows that Kaladin feels a distinct difference between the Urithuru culture around Radiance and the Alethi Culture about Lighteyes (not that book 4 had much room to explore that as most of the story was split in three locations, two of which were combat heavy). I would expect that SA5 will continue with Kaladin calling out "Lighteyes" for their abuse of station and working toward a more equitible culture (especially as Jasnah seems to be in a similar mindset with her plans for abolishing slavery). I just expect the plot arc to be more of a "this is what 'Right' looks like" (using his new position to set better examples) and "you are a disgrace to your station" (using his new position to call out chull dung nobles like Sadeas was) rather then the "all lighteyes are evil" theme of the first two books. 


Edited by Treamayne
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