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not quite sure how true this is.  mind you it has never stopped me if I really wanted to watch something, but I do prefer to be 100% certain my source is on the up and up.


*googles* Cant find anything about streaming being illegal on part of the watcher. It is at least legal in europe.

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Just saw the rest of Season 9. There were... a lot of feels.


One thing I really don't get though...

If the Doctor cared that much about Clara, why even think about erasing her memories of him? Doing that to Donna hurt him, and in this case, there doesn't seem to be any reason for it.

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Just saw the rest of Season 9. There were... a lot of feels.


One thing I really don't get though...

If the Doctor cared that much about Clara, why even think about erasing her memories of him? Doing that to Donna hurt him, and in this case, there doesn't seem to be any reason for it.


He does it because otherwise, he will keep attempting to undo her death on Trap Street. The only way he can bear to let her die, is if he has no memory of her. If he doesn't, if he attempts to save her, then he risks fulfilling the Prophesy of the Hybrid.

Specifically, he will "Unravel the Web of Time."

The Web of Time appears in some EU, and is essentially the network of fixed points that keeps the rest of the Time Vortex in flux. Without it, Time Falls apart, causality breaks down. The Universe undoes itself.

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He does it because otherwise, he will keep attempting to undo her death on Trap Street. The only way he can bear to let her die, is if he has no memory of her. If he doesn't, if he attempts to save her, then he risks fulfilling the Prophesy of the Hybrid.

Specifically, he will "Unravel the Web of Time."

The Web of Time appears in some EU, and is essentially the network of fixed points that keeps the rest of the Time Vortex in flux. Without it, Time Falls apart, causality breaks down. The Universe undoes itself.


I was under the impression that his original plan was to erase Clara's memories, not his own.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
12 minutes ago, AnanasSpren said:

Rewatching s7 and you reach The Angels take Manhattan...I can't rewatch it, the feels man....although...

If the Doctor couldn't travel back to 1930s NY, why didn't Rory and Amy just travel to another country and get picked up there?

Because of wibbly-wobbly in the timey-wimey?

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  • 5 months later...

...So hey, topic bump, but season Tennant started.

Actually, it started last week, but still. I haven't watched it yet, to be honest; in fact, I only just got around to watching the Christmas specials that aired in between. But I'm planning on watching at least the first episode this evening, so I figured I'd bump this up and see if anyone else is watching.

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So far my opinion on season 10 has been a bit iffy. I'm really not as excited this time around. I think Smile was a slight improvement over The Pilot but both were pretty mediocre episodes. And sadly episode three also looks to be kind of bland. I'm waiting patiently for episode four as it is the first interesting looking episode. Then we've got a Jaime Matheison episode after that and those are always a good time. I want Doctor Who to go back to being scary and emoji robots just doesn't do it for me. Episodes like Midnight, Listen, Blink, Impossible Astronaut those are classics.

Edit: Well New Who classics. XD

Edited by theuntaintedchild
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I have only seen the Pilot so far and I really enjoyed it. The new companion is really enjoyable,  the story was OK. 

I'm looking forward to next episodes, fiding out what's inside the vault and how does Simm's Master is coming back :)

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  • 2 months later...

I'm actually quite excited. :D I just hope they don't botch it up by repeatedly hammering in "OH YES LOOK SHE'S A WOMAN NOW LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE!"

3 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

I really hope that with Moffat gone, the show will have the magic

I admit that I rather liked some Moffat stuff, but...  yeah. 

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For me, the acting is great, the writing not so much. I am really looking forward to seeing how Jodie does as I think it could be really interesting. I think that there will be a few moments in episodes of "the Doctor is a woman?" and stuff along those lines. The butthurt i'm seeing on facebook comments and news articles alike is both amusing yet disappointing as it mostly sounds like children throwing a tantrum because they threw their dummy out of the pram 

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6 hours ago, ParadoxicalZen said:

For me, the acting is great, the writing not so much. I am really looking forward to seeing how Jodie does as I think it could be really interesting. I think that there will be a few moments in episodes of "the Doctor is a woman?" and stuff along those lines. The butthurt i'm seeing on facebook comments and news articles alike is both amusing yet disappointing as it mostly sounds like children throwing a tantrum because they threw their dummy out of the pram 

I think that they need to balance the aspect of moments of "the Doctor is a woman". It's a big change in the series, and I don't think it should go unmentioned, but like you said, you don't want it to be pushed in your face.

As always, I shall reserve judgement for the first episode. 

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  • 8 months later...

So uh, apparently they've revealed the new logo and costume (and TARDIS exterior)? And they're awesome? How did I not notice? :mellow: :P 

(Just sayin'... this is my new desktop background.)



And now I'm stoked for S11 all over again. :D 

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  • 9 months later...

Will someone please explain to me what the oncoming storms is happening in the audio dramas?





Because the trailer did nothing to explain to me why this is happening, and more importantly, why even a character as awesome as River Song isn't dead within 0.0004 seconds of four Masters walking into the room. :mellow:

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2 hours ago, Kobold King said:

Will someone please explain to me what the oncoming storms is happening in the audio dramas?


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Because the trailer did nothing to explain to me why this is happening, and more importantly, why even a character as awesome as River Song isn't dead within 0.0004 seconds of four Masters walking into the room. :mellow:

From what I understand, Series 5 is split into 4 parts, with each part featuring an encounter with a Master. So she's not facing all of them at once.

(I would like River Song to confront the Valeyard, personally)

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On 27/01/2019 at 4:48 AM, Kobold King said:

Will someone please explain to me what the oncoming storms is happening in the audio dramas?


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Because the trailer did nothing to explain to me why this is happening, and more importantly, why even a character as awesome as River Song isn't dead within 0.0004 seconds of four Masters walking into the room. :mellow:

Each one is a seperate short story. The third and fifth River Song boxsets are very enjoyable and are highly recommended (the third in particular has some of the best Who writing.)

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