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I have been more absent than not from the 17thShard, and indeed the Cosmere in its entirety, for the past few weeks or so. Unfortunately this is going to be something of an unbreakable trend for say, the next two years or more. In February I will be flying down to Brazil to begin a two year proselyting mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, yep, I'm a Mormon. I won't have access to even so much as an Elendel Broadsheet for the entirety of that time, and I certainly won't be able to get on here. During the next month and a half I will be preparing myself, learning Portuguese among other things. So, that's it, next time I see you all I will speak Portuguese and be so far outdated on all things cosmere that I won't be able to say anything intelligent for six months. I look forward to catching up on everything when I get back. Until then,

Happy Theorizing, and may you find many questions and answers!

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