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I've been wondering how many Sharders keep pets in their households, and if so, what kind of pets, the pets' names, what kinds of behavior the pets engage in, and a number of other pet-related queries.


I like pets.


I live on a farm, and on top of that I have somewhere over a dozen cats named Momotaro, Jade Dingle, Julian, Oreo, Rory, Sergeant Zimmykins, Raggedy, Loki, Nekko, Oni, Shadow, Splotches, and my personal favorite of the names, The Blackthorn.


Anyone else have too many cats pets that they love to talk about?

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My family has had cats, historically, and I'm planning on getting one of my own in a few months once I've settled into a new place.


You sir, have a lot of cats.  :o

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I have two pugs, Bruno and Mollie. 


Bruno is almost twelve, but in a lot of ways he still acts like a younger dog. He cries whenever someone leaves the house, and he understands a lot of words. (If you say "car ride," he will expect one.) You know the pug head tilt? 


He does that a lot. Ask him if he wants someone to come home from work, and he'll tilt his head and probably run to the door to see where they are. He loves whipped cream. 


Mollie is just shy of a year old. She's small, as pugs go, and she always looks shocked. Like she's still wondering how she managed to find us. She loves coconut water and drinks it out of my hand. In the mornings, if she sees the toaster, she gets excited because she thinks I'm having a bagel. She also loves big dogs. She's already befriended a poodle and a Rottweiler. 

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You sir, have a lot of cats.  :o


I left out the small kittens who may be going to live with neighbors. :P I love cats, but unfortunately cats have a tendency of loving each other and making a whole lot more cats. All of the cats I listed besides Julian are descended from Momotaro and Jade Dingle.



I have two pugs, Bruno and Mollie. 


Bruno is almost twelve, but in a lot of ways he still acts like a younger dog. He cries whenever someone leaves the house, and he understands a lot of words. (If you say "car ride," he will expect one.) You know the pug head tilt? 


He does that a lot. Ask him if he wants someone to come home from work, and he'll tilt his head and probably run to the door to see where they are. He loves whipped cream. 


Mollie is just shy of a year old. She's small, as pugs go, and she always looks shocked. Like she's still wondering how she managed to find us. She loves coconut water and drinks it out of my hand. In the mornings, if she sees the toaster, she gets excited because she thinks I'm having a bagel. She also loves big dogs. She's already befriended a poodle and a Rottweiler. 


Ha. Pugs always look awesome in pictures, though I've never had the joy of meeting any in person. Allow me to virtually pet Mollie and Bruno.


I suppose I should also mention my dogs, Fang Gripsnarl and Samwise. I didn't mention them from the outset because I'm more of a cat person. :P They're delightful creatures though, always looking for love.


My cat Nekko is a very large, heavily muscled cat, and is also one of the sweetest felines I've ever seen. He makes friends with pretty much every other animal on the farm, including goats and the big dogs. When pet, he has a tendency of crawling into people's laps and rubbing up against their faces. :D


Is my love of cats still coming through? Watch yourself, or I'll go into detailed behavioral analyses of every one of them...

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I left out the small kittens who may be going to live with neighbors. :P I love cats, but unfortunately cats have a tendency of loving each other and making a whole lot more cats. All of the cats I listed besides Julian are descended from Momotaro and Jade Dingle.




Ha. Pugs always look awesome in pictures, though I've never had the joy of meeting any in person. Allow me to virtually pet Mollie and Bruno.


I suppose I should also mention my dogs, Fang Gripsnarl and Samwise. I didn't mention them from the outset because I'm more of a cat person. :P They're delightful creatures though, always looking for love.


My cat Nekko is a very large, heavily muscled cat, and is also one of the sweetest felines I've ever seen. He makes friends with pretty much every other animal on the farm, including goats and the big dogs. When pet, he has a tendency of crawling into people's laps and rubbing up against their faces. :D


Is my love of cats still coming through? Watch yourself, or I'll go into detailed behavioral analyses of every one of them...


Cats love me, but sadly, I'm allergic. But when they start rubbing against my leg and purring….well, I can't resist. :D I'll usually pet them and chug allergy meds until I can breathe again. :P

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Cats love me, but sadly, I'm allergic. But when they start rubbing against my leg and purring….well, I can't resist. :D I'll usually pet them and chug allergy meds until I can breathe again. :P


Frankly I'd rather install a giant mechanical respirator a la Darth Vader into my chest than stop petting cats. :P


They're sweet and friendly, but give out an aura of being independent creatures, unlike dogs which tend to strike me as rather clingy. Don't get me wrong, dogs are awesome, but I love the distinctive personality cats have.

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"The cat hair is strong with this one. Join me, Luke, and together we shall cover the galaxy in cats as father and son." 

"But…but what if the galaxy is allergic?"

"Oh, don't be a baby. Why do you think I wear this respirator?" 

"I thought you had your arms and legs cut off." 

"Whaaat? No, I just really love cats." 


That's why I love pugs—they have so much personality, and yet they're so loving. Mollie will sit and snuggle for hours. And if Bruno is upset about something, she'll follow him and get right in his face, like she's studying what he's doing. "Okay, so this is how mad we're supposed to be, but why? What's my motivation?" 


….I might like pugs too much. 

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I live on a farm, and on top of that I have somewhere over a dozen cats named Momotaro, Jade Dingle, Julian, Oreo, Rory, Sergeant Zimmykins, Raggedy, Loki, Nekko, Oni, Shadow, Splotches, and my personal favorite of the names, The Blackthorn.


Anyone else have too many cats pets that they love to talk about?


Finally someone who has more cats than I do...at least I'm not the craziest person here! I mean, wow, that's cool, I have six cats, one of them hates my very existence and the rest fear and tremble at my presence love me to pieces... Most of the time.


Though, I think if we combined my cats (or if I just sent Tiger there) they could combine with your cats and take over the world. A world ruled by their catiness. Their names are Annie, Windy, Mis, Chris, Tiger, and Molly. You can have them but not really, since other people might not be happy that I gave these cats a way... ;P


Anyway, I'm honestly more of a dog person (ironically). It's not that I hate cats, it's just that I hate cat litter. I'd rather not deal with that, though, if someone else cleans it up and takes care of their other needs, cats are okay. Dogs are cuter though...or maybe, I just think mine is a doll...;P

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I live on 2 and a half acres. We've got 4 sheep, which have just given birth to a little lamb and also twins! I've got chickens, a pond full of Koi fish we've had since babies, and also 2 jack russell terriers named Pippo and Bella. I'd love a cat but no one else in my family wants one. Maybe when I move out.

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My parents live on a farm. They seem to have a healthy crop of about 20 cats. People dump animals in the country and they find their way to my parent's place. Then they breed. It gets expensive feeding all of these unwanted animals, but my mom develops attachments to them all. (Steps have been taken with most of them so that they will no breed, but new animals show up all the time.)

It can be fascinating to watch their little society. One watched over all the litters while the mothers would go off. It was like the permanent baby sitter--auntie. One day we realized Auntie was a very docile, male. I think he's the non-practicing gay uncle.

I no longer have animals because our son is allergic to everything. Occasionally I miss animals, but when I get overwhelmed by having to water a plant, I know that I have plenty of responsibilities. 

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I have three dogs and three cats... and a sister-in-law... PIKASHARD I MEAN YOU!!!.


My favorite is my old Rotty-Choco Lab mix named Duke. He's about 10 years old and grumps about everything but he is incredibly smart. He stops grumping IMMEDIATELY if you have something squeaky in your hand and turns in to a puppy.


Second only to Duke in the "Best dog in the World" contest in Miss Nightmare. She is infact a Nightmare sometimes but other times she's the sweetest pup on the planet. She's about two years old and loves picking on Duke, she can chew through any raw hide in a matter of minutes like a fliping goat. She is a small (40-50lbs) Shepherd-Healer mix, yes 40-50lbs is small to me I used to have a 120lbs Shilo Shepherd whom she also used to pick on. 


The third dog is technically my father-in-laws but I still love him. He's a huge Red nosed Pitbull that goes by the name of Handsome. I keep trying to convince the wife to let me change it to Ruin or Titan because he's a jumpy chewer of everything but he's a really good dog otherwise with almost human eyes. 


As for the meowmachines... We have three, one is my wife's bestfreinds cat that we are taking care of, the other is said friends sister's cat and the other is my wife's little black ball of death fur. The first is named Tara and she's a bossy little grey cat who, despite being declawed, basically put Duke and Scare (Nightmare's nickname) in their place. Gracie looks almost identical to Tara but is super skittish and I'm apparently the only male she likes. Last but Definitely not least (she WILL cut you) is my wife's Goddess of War Ares. She knows I'm allergic to her but if she is in the room with us she will sleep on my face and drool as well as dig her minirzaors into my flesh. If you pick her up she will find a way to wound you and everyone knows cat cuts don't heal quickly. Out of all the cats, Ares is the one I absolutely love, (and I hate cats). she is quiet, nice (usually) and when she plays it's adorable. She is perfectly content with hiding in the shadows and plotting your demise and I have on occasion (before the dogs) woken up with her snuggling under my arms like a living teddy bear. 


I hate cats usually but I would never put an animal in danger, I mean hell I only kill Brown Recluses and Black Widows I don't even bother other spiders. Call me a hippy but hey... I'll punch you. Even though I'm not into hurting animals, Venison is delicious, so I do hunt but it usually ends up being a 9 hour nap in the hills under a tree. 

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I left out the small kittens who may be going to live with neighbors. :P I love cats, but unfortunately cats have a tendency of loving each other and making a whole lot more cats. All of the cats I listed besides Julian are descended from Momotaro and Jade Dingle.

Ha. Pugs always look awesome in pictures, though I've never had the joy of meeting any in person. Allow me to virtually pet Mollie and Bruno.

I suppose I should also mention my dogs, Fang Gripsnarl and Samwise. I didn't mention them from the outset because I'm more of a cat person. :P They're delightful creatures though, always looking for love.

My cat Nekko is a very large, heavily muscled cat, and is also one of the sweetest felines I've ever seen. He makes friends with pretty much every other animal on the farm, including goats and the big dogs. When pet, he has a tendency of crawling into people's laps and rubbing up against their faces. :D

Is my love of cats still coming through? Watch yourself, or I'll go into detailed behavioral analyses of every one of them...

Uh, I'd suggest getting more cats, in that case. You don't want an inbred population.
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Excluding siblings, I've got two tortoises whose goal in life is to devour all of reality, two bearded dragons named Kelly and Chrysopholax(Tolkien reference anyone?), too many chickens, and a horse that thinks it's a dog. 

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Single cat home here, but in the past I had a roommate (she doesn't could as a pet), and between the two of us there were five cats in the house.  For now, we just have one fluffy scaredy cat named Shion.  She will let you know bugs are there, but that's as brave as she gets, folks.  We even had to dump a cat off on my parents because Shion (my husband's cat from before we got married) decided to live behind the dryer in our apartment instead of eating or using the litter when we tried to merge the cat population.  If we ever have to say goodbye to her (hopefully NO time soon), we plan on getting a dog and a cat around the same time so they can be used to each other from the start. :)


Growing up, though, we had the fortune of enjoying life through the years with two dogs, a cat, too many hermit crabs to count, 'wild' turtles (ones we found in the yard or woods and would keep for only a week), fish, and three rabbits, two of which were house trained.  I do love me some animals. :)


Here's Shion, who I've also started calling Fluffyshy (like the MLP pony Fluttershy):


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I used to have a goldfish agessss ago, (i think iys name was Jaz or something) (Don't remember) but it died and I didn't have the time to get a new one but I would love to get a golden retriever, if I had the time to look after it.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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One cat in my house and she´s comfortable with that. Afterall, that means that no one can oppose her rule as the tyrant of the house, uphold by her cuteness and capability to make you feel guilt for everything she does.

Just yesterday, when I was on our balcony, I saw her in the garden behind our house, she enters and exits by climbing a tree, and as she saw me she made her very characteristic "feed me"- mew. However, she didn´t even attempt to climb up the tree right next to her, no her look made it very clear that she expected me to bring her her food down. Luckily, I have many years of training to resist her unreasonable demands, which allows me to resist every attempt to manipulate my feelings. It still takes all of my willpower, though.

She´s also the only cat I know that sleeps somewhere else almost every day and a scaredy cat beyond belief.

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Yes indeed! Brace yourself...


We live on a farm, but unlike OP we only have three cats (my dad and one of my brothers is allergic). I love them though. Domino, a very grumpy beautiful fat Siamese-Burmese mix, and then the two sisters, Sargent Pepper and Princess Frankensitne, or King Dom (that's a pun), Pepper and Frankie all for short. The sisters I raised from the time they were seven says old, bottle-feeding them, and I adore them.


We also have two dogs, Bailey, a who-knows-what whom we got as a puppy from a rescue home, he was abused from birth and is brian-damaged and half dead, an absolute idiot but a lovable one. There's also Abigail, a young border collie, whom we got from a nearby farm for free to keep Bailey company after Doodle (our other dog) was run over two years ago. There's actually a joke behind her name - my mother fell pregnant the same month we got her, and my grandmother has been begging my mom since she got married to name one of her daughter Abigail but my mother hates that name, so my sister sarcastically suggested we name the dog Abigail (my grandmother hates dogs) and it kind of stuck. Yeah... my mom doesn't like her mother-in-law :P


Then we have the guinea pigs, fat and greedy Fonella who has the skill to create a portal to outside of her cage and skinny Taffy, who we thought was a boy until Fonella failed to get pregnant. 

We also go two black rabbits whom we named Nova a Comet a few days after we got them Comet randomy died. Then we got two baby white rabbits my brothers named Olaf and Elsa. Elsa ran away. (All I can imagine is this white rabbit running happily through our farm fields singling, Let it go, Let it go..)


Last but not least we have 38 chickens, none of whomw e have named except for Houdina, who has insanle escapists skills, and four nanny goats - Trixy, MIlly-Molly, Purdy, and... I can't remember the last ones name. 


That's it! If you read all that.... you get a cookie. 

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