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Spiritual Connection


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I imagine I'm not the first to draw a parallel between the ability to Store "spritual connection" in Feruchemy (see AoL Ars Arcanum) and the ability to notice people in Warbreaker, based on the presence/lack of Breath.

This isn't a groundbreaking theory or anything. More like an interesting facet to life in the Cosmere. All people are connected to varying degrees, which assumes a sort of transcendentalism. I imagine a sort of tree, where there is a source of creation and spiritual-ness as the trunk, with thick branches being planets, and ties based off of sDNA and/or physical proximity (or something else?). So a Nalthite with some Breath is basically a leaf capable of detecting other leaves on the same twig. The Feruchemic property would function similarly, perhaps utilizing the tree in different (and probably more profound) ways.

So my questions:

a: Is there another thread that's so similar I should be posting there?

b: Are there any other examples in the Cosmere of implied spiritual connections?

Edited by Pechvarry
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a. Not that I have seen and a quick search for spiritual didn't bring anything up.

b. I think that the connections between a magic user and the shard that powers them has been described as spiritual in nature. Yep here we go:

Since the dawn of Scadrial, why was Feruchemy isolated in a single distinct population in the world, namely the Terrismen? Allomancy, while rare within the population of Scadrial, at least was not isolated to one population, it was spread evenly, it seems. What is special about the Terrismen that only they get the power of Feruchemy? Does it have something to do with the previous Ascensions before Rashek, with the guardian keeping the power for a time?

ANSWER: It's all in the spiritual DNA, which is passed on like normal DNA. However, they are a separate people. They've kept themselves isolated, similar to the jews in our world. When I asked he said there have been some Feruchemical-mistings in the past, but they are very rare.

It has also been theorized that the connection between a Spren and surgebinder is spiritual

Off the top of my head those are the only ones I can think of.

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