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Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns.


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I haven't seen any discussion of this, the epigraph from chapter 11 of The Way of Kings--not that I doubt it's here somewhere--and it really intrigues me. Cultivation and Honor are two of the three mentioned, but who is the third? 

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He's not from Roshar, though. He's definitely the broken one, but I don't think he's one of the "three of sixteen." And evidence suggests that the Bondsmith's bond the spren of Shards. Odium would definitely not be one of those.

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Not sure who downvoted you DSC01, didn't seem worthy of a down vote to me, so have a balancing upvote!


Odium is the most likely answer, he's not from Roshar originally, but is now in that system:




So the number of Shards that have been on Roshar is three, correct?



People have been thrown by you saying that Odium is not native to Roshar.


Odium is not native, that's the thing. Are any of them native? So if you dig the deeper question, are any of them native, ehhh, none of them are native to the planets you've seen so far. What I probably should've said to be more precise is that Honor and Cultivation were there long before Odium showed up

Odium's presence is felt on Roshar, but he is on Braize, the 3rd planet in the system.



There have only ever been 3 Shards on Roshar, so if it's not Odium, then it must be Cultivation that is now "broken" some how. Which I might buy...

As to the Bondsmiths... there is suggestion that they bond "godspren", but those may be only mixes of Honor/Cultivation is different proportions (my favorite theory), which wouldn't impede them bonding even if Odium was the reigning broken one. 
Edited by Green Hoodie Mistborn
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The 3 seem fairly obvious as shards. However, does the broken one have to be one of those three? I wondered if instead it is the storm father, who is a broken splinter of one of the three.

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He's not from Roshar, though. He's definitely the broken one, but I don't think he's one of the "three of sixteen." And evidence suggests that the Bondsmith's bond the spren of Shards. Odium would definitely not be one of those.

Bondsmiths seem to bond spren of Honor, not necessarily any Shard. Each Order's spren is a certain percentage of Honor and a certain percentage of Cultivation. Bonding a spren of a Shard that isn't Honor would necessarily mess this up.

Not that you can't do it, but if you could you wouldn't be a Bondsmith.

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