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Suvudu Recording of Seattle Signing


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I had thought this was posted in Around the Cosmere, but apparently it fell through the cracks. The good people at Suvudu posted a recording of Brandon Sanderson's Seattle signing: http://sf-fantasy.suvudu.com/2011/11/event-video-brandon-sanderson-qa.html

There was some news on the publication schedule. After Stormlight 2, he'll do an Alloy sequel. He plotted three (maybe four) books with Wax and Wayne. So it'd look like:

Stormlight 2

Alloy 2

Stormlight 3

Alloy 3


He did say that he wants to do an Elantris sequel, so instead of an Alloy book he will probably do that for a year.

You may have heard that Stormlight Archive, while being a ten book series, is actually two five-book arcs, and Brandon revealed (first time I'm hearing it, at least), each book's character focus:

1. Kaladin

2. Shallan

3. Szeth

4. Navanni

5. Dalinar

This kind of surprised me; I wasn't expecting Navanni to be book four. This is awesome.

The best part was when he said in between the two five book arcs of Stormlight, he'd write the second Mistborn trilogy.

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If the camera had panned 90 degrees to the left you would've seen me. If it had panned down, you would've seen the back of Peter Orullian's head. It was a very cool event. Although, it was a little weird being in a church. :unsure: I felt like I should be offering up a prayer to Harmony, or somebody.

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I also expected Jasnah instead of Navani. But maybe we know too little about Navani, it'll be better to focus on her. I'm eager to see more about Kaladin, though, I love that character. And I'd also like to see how Dalinar's second son develops.

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Interesting-I had been under the impression that Alloy of Law was just going to be a standalone between the first and second Mistborn trilogies.

I had thought this was posted in Around the Cosmere, but apparently it fell through the cracks. The good people at Suvudu posted a recording of Brandon Sanderson's Seattle signing: http://sf-fantasy.suvudu.com/2011/11/event-video-brandon-sanderson-qa.html

There was some news on the publication schedule. After Stormlight 2, he'll do an Alloy sequel. He plotted three (maybe four) books with Wax and Wayne. So it'd look like:

Stormlight 2

Alloy 2

Stormlight 3

Alloy 3


He did say that he wants to do an Elantris sequel, so instead of an Alloy book he will probably do that for a year.

You may have heard that Stormlight Archive, while being a ten book series, is actually two five-book arcs, and Brandon revealed (first time I'm hearing it, at least), each book's character focus:

1. Kaladin

2. Shallan

3. Szeth

4. Navanni

5. Dalinar

This kind of surprised me; I wasn't expecting Navanni to be book four. This is awesome.

The best part was when he said in between the two five book arcs of Stormlight, he'd write the second Mistborn trilogy.

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Was it made out of outdated encyclopedias?

It didn't appear to be, but the Librarians might have cleverly covered it with a wood facade. I didn't think to check (a five hour drive will do that to you...or maybe it was something in the cookies...hmm).

However, there was a really sweet carved chair that they brought out for Brandon to sit on during the signing. It was very throne-like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Also towards the end I was standing near the signing table and someone asked about the modern mistborn trilogy's plot. Brandon said that it would have an Allomancer SWAT Team dealing with a mistborn and having to figure out what they are fighting due to Mistborn disappearing into myth and religion.

And there was nothing unusual in the cookies that you need to know about.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks for the list. Now I know what to look forward to in his later works. I didn't know about the Alloy sequels or the second mistborn trilogy, so this really brightens my day.

I have a gift card, just haven't had time to hit a bookstore. I probably will soon, now that finals are over.

You need to read it as soon as you can. It's worth it (although every work by Brandon Sanderson is worth it).

Also towards the end I was standing near the signing table and someone asked about the modern mistborn trilogy's plot. Brandon said that it would have an Allomancer SWAT Team dealing with a mistborn and having to figure out what they are fighting due to Mistborn disappearing into myth and religion.

And there was nothing unusual in the cookies that you need to know about.

That plot sounds pretty cool, I can't wait for the trilogy.

***Admin Note: Please don't post multiple times in a row. Rather edit a post to add additional information. Thanks! --fRR

Edited by firstRainbowRose
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