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Kaladin is actually Peter Pan. Bridge Four are the Lost Boys and, obviously, Syl is Tinkerbell. That would make Sadeas Captain Hook, which I'm perfectly fine with. Oh, and Shallan is Wendy, of course.

Crackpairing - JasnahxHoid. Actually wait. That might work kind of well...

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Considering Hoid's age, that is a little creepy.

Odium hates everything because he's controlled by a surly metalhead teenager. The Everstorm is actually a visualisation of his favourite death metal track.


Only a LITTLE creepy. Anyway, he doesn't LOOK all that old :P

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  • Kaladin is actually Peter Pan. Bridge Four are the Lost Boys and, obviously, Syl is Tinkerbell. That would make Sadeas Captain Hook, which I'm perfectly fine with. Oh, and Shallan is Wendy, of course.



I think you might enjoy this thread:



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Considering Hoid's age, that is a little creepy.

Odium hates everything because he's controlled by a surly metalhead teenager. The Everstorm is actually a visualisation of his favourite death metal track.


Only a LITTLE creepy. Anyway, he doesn't LOOK all that old :P


Just because he doesn't look old doesn't make it any less squicky...(though if we're shipping grumpy scholar-types...)*flees*

But if we're going to do silly pairings, I'll ship NightbloodxSyl; or Sylblood.

And for a silly theory, the kendra is a magical fish. Hehe.

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There is still the possibility of Odium sending down Godzilla-Spren to take control of the Reshi Isles. :ph34r:


Anyway, as for Crack shipping. Try Nightblood and Adolin´s soon to be revived Shardblade, which will be a Dustbringer-Spren, and SylxPattern, I do kinda like that one.

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SylxPattern is almost logical...well, that is, if spren can fall in love at all, I guess. :P


They hate each other.... How about Pattern and Glys? Or Glys and Stormfather? Sure we don't know Glys, yet, but it does not mean we can't ship it :ph34r:

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SylxPattern is almost logical...well, that is, if spren can fall in love at all, I guess. :P

We tried that once. It got... bad.


Anyway, I think Syl will end up with Wyndle. Pattern is too analytical to ship, so I think he'll end up working with Jasnah on scholarship stuff.

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We tried that once. It got... bad.


Anyway, I think Syl will end up with Wyndle. Pattern is too analytical to ship, so I think he'll end up working with Jasnah on scholarship stuff.

I liked the couple before the depravity hit. :( 

I can´t see Syl with Wyndle at all, Wyndle is just to... uptide for Syls playful streak, similar to how Lift´s awesomeness almost drives him insane.

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Here's what's going to happen.  The good guys will wallop Odium, causing him to run away and hide in a corner.  After years of being forgotten, a writer that is infinitely inferior to Brandon will "rescue" the series and create an incomprehensibly abhorrent remake.


What I'm saying is that Books 6-10 will be the Robocop 2014 to the Robocop 1987 of Books 1-5 

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Oho, crack theories/ideas time...


I had the idea once (before WoR came out) that maybe Shallan had a magical reality distortion field - because people seemed to like her more than she liked herself. Turned out I was sort of right on that one :P


Other wacky/weak theories/ideas I've had on Shallan since WoR:

  • She's using Transformation Surge to edit her own brain/memories (as well as other peoples').
  • Elhokar's wife dies in the riots and he proposes to Shallan after she gives him some help with becoming a better king (ie Shallan starts going down the reverse harem route).
  • In the end Shallan dies and becomes a spren and goes off with Wit/Hoid.
  • After I noticed what seemed to be some references to "The Art of War" I wondered if Shallan could ever end up coming a battlefield director / war planner, particularly since most popular quotes from the book go something like "all war is based on deception" and "know the terrain, know your enemy, know yourself".
  • Kaladin's old soldier buddy Hav quits being a soldier and joints the Ardents when he finds out Amaram is an evil bastard - and then Shallan buys him to help train her soldiers. (for ref, Kaladin once thinks that Hav might well have 'retired' like this already but Shallan bumps into him when getting into Amaram's camp)


I've been trying to come up with 'fun' ideas for what happens to Bridge 4 while Kaladin is away ("while the cat's away the mice do play" etc) but not been able to come up with anything yet. Anyone got ideas?


I've got some prototype ideas for some wacky made-up comedy scenes between some of the characters. One involved Jasnah and Szeth going on a blind date - Jasnah has to after losing a bet with Shallan and Szeth is ordered to by a capricious master (though he does wear a disguise). They go to a playhouse and after finding that the show is "The Death of King Galivar" they decide to skip that and go to a cafe to chat...


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Bwhahaha, that's an awesome thread!


By that logic Edward Cullen shouldn't be creepy either.

Why does everything on 17s remind me of Twilight this week??


I just had the most awful mental image of Edward Cullen trying to seduce Jasnah (and her being totally revolted) 

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Bwhahaha, that's an awesome thread!

I just had the most awful mental image of Edward Cullen trying to seduce Jasnah (and her being totally revolted)

Nah I'd like to see that. Jasnah would be hilarious, with the added bonus that SHE looks to old for HIM.

ShallanxElhokar.... Depending how things go I could almost see myself shipping that. I so want her to be happy though, and at the moment she's happy with Adolin so....

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Wow my cracktheory is dark and morbid.

When Szeth and Kaladin eventually fight in a future book Nightblood will kill Syl, but Szeth will leave Kaladin alive to stew in another, longer depression story arc.

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Wow my cracktheory is dark and morbid.

When Szeth and Kaladin eventually fight in a future book Nightblood will kill Syl, but Szeth will leave Kaladin alive to stew in another, longer depression story arc.

That´s not a crack theory, it´s way to likely. :P

A crack version of this would be, when Nightblood absorbs Syl and in the prozess fusions Szeth and Kaladin into Szeladin.

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That´s not a crack theory, it´s way to likely. :P

A crack version of this would be, when Nightblood absorbs Syl and in the prozess fusions Szeth and Kaladin into Szeladin.


Well. Now I'm scared this will happen. Please don't take a page out of Martin's book, Mr. Sanderson!

Kelsier's ghost will appear to Kaladin and tell him to keep killing the storming nobles lighteyes.

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Well. Now I'm scared this will happen. Please don't take a page out of Martin's book, Mr. Sanderson!

Kelsier's ghost will appear to Kaladin and tell him to keep killing the storming nobles lighteyes.

Well we already have a precedent for that with Spook. :)

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