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New world hopper, hi!


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Hello everyone, newbie here world hopping from Randland and Westeros. My first Sanderson book was Mistborn. I can't say that I was an instant fan, as it took a while for me to appreciate the world and the magic/technology system. I was willing to give the rest of the series a chance, since, being a WoT fan, I know firsthand you can't judge a series on the 1st book alone  :lol:


While waiting for WoT to progress sometime during the late '90's, I got into A Song of Ice and Fire. It's been my main fandom since, and I use the same username over at Westeros.org (hello there, if any of you are here too!). WoT finally ended and during the waiting game for the next aSoIaF, I finally got into more Sanderson books, specifically, The Way of Kings.




Then I read Words of Radiance, had a couple of hunches and looked them up here. I realized just how vast the Cosmere is.


I think I've found my next fandom. I'm really more of a forum reader (see my Westeros post count as proof lol), and I know I have a lot of catching up to do Cosmere-wise, but I hope to be able to contribute to the discussions  (the theories!) here. Please forgive some late reactions to well-established theories as I catch up (I promise to use the search function first before creating new threads  :D ).


Other authors I like: Rothfuss, Lynch, Abercrombie, Abraham, Hobb. I used to like Bakker, but for some reason, I can't read and re-read him now.



Edited by Arwyl
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