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Quick Fix Game 2: Crushthroat's Beginnings

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Ok, so no RP for now. Not in the mood for it, sadly. No toy pandas for now.  :( 






That's Chinese. It means (literally translated) "L or 5". Considering how there's only me and Kas here that understand Chinese, I reckon it's aimed at one of us. Or maybe it's a typo, but it's highly unlikely, since you'd have to be using Chinese language on your laptop. Also, considering how you said you intended it for someone, I'm highly suspicious at you (The Mutineers have no Google Doc, remember, and must plot on the main thread). I vote you, Malliw.


Edit: Wheps, Spelling and Grammar.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Hi guys, sorry I've been gone.

I missed last cycle because I was working all day laying sod and then I had to go to visit family for the evening. I got on in the morning but didn't have enough time to go through all the messages that had been made, and thought I would get home in time to post before the end of the cycle.

So yeah, I was inactive for a bit. I'm back now though!

I'm the third Gunner, by the way.

I'm good, and I'd rather not die, so I'mma throw a vote at Jene with the hope of tieing things up before the end of the cycle.

I don't know why I was saved by a grappling hook, I'm assuming whoever did it did it to implicate me.

Any questions for me?

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@ Wyrm. Sorry for not explaining sooner, I work at a Cub Scout day Camp, So I won't be able to get on until about 5, my Time. Right now.


Anyway, I'd just like to explain why I voted for Wyrm. I Panic'ed.


I was playing a game on Steam, but then My mother reminded me we were leaving in five minutes. I realized the Time, (9:10) and Realized that Meta would be posting a writeup soon, and I hadn't voted. So I got on real quick, and the First Post I saw was this:


Well. That will probably do me in. Before I die I just want to say I am quite suspicious of Mai and Wyrm. If anyone wants to retract their vote and not kill me, that would be great.


I was still pretty sure Maw was Loyal, but couldn't quite remember anything about Wyrm, so I voted for him, got off, and left for Mutual. Then I got home late, and went to bed. Woke up, went to work, came home, read through everything, and posted this.


My apologies to everyone.


Also, I currently have 4 coins. I gambled on day one, and lost. I'm going to Gamble again tonight.

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OH DEAR. My name begins with L. I appear to be a potential target (see my above post for what I mean). Who has 5 in their name?


Does anyone else's name begin with L? Cause I'm in deep trouble.


Edit: I will wring this color's neck.

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First, Jene, thank you for responding.

Second, there's something I wanted to address because it's in white text from Matrim. As he's noted he's allergic to long texts, I will keep this short: no. There are no safe roles in this game, so no one is above suspicion.

Third: that's quite a number of posts to wake up to. I'm going to go through the information and to have a think before placing my vote again. At this point in time, KalFS has a clear lead, so unless I'm trying to ward off last minute vote shenanigans, I think there is no point in putting one on him immediately.

Fourth, a quick vote tally at this point:

KalFS (6): Riitidiikiir, Riingar, Luka, Hreo, Wyrm, Jeno

Jene (3): Mai, Matrim, KalFS
Mai (2): Jene, Jain

Last: that's four people now who've claimed to be Gunners. "I'm Roger", said the Shamed Bridgeman to the King, "And so's my wife!"

Edited by Kasimir
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Wow. You guys are taking that way to seriously. It's a simple reply. If I was a Mutineer, I would've made a code that was very hidden. Not in the open like that. So, Jain, (which doesn't start with an L), you might be fine this cycle. But I can't guarantee.

Zweiter erraten?

Oh, so we have four Gunners? That's possible, but not probable in my mind. I'm fine with either Jene or Kal. I'm going to keep my vote as-is though, because Jene already has one hit on him.

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Meta did say we should be prepared to have a multiple of them (Gunners). But on the other hand, 6 votes on Kal is almost half our remaining players. That's also something that's concerning me at this point in time. I do think we need a decent layer of protection for the Captain and from grappling hook shenanigans. That I think makes sense. But the numbers voting for Kal right now? Maili, this reads to me like Grey, and I don't like that, although I think you might remember that well.


At this point in time, 11 people have cast their votes. I have not yet; having retracted my vote from Jene. Jatae has not yet appeared, and come to think of it, we haven't heard much from him. His post yesterday was mostly just to put his vote on Luka. I don't like the look of this because even if Jatae and myself are Mutineers (for all you know, that is), there's at least one or two Mutineers hiding in the votes cast right now. And given there are six for Kal...


I'm not even sure if I'm modelling the probabilities right at the moment. But I really need a good think, although it's not as though my one vote can do anything decisive here :P

Dann rate ich zum zweiten Mal. Was aber, weiß ich noch nicht.

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Just going to point out, this feels like what I (last game) did to a couple people. Made a comment here or there, and then BOOM. Tons of votes on  them and a villager lynched. What fun. :D (Sorry guys who got killed through this, Bela, Grim, etc. No hard feelings, right? :))

It's the same thing, except I'm on the receiving end this time.

I kept my vote on Aonar because free money. I saw a post a while back about that.

Boy, this'll be a repeat of last game's lynch votes if I get voted off the island hung.

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Ha ha! Inside jokes! Past games! So much funniness!


Point taken, and there's really no point in keeping this quiet. I'm specifically referring to Game 5, where Aspren (back then) made this point, "That's eight votes for Grellin [Grey], unopposed. I doubt he's a Ghostblood." It's not exactly verbatiim, but given that episode, I'm trying to think about what that could mean. The vote on Kal seems to be proceeding a bit too easily, and while it's possible the Mutineers are hiding in the votes for Mai and Jene (as we'll soon find out based on the lynch, unless Kal is serious about being a Gunner) I think that ignoring base rate probability, it looks suspiciously reminiscent of that scenario. Which is why I'm divided about this and staring at the posts, trying to figure things out. I don't want vote shenanigans or Captain lynches. But I don't want to be led about by the Mutineers either. Although that seems to happen an awful lot :/

Edited by Kasimir
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I am serious about being a Gunner, I ain't lying to you. :P

Yeah, this stinks of a Mutineer set up to me.


Also, I keep getting confused by the name "Kai".

Every time I see it I think they're saying "Kal"....


EDIT: It was blue! I swear!

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Kas, you have a history of being on Team Evil, while I have a spotless record of being good (although not necessarily surviving. RIP Jain, Jain and Jain) :D

Which just means we're both overdue, don't you think? ;) Kal, I have the same problem. It's making me want to start referring to myself as Käi, in the hopes that the extra umlaut will help me somewhat.

I don't know what to think right now. I'm really with King in that I feel that it doesn't make sense to frame when they could forc--oh. Unless...Maybe let's reverse this. Let's pretend we're Mutineers. (Well, some of us won't be pretending, but still...) What does it take to make a frame work, both technically and in terms of a strategic analysis?


The main answer I'm getting is to set it up in such a way that it isn't just someone being framed, but it's your catspaws doing the framing. In other words, giving up one mislynch is small beans if and only if you can do it in such a way that it sets up other players to take the fall and ensures further mislynches. Which I suppose means that would/might be the case, if this turns out to have been a set up. In addition: I'm wondering if the problem is because analysis so far hasn't taken into account fog-of-war. If it is a frame, framing requires not putting other teammates at risk, at least from the Grappler's perspective. But there's also something more: they'd not necessarily know what fellow teammates are doing, unless they're also the one making the kill last cycle. Which means it's probably not safe to disregard other possible discrepancies or Mutineer actions in the bigger picture. Hoo, boy.

In any case, I expect we'll see. And I still do want to hear from Jatae, so there's that.

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Messy sleep schedule and a very different time zone won't help me show up at consistent times, just so you know.


The hook kind of confuses me, especially because of the suspicions it lays over both Kal and Jene. But it's probably disingenuous assuming that we can find any conclusions there before a lynch.

Rethinking it, it might actually be possible both of them are Mutineers, but I don't know, the move feels sloppy.


Also, seeing last game's play with Bela, I would be wary to not do the mutineers' game again.

At this point I'm going to vote for Kal, as to prevent last night shenanigans.


Getting back shortly, need a coffee.


Edit: fixing up sleepspeak

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yeah, sorry again about that. Don't foresee doing that again tonight though, unless something drastic happens to convince me that KalFS isn't a mutineer.

Edit: which is especially unlikely since I'm tired and going to bed now.

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Updated vote tally:

KalFS (7): Riitiidiikiir, Riingar, Luka, Hreo, Wyrm, Jeno, Jatae
Jene (3): Mai, Matrim, KalFS
Mai (2): Jene, Jain
Jatae (1): Kai

I sincerely doubt there were any shenanigans to be had at the initial 6 votes for Kal anyway. I'm not particularly minded to turn this into a proper bandwagon by throwing on an eighth vote for KalFS. So I think I'll leave my vote on Jatae, as he's not in any particular danger. My suspicions of Jene haven't entirely been satisfactorily dealt with, but three people have already stuck him with votes. And I do understand real life reasons: I myself will probably have to invoke those for tomorrow's rounds, but I'm wondering about just how many "well I came on and just threw in a vote"s we're going to end up hearing. For now, I'm going to treat that with the benefit of the doubt and leave it--for the moment.

Jatae crops up twice on lists (admittedly rather broad ones) concerning people who could take Aonar down and people who could have been the Grappler, and he hasn't been particularly helpful in terms of offering suspicions, which makes it all the harder to determine what he's doing. He's not the top on my suspicion list, but at this point, I'm just going to note that I've got a question mark with regard to him and leave my vote as it stands.


Edit: Then again, not all bandwagons are bad, though. Keeping in mind the insanely lucky one King managed. I guess we'll just have to wait and see for this cycle. Be a good thing to sort out the four Gunner claims, in any case.

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True. That Gunner thing will be nice to figure out.

nicht sicher, was die Botschaft ist

But, Bandwagons are usually not good. As Meta said in the dead doc of Game 2 I think it was, if no one speaks up for the person being bandwagoned on, they usually are not Evil. The Baddies are hidden in that Bandwagon.

And, hey, Kas, I was only the reason for one of those three attempts on your life. Obviously, others found you dangerous. :P

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I'm not inclined to go on to crusades against anyone (yet). For 2 particular reasons: despite playing 2 games, I don't feel I'm into the nuts and bolts of the game yet, and both lynches didn't go through, for one reason or the other. And it seems to me that lynches, despite the downside of changing the ratio between the 2 groups in our disfavour if a Mutineer is not caught, are one of the best ways to actually prove or disprove suspicions. If anything because they offer a real comparison to the real situation and are not just us piling suspicion onto suspicion. Not to say it's useless doing that, but they do need validation eventually.

Besides offering explanations for my behaviour, I can't say much that hasn't been said already.

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Week 4- Siren’s Call

Fang loved the feel of the wind through his hair and the smell of the sea, especially as the sun was settling on the horizon. Every evening since he signed on, he could be found at the bow, just taking it all in. Now that he was here, he was surprised that it had taken him so long to finally sign onto a crew! If he had stayed in MaiPon, he’d probably have wound up as a painter or something and would have stayed indoors most of his life. There was something liberating about sailing and Fang was reveling in it.  

...Of course, as things were now, he probably should’ve sign onto a different crew. Perhaps a nice merchant vessel or something. This Crew seemed a little too happy to slit each other’s throats.

Now that they were able to actually sail again, things were a little better. The Crew had their hands full keeping the ship on course and that left less time for them to argue over who amongst them was likely a dirty Mutineer. In fact, it had been almost 5 days since the last murder and Fang was just starting to hope that they had given up. So Fang enjoyed the breeze and the feeling of freedom that came with it while he could.


As Kal stood at the bow of the ship, the rest of the Crew were meeting in the galley. They kept their voices to a conspiratorial whisper so they wouldn’t be overheard. The source of their discussion? Whether or not that weird Jindonese fella could be one of those no good Mutineers. They had all heard rumors of the strange powers some of his people could wield and that seemed to make the rest of the Crew a little jumpy. Could he be one of those Embedders or whatever they called themselves? It wasn’t long before they came to their decision and as a group left the galley.

Fang was still standing at the bow when the Crew came looking for him. In fact, he was so lost in his own world, that the Crew decided to take advantage of it. Instead of drawing their weapons or anything like that, they just pushed Fang off the front of the ship!

As Fang fell, he passed the figurehead, which Hreo was still tied to.

“Bye!” Said Hreo with a close to a wave as he could while he was tied up.

That was the last thing Fang heard before he hit the water with the ship barrelling towards him….


As the rest of the Crew chuckled and started to go back to their jobs, Kai peered off into the distance. The sun was almost set, so the waters had taken on a blackish color, but as every good sailor knows, there’s a difference between the black of the sea and the black, stable blobs that represent ships or land. What he was seeing wasn’t the darkness of the sea.

He went to turn around and warn the others when he caught a snippet of song on the breeze, coming from the island. The sound was so entrancing that he stopped, mid turn to see if he could pick it out again. That split second hesitation cost him his life, as an arrow seemingly magically appeared, piercing his chest and going directly through his heart.

But he did hear another little bit of song for it and as his body fell to the deck, even he, within his current state of mind would call it a fair trade.


“Land ho!” Someone called from the rigging.

Land? Kiin thought as he poured over his maps. There shouldn’t be any land out here….

But evidently there was, so Kiin left his cabin to see for himself. As he approached the bow, he noticed Kai’s body.

Oh, no. Not another one. He thought grimly. But he had to be strong. He had to show his Crew that he was still in command. Plus there was the pressing matter of this mystery land to figure out.

“Scupper that,” he ordered, pointing to Kai’s body as he looked out to sea.

There was indeed an island ahead of them. Kiin scratched his head, as he was sure of their heading since leaving the Doldrums. Then he heard it. Just a fragment of a melody, but his entire being seemed to pull towards it.

Luckily, the wind picked and blew the sound away, which seemed to clear Kiin’s head. He immediately bleached white as seafoam as he realized what that island must be.

“Hard to port, you lazy dogs! Hard to port and start yelling fer all yer worth! If any of ye has a voice after today, I’ll flay ye meself!”


Jene was at the wheel when Captain Crushthroat started hollering and though he had no idea what was going on, he complied with alacrity. If the Captain was in one of his moods, best to just appease him.

What he was not expecting was the tap on his shoulder. As far as he knew, he was the only one on the poop deck.

He spun around, ready to draw his cutlass, and found himself face to face with a very unhappy and very drenched Kal FangShi.

Fang glared at him and finally he said, “Not funny, you guys.”


Week 3 is over and Week 4 begins!

Kal FangShi survived!
Kai wasn’t so lucky. He might’ve been taken in by the Siren’s song, but not by the Mutineer’s chant. He was a good and loyal Powder Monkey.


Kal FangShi- Vll (Jeno, Wyrm, Jatae, Riingar, Hreo, Riitiidiikiir, Luka)
Jene- lll (Mai, Matim, Kal FangShi)
Mai- ll (Jene, Jain)
Jatae- l (Kai)

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Farewell, Kai. I'll miss typing secret messages in white with you. Even if I never figured out your code. Looks like another experienced player killed off. I'm kinda scared for myself now. I just haven't given any deep analyses so maybe I'm safe. :P

So Kai wasn't a Gunner. That means there's three of us. I suggest we lynch one of the two who have a hit on the, already and see what results we get. I might as well stick with the pattern and vote Jene. No surprise there.

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