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The Order of the Knight's Radiants revived (spoilers)


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Dalinar was charged with reviving the Knight's Radiant in his last vision with the Almighty. Knowing Dalinar he will follow this pursuit to the letter, I think we can expect the Order of the Knight's Radiants to make a comeback in the series at somepoint. That means all 10 orders. I expect that the heads (or only members) of the order will be main characters in the books. Now just looking at the Ars Arcanum, there are ten essenses which I believe are linked with the 10 orders. Based on their Devine Attribute I tried to pair them with who I feel would embody the ideal. I don't believe we have met them all yet but I believe the following members will b

  1. Protecting/Leading - Kaladin
  2. Just/Confident- Navani??
  3. Brave/Obedient- Adolin
  4. Loving/Healing- ????
  5. Learned/Giving - ????
  6. Creative/Honest- Shallan
  7. Wise/Careful- Jasnah
  8. Resolute/Builder(...) - Dalinar
  9. Dependable/Resourceful (?) - Taln
  10. Pious/Guiding - Renarin?????


Anyone have any thoughts? Should I move anyone?

Edit: Also, interestingly, the secondary attributes I listed are main points of contention for the characters

Kaladin struggles with himself on if he should lead.

Shallan struggles about being deceitful to Jasnah

Dalinar struggles about being confident in his visions.

Also, if you look at the faces in the link bellow you can see there are 5 female 5 male. I'm not sure the faces are correctly lined up, but would that mean there are 5 female and 5 male orders or is it random? Are the orders gender specific?


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  1. Protecting/Leading - Kaladin
  2. Learned/Giving - "Axies the Collector" (Curse of Kind guy)????
  3. Brave/Obedient- Adolin/Szeth
  4. Loving/Healing- ????
  5. Just/Confident- Dalinar
  6. Creative/Honest- Shallan
  7. Wise/Careful- Jasnah
  8. Resolute/Builder(...) - Navani
  9. Dependable/Resourceful (?) - Taln
  10. Pious/Guiding - Renarin?????

Well I don't have the quote but Szeth is not a Knight Radiant. I also think Dalinar fits better with Pious/Guiding, but again that's just me.

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1. Protecting/Leading - Kaladin

2. Learned/Giving - "Axies the Collector" (Curse of Kind guy)????

3. Brave/Obedient- Adolin/Szeth

4. Loving/Healing- ????

5. Just/Confident- Dalinar

6. Creative/Honest- Shallan

7. Wise/Careful- Jasnah

8. Resolute/Builder(...) - Navani

9. Dependable/Resourceful (?) - Taln

10. Pious/Guiding - Renarin?????

Some of those traits are out of order. Specifically, 2 and 5 should be switched, according to the latest version of the Ars Arcanum. So the actual breakdown goes like so:

1. Protecting/Leading

2. Just/Confident

3. Brave/Obedient

4. Loving/Healing

5. Learned/Giving

6. Creative/Honest

7. Wise/Careful

8. Resolute/Builder

9. Dependable/Resourceful

10. Pious/Guiding

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Well I don't have the quote but Szeth is not a Knight Radiant. I also think Dalinar fits better with Pious/Guiding, but again that's just me.

Hmmm, I had thought the quote was that the Shin didn't make him Truthless because we has a knight radiant, not that he wasnt one (I don't think anyone truly is one right now though)

I very nearly had Dalinar in Pious/Guiding. However, confidence is the Man's middle name and he seems to strive to create a Just and fair society while everyone else seeks power. The thing that tipped me over was Navani drawing a huge Justice glyph while waiting his return after Sadeas betrayed him.

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I've got some more points for Dalinar being Order Eight. His Devotary is the Order of Talnelet (sp?) which is related to Taln, Herald of the Eighth Order. Also I read in a thread that I can no longer find, that Shallan feels sick when she lies, which fits with Order 6, and I think that Kaladin feels bad when he can't protect people, which would make sense for why he's so depressed. Dalinar feels sick when he's at his most destructive and unsure, (killing and worrying about his sanity) which is the exact opposite of Resolute Builder. It just seems to fit.

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Brandon has said that Szeth's powers are NOT the same as the KR, he gets his powers from something else. So i don't think Szeth fits there, maybe in the future? but as of now, no.

Brandon has said that he used the Interludes to flesh out the backstory of Roshar rather than introducing/using important characters to the plot, so it seems weak to have Axies on the list at all. Also, we haven't seen anything from him that might hint at budding KR powers, just some genetic abilities that he has.

Taln is a Herald... I don't really think he belongs on a list of Knight Radiants, he's a Herald, perhaps the last true Herald seeing as the others all ran away.

I think Navani should be Wise/Careful and Jasnah is more Just/Confident. Jasnah is the most confident character we've seen yet. Adolin might fit better in Dependable/Resourceful, and Renarin as Brave/Obedient (he rushed out to help Dalinar against the Chasm fiend even without any Plate or Blade, and follows what Dalinar says to the letter). Adolin argues with Dalinar on multiple occasions so obedient seems not to match, and whenever i saw a scene with Adolin, i thought, "oh yeah, he's going to win that duel, yeah Dalinar will be alright, he has Adolin as back up, etc.)

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except Jasnah can't be just/confident, because she must be in an adjacent order to Shallan who's almost certainly in order 6, look at the corrected version of the chart and you'll see that just/confident is associated with order 2 which is not adjacent to order 6. I rather agree with the OP's placement of Jasnah personally, although you could make a case for order 5 as well.

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Well, it's not guaranteed that Shallan is in order 6. I agree that it seems like the most likely possibility, though, especially given how similar her name is to Shalash. But really, going by the character traits probably isn't the best way to judge which order someone is in. People are more complex than that.

And as for Szeth... well, we know he didn't gain his powers through a spren-bond, but they do seem the function the same way as Kaladin's abilities, and Szeth himself has commented that he has the same powers as a Windrunner. Also, if I recall Brandon's comments correctly, there are either thirty or ten magic systems on Roshar, depending on how you look at it. So presumably there are three different ways to gain each set of powers.

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