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I need some Answers



Ok so I was in an internet rabbit hole trying to learn more about the Cosmere because I am only 13 and my father has a limited amount of money. I now have more questions than I did before and I was wondering if any of you could try to help more than just saying, "ROW".

Here we go,

Is Wit Adonalsium reborn?

Who hold the Dawnshards?

Can Adonalsium be reborn?

How was Adonalsium splintered?

How did Odium splinter other Shards?

Did people collect those Shard's, Shards?

Were there even shards from Shards?

What are God Metals?

Are the HonorBlades MADE of Honor?

If so then doesn't Odium need to destroy them and their blades to be rid of Honor's restraint?

If Dalinar and the Stormfather killed themselves wouldd Honors power over Odium be gone or would Odium be trapped forever?

I have other questions but these will do for now.

Please help.


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Welcome to the forums.  Do you mind sharing which books you have or have-not read?

Have you found all of the free stuff on Brandon's website (such as the entire Warbreaker Novel is free online)? Also, many libraries will have Cosmere books you can check out to read. 

Are you familiar with the Arcanum and Coppermind? This may help:


Using Coppermind and Arcanum:

  • Go to the Coppermind, you can search a term in the upper right. On the top-right of the page (below the search bar) you will see a circle icon that denotes how "complete" the information is (e.g. solid green means it has all known information, split white/blck means unanswered questions, etc.)
    • Like any wiki, links to other pages appear the first time they are referenced
    • While reading you will find notes ([1]) that take you to the references at the bottom of the page. From there, if the reference is a WoB the link will redirect you to the Arcanum post.
  • On the Arcanum, you can read all of the WoBs from a specific event by clicking: Discover > Events, then select an event.
  • When looking at a WoB in the arcanum, you can:
    • Click on the event name to read all WoBs from that event
    • Click on a tag at teh bottom to make a search of all entries with that tag
  • Also, on the Arcanum, you can search for keywords using the search bar in the upper left
    • While searching a tag, the advanced search will be at the top of the page, so you can keyword search within a specific tag (example)
  • In any keyword or tag search you can order by newest, oldest, or accuracy with accuracy being the default.

Hope that helps

1 hour ago, Shadonin said:

Ok so I was in an internet rabbit hole trying to learn more about the Cosmere because I am only 13 and my father has a limited amount of money. I now have more questions than I did before and I was wondering if any of you could try to help more than just saying, "ROW" "RAFO?" (Read and find out).

Here we go,

  1. Is Wit Adonalsium reborn?
  2. Who holds the Dawnshards?
  3. Can Adonalsium be reborn?
  4. How was Adonalsium splintered Shattered?
  5. How did Odium splinter other Shards?
  6. Did people collect those Shard's, Shards?
  7. Were there even shards from Shards?
  8. What are God Metals?
  9. Are the HonorBlades MADE of Honor?
  10. If so then doesn't Odium need to destroy them and their blades to be rid of Honor's restraint?
  11. If Dalinar and the Stormfather killed themselves wouldd Honors power over Odium be gone or would Odium be trapped forever?

I have other questions but these will do for now.

Please help.

Here are some minimal spoiler answers with links to the appropriate Words of Brandon:

  1. No
  2. We only know one current Vessel. Revealed in the novella Dawnshard.
  3. We don't know.
  4. We don't know. This is what the future series Dragonsteel will cover. Expected to be released after Mistborn Era 3.
  5. We don't know
  6. Depends on which Shard and which world you are discussing. For example, the Seons on Elantris are Splinters of Devotion. And the Spren on Roshar are splinters (but mostly a combination of Honor and Cultivation - though Honorspren and the Honorblades are Splinters of Honor). We do not yet know of any Splinters with a Vessel - Stormfather's Bond with Dalinar is the closest we know of (but Stormfather is not just a Splinter of Honor, either)
  7. Not sure what you mean. I think you are asking about Splinters - which may be pieces of a Shard's investiture wether or not that shard has been Splintered (such as the Nightwatcher is a Splinter of Cultivation - even though she has not been Splintered). If you mean "even" in the mathematic sense - there there are/were 16 Shards. 
  8. God Metal is the Scadrian term for the investiture of one or more shards in the Physical Realm and in Physicial form. When a Bonded Spren takes shardblade form - the metal they become is a God Metal (alloy of Honor and Cultivation in the same percentage that the Spren is part of each). Lerasium in Mistborn Era 1 was the God Metal of Preservation (Vessel names usually make the God Metal name - e. g. Leras was the vessel so it was called Leras ium). Solid Investiture in the PR is metallic - hence why Ruin could not see through dense quantities of metal in Era 1. 
  9. See above. As far as we know so far, the Honorblades are Tanavastium and composed of Honor's condensed investiture in physical form.
  10. We do not know the conditions of Odium's confinement, other than he expected to be free by Splintering Honor (and wasn't), then thought that Dalinar could free him as Honor's representative. 
  11. We do not know. 

Hope that helps and gives you some tools to look up some additional answers. But feel free to ask here as well. If you post the list of books you have or have-not read we can also just let you know which book(s) may contain your answer or more information on your question(s). 

Edited by Treamayne
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A lot of these are spoilers depending on what you’ve read, so read on carefully. 


Is Wit Adonalsium reborn?

Not as far as we know. Probably not since 


he was present at Ado’s shattering.



Who hold the Dawnshards?


Hoid used to be one. Rysn currently is one. We don’t know anything else.



Can Adonalsium be reborn?

We don’t know. It might be possible.


How was Adonalsium splintered?


We don’t know the specifics, but the 4 dawnshards were involved. 



How did Odium splinter other Shards?

by attacking them. idk what you’re asking here. he used his power to fight them, they lost. it wasn’t exactly a physical fight, likely happened in the spiritual realm. 


Did people collect those Shard's, Shards?

Not entirely sure what you’re asking, but the investiture tied to those shards still exists.


Were there even shards from Shards?

also not sure what you’re asking. There is such a thing as a Splinter, which is just a concentration of investiture. Spren for example. When a shard is destroyed, it is Splintered into many smaller parts, like the Seons on sel.


What are God Metals?

Are the HonorBlades MADE of Honor?

These two are related. A god metal is physical investiture. like how water solidifies into ice, investiture solidifies into a god metal. each shard has its own god metal. Honorblades are made of Honor’s god metal.


If so then doesn't Odium need to destroy them and their blades to be rid of Honor's restraint?

It’s been a while since i’ve read stormlight, but I feel confident in just saying “No” to this. someone else can elaborate. 


If Dalinar and the Stormfather killed themselves wouldd Honors power over Odium be gone or would Odium be trapped forever?

I think he’d be released, but again, it’s been a while since i’ve read stormlight. i’m not sure the stormfather even could “kill himself”. 

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19 minutes ago, Shadonin said:

Thank you so much!

The books I have read are, Elantris, Stormlight MAIN 1-4,  Mistborn both eras except the lost metal. I started sanderson in 2020 with The Way of Kings and sadly that is it.

Emperor's Soul is a great novella and has a lot fo good information on basic Realmatics (the theories of the Spiritual, Cognitive and Physical realms) - it is also available in Arcanum Unbounded.

Mistborn: Secret History has information (and raises even more questions) as well and explains much about Shards and their Vessels. It has spoilers for Bands of Mourning (which you indicate you have already read)

Both of those should probably be read before The Lost Metal.

Warbreaker will give you some insight into characters seen in Stormlight Archive (it's the origin story for characters you met in Words of Radiance and Oathbringer) and has some information on Cognitive Shadows (though not called such in-novel). 

White Sand and Tress of the Emerald Sea will have some info on a form of bond that is different from the Nahel Bond found in Stormlight Archive. 

Arcanum Unbounded has a lot of stories and the essays for each Shard World (except Nalthis) and may be a great help to understanding many of your questions. Contents include:

  • Selish System
    • Hope of Elantris (Short story filling in gaps from the Climax of the Elantris Novel)
    • Emperor's Soul (discussed above)
  • Scadrian System
    • Eleventh Metal (Prequel short story to Mistborn Era 1)
    • Allomancer Jak (similar to the Era 2 broadsheets)
    • Mistborn Secret History (Discussed above)
  • Taldain System
    • Previews of White Sand (origin story for the person that writes teh Ars Arcanum for each series)
  • Threnodite System
    • Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell (short story on a world afflicted poorly by damage done in one of Odium's battles before he was trapped in the Rosharan System)
  • Drominad System
    • Sixth of the Dusk (short story that is currently the furthest in the future from SA and Era 2) Introduces things seen in Rhythm of War
  • Rosharan System
    • Edgedancer Novella

Hope that helps.

Edit: here are some tools that may help you on the forums:


At the bottom left of a post you will see a "+" icon, a "Quote" link, and (your posts only) and Edit and Options tools. On the bottom right you will see an up arrow.

  • The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post
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  • Use the Edit link to make changes to a completed post or add information to your post if it is the most recent (to avoid double posting)
    • Quote buttons will still send a quote to "Reply" if you have a post open for edit, but it is easy to cut/paste the quote to the Edit box
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    • Editing allows you to add a reason for the edit (Spelling and grammar (SPAG), formatting, clarification, new information, etc.), but it is not required.
  • Next to Edit you will also find an "options" dropbox, you can use this to hide your post if you want to remove it after posting
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    • Use this if you do accidentally double-post (sometimes it's the browser or a slow link that causes a double post) - just leave a message that it was an accidental double post and the Mods can fix it. If it was the first post of a new thread that doubled, they usually can merge the threads if they both have answers, so all of the content is retained.

Hope that helps.


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20 minutes ago, dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnex said:

A lot of these are spoilers depending on what you’ve read, so read on carefully. 

Not as far as we know. Probably not since 

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he was present at Ado’s shattering.


  Hide contents

Hoid used to be one. Rysn currently is one. We don’t know anything else.


We don’t know. It might be possible.

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We don’t know the specifics, but the 4 dawnshards were involved. 


by attacking them. idk what you’re asking here. he used his power to fight them, they lost. it wasn’t exactly a physical fight, likely happened in the spiritual realm. 

Not entirely sure what you’re asking, but the investiture tied to those shards still exists.

also not sure what you’re asking. There is such a thing as a Splinter, which is just a concentration of investiture. Spren for example. When a shard is destroyed, it is Splintered into many smaller parts, like the Seons on sel.

These two are related. A god metal is physical investiture. like how water solidifies into ice, investiture solidifies into a god metal. each shard has its own god metal. Honorblades are made of Honor’s god metal.

It’s been a while since i’ve read stormlight, but I feel confident in just saying “No” to this. someone else can elaborate. 

I think he’d be released, but again, it’s been a while since i’ve read stormlight. i’m not sure the stormfather even could “kill himself”. 

You just gave me another question.

Rysn holds a Larkin since when does shhe have a dawnshard???????

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Please try to avoid double-posting. I added some tool tips for you in this post.

5 minutes ago, Shadonin said:

Rysn holds a Larkin, since when does she have a dawnshard?

That was spoilers for the Dawnshard Novella, which takes place between Oathbringer and Rhythm of War.

Also referenced in my first answer post:

40 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

2. We only know one current Vessel. Revealed in the novella Dawnshard.

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