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More Cosmere Aware Groups?


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I was wondering if there was the possibility of more Cosmere-aware groups made up of people from different worlds like the Ghostbloods and the Seventeenth Shard that haven't appeared in Canon yet but will? 

Like a Cosmere interplanetary smuggling group or Cosmere nomads? 

What role do you imagine they could play in the overall story of the Cosmere? 

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33 minutes ago, MistDray said:

I was wondering if there was the possibility of more Cosmere-aware groups made up of people from different worlds like the Ghostbloods and the Seventeenth Shard that haven't appeared in Canon yet but will? 

Like a Cosmere interplanetary smuggling group or Cosmere nomads? 

What role do you imagine they could play in the overall story of the Cosmere? 

Welcome to the Shard.

Cosmere nomads? You mean Iriali? They are wandering between planets, currently settled on Roshar. They will be very important during space era Cosmere, like Sleepless.

There are lots of Cosmere aware people, most of them are simple traders and worldhopper, not associated with any organization (like Felt). Ire is another worldhopping group. Hoid has his own Cosmere-aware Worldsingers. There is a city in the Cognitive Realm, Silverlight, with several universities full of scholars, one founded by Khriss. Not to mention others like the Five Scholars, Sleepless, Kandra, Dragons etc.

The more Cosmere-aware books become, the more different groups we will see. Right now we just barely started to see them in books.

Secret Project 4 spoilers:


There is also the Night Brigade

Because both Iriali and Sleepless will be a big part of the space era, they will likely be involved in the very end of Cosmere story, and likely other groups like Ghostbloods and Ire will also be important during that time.

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