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Yumi Reading Order

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Yumi is a standalone story that can be read on its own.

It has quite a few references to Stormlight Archives, but I don’t think you need to read that to understand it. If the cosmere connections in Tress didn’t bother you, I reckon you can go ahead and jump right in with Yumi.

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It has references to Warbreaker and Stormlight Archive, and one important character is from Stormlight, and another is a species introduced in Stormlight. But you don't need to have read it to understand the book, I don't think. 

It has less than Tress, though, I would say. So if you could enjoy Tress without having read a bunch of cosmere entries, you should be all good. 

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There's also brief reference to Threnody which is in Shadows for Silence (in the Forests of Hell) and Elantris but that's more about understanding comparisons that aren't too laterally spoiler laden than the fairly major/spoiler to entire books information that one would learn in Stormlight Archive and the adjacent novellas

You'll hopefully recognize the coat rack and reference to allomancy (burning Tin) from Mistborn

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4 hours ago, Firesong said:

It has references to Warbreaker and Stormlight Archive, and one important character is from Stormlight, and another is a species introduced in Stormlight. But you don't need to have read it to understand the book, I don't think. 

It has less than Tress, though, I would say. So if you could enjoy Tress without having read a bunch of cosmere entries, you should be all good. 

Like, at most the powers of one character aren't fully explained in the book. But it explains everything you need to know to understand what is happening. So, yeah, shouldn't be a big deal. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has two characters from The Stormlight Archive acting as wise sage/exposition info dump people to the main cast of the book. It also has another character that is Stormlight adjacent and is better understood if you’ve read those books. 

the story is also very clearly being told to people living in the planet from Stormlight Archieve, so the base narrative sort of expects you to know who the people on this world on  it’s very minor, but it would be weird not knowing imo  

in my personal opinion, the book is better if you know who these two characters from another word are, and what the third character from another world is. I’d read Stormlight first. It’s intended that you have read Stormlight IMO

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I would read RoW first because there's some characters from it, but honestly there's minimal spoilers and it's fine as a standalone. RoW is pretty big commitment and it's understandable if you don't want to read it. Yumi is a much easier and lighter read and I would say that it's totally fine if you haven't read RoW.

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