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Insanity Clinic: Season Two


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Melody heard the noise, and went to go investigate.

Finding a person she hadn't recognized, she quickly used her lights to heal them.

"Hi! Who are you?"

"Uurgh... Huh! Oh! Uh, I'm Exol I just moved here from... somewhere. I was just doing an experiment when my book exploded." (Whispered "stupid magic books and their stupid magic rules.") "What's your name? And what was that light?"

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Just now, Ookla the Entropic said:

"Uurgh... Huh! Oh! Uh, I'm Exol I just moved here from... somewhere. I was just doing an experiment when my book exploded." (Whispered "stupid magic books and their stupid magic rules.") "What's your name? And what was that light?"

"You were... Doing an experiment? On what?"

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"You were... Doing an experiment? On what?"

"Oh I guess I could explain. So I had this magic book only, I didn't know it was magic until it sucked me into it. Now I'm here and the book won't work. I just tried to use  electrostimulation to activate it but, it ended in a big explosion. Thanks for the heal by the way I don't want to end up in the hospital on my first day." 


I keep forgetting quote boxes and it's annoying.


Edited by Ookla the Entropic
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Just now, Ookla the Entropic said:

"Oh I guess I could explain. So I had this magic book only, I didn't know it was magic until it sucked me into it. Now I'm here and the book won't work. I just tried to use  electrostimulation to activate it but, it ended in a big explosion. Thanks for the heal by the way I don't want to end up in the hospital on my first day." 

"Okay. Why are you trying to open up this book?" Melody held it up, examining it.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"Okay. Why are you trying to open up this book?" Melody held it up, examining it.

"I'm trying to see if I can get it to work again. Not to go home or anything, I'm tired of that place, but I'm curious about how it works and why. Besides if I can open it maybe it could go somewhere other than my home. Who knows?"

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Just now, Ookla the Entropic said:

"I'm trying to see if I can get it to work again. Not to go home or anything, I'm tired of that place, but I'm curious about how it works and why. Besides if I can open it maybe it could go somewhere other than my home. Who knows?"

"So your book here," Melody flipped it over and scanned the back, "Is a unstable teleporter. And you're trying to find out how it works? What was that explosion earlier? What are the properties of this book?"

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"So your book here," Melody flipped it over and scanned the back, "Is a unstable teleporter. And you're trying to find out how it works? What was that explosion earlier? What are the properties of this book?"

"I don't know much. Apparently it doesn't like electricity, that was the explosion, and all I know so far is that it took me from my home to here. Well, not here here it actually took me outside the clinic. Oddly enough it also took my personal workshop with me, which is why I have all this equipment. I don't know much else. The guy I sto... err bought the book from didn't seem like the type of person to just have this kind of book laying around."

Edited by Ookla the Entropic
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Just now, Ookla the Entropic said:

"I don't know much. Apparently it doesn't like electricity, that was the explosion, and all I know so far is that it took me from my home to here. Well, not here here it actually took me outside the clinic. Oddly enough it also took my personal workshop with me, which is why I have all this equipment. I don't know much else. The guy I sto... err bought the book from didn't seem like the type of person to just have this kind of book laying around.

"So why did you steal the book?" Melody asked. Hopefully it wasn't too magical, otherwise the lights would cascade or become caustic.

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Just now, Ookla the Resolute said:

"So why did you steal the book?" Melody asked. Hopefully it wasn't too magical, otherwise the lights would cascade or become caustic.

"Err... I wasn't always so well off. I grew up in a slum and didn't have the best attitude for the rich or educated. This was the last thing I ever stole before going to college myself. It's not like I was great at stealing anyway. Bendalloy was too expensive and Zinc is only good for the plan, not execution. I did eventually pay for it though. He didn't seem to care said something about how it was meant to be or whatever."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Entropic said:

"Err... I wasn't always so well off. I grew up in a slum and didn't have the best attitude for the rich or educated. This was the last thing I ever stole before going to college myself. It's not like I was great at stealing anyway. Bendalloy was too expensive and Zinc is only good for the plan, not execution. I did eventually pay for it though. He didn't seem to care said something about how it was meant to be or whatever."

"Okay. Are you feeling alright?" Melody should've asked that first. Violet light could cause many mental symptoms. Some people didn't take temporal dissonance as well as others.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"Okay. Are you feeling alright?" Melody should've asked that first. Violet light could cause many mental symptoms. Some people didn't take temporal dissonance as well as others.

"Huh. Oh yeah I'm feeling fine. Although these clothes are ruined so I'll probably need to change. A bath wouldn't be amiss too. Explosions can be quite messy. Anyway... Bye Melody, it was good to meet a neighbor."


This is where I'll have to go for the night.


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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Entropic said:

"Huh. Oh yeah I'm feeling fine. Although these clothes are ruined so I'll probably need to change. A bath wouldn't be amiss too. Explosions can be quite messy. Anyway... Bye Melody, it was good to meet a neighbor."


"Okay. Bye." Melody was still carrying the book, and had no intention of giving it back to him.

She went to go find Tal.

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13 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"Okay. Bye." Melody was still carrying the book, and had no intention of giving it back to him.

She went to go find Tal.


I know I said I was going to sleep but I should specify that the book won't work for anyone but Exol.

Also I updated his sheet.


Name: Exol Andrias (Ex-all And-rie-us)

Personality: Studious and self-conscious but a steadfast and loyal friend

Powers: Bendalloy Misting and Zinc Ferring

Backstory: Exol was born in a small slum where he led a tough life. He used his feruchemy to create grand plans to steal food and money for his survival until one day when he stole a valuable looking book titled Insanity Clinic Book 1 (hehe) from a scholar. His feruchemy allowed him to teach himself to read with astonishing speed and he became engrossed with learning. When he became an adult he scraped enough money for himself to go to college where he studied mechanics. He became extra interested in the mechanics behind bombs, especially allomantic grenades. One day after coming home from his side job of fixing trains he came home and decided to re-read that first book he got. To his surprise, when he opened that first page a rift pulled him through and he ended up outside the clinic's doorstep with all his mechanic supplies from his personal workshop all stacked neatly in a pile.

Items of Interest:

Exol has 3 Allomantic Grenades of his own design

1 magic book that can (eventually) open a personal pocket dimension for him (also doesn't work for anyone else)

A zinc medallion (just pure zinc for storage)



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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Entropic said:



Cool! Pretty much all of us here can teleport and have our own little dimension. There are also multiple interdimensional beings, one revived person, and an Aes Sedai with trust issues. Amd there is also a bunch of therapy going on. And split personalities. And the multiverse. And books. And also music. And an immortal former 2d sentient being.


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"Okay. Bye." Melody was still carrying the book, and had no intention of giving it back to him.

She went to go find Tal.

He was still sitting at the front desk, reading. When he saw her, he looked up. "Hey...sorry, I swear I know your name...ah..."

2 hours ago, Canada Lover said:



That is...the most accurate description of the clinic I've heard in a long time :P 


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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

She sighed, then showed the book to Tal. "What do you do with things that blow up again?"

Tal leaned forward to look at it. "Depends. If whoever brought it needs a quest, study it. If you genuinely don't want it to explode or cause problems ever again...3rd basement, not the one with the perpendicularity and definitely not the one with the dungeon. The storage one. There's a room labeled "explosive things", put it in there and then hurry out."

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16 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Tal leaned forward to look at it. "Depends. If whoever brought it needs a quest, study it. If you genuinely don't want it to explode or cause problems ever again...3rd basement, not the one with the perpendicularity and definitely not the one with the dungeon. The storage one. There's a room labeled "explosive things", put it in there and then hurry out."

"It means something to the person who just came. I took it from them."

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