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So.  Im New...  I first learned of Brandon's work when he was brought on to complete the Wheel of Time.  Since then I read the Mistborn Books, and recently devoured (or was devoured, depending on your perspective) by the Stormlight Archive.  It was durign that when I learned of the whole Cosmere corssover elements of the various books, which appeals to my inner geek in a particularly strong way.  Now Im pouring through the Wiki's and these forums trying to learn as much as I can, spoilers be damned!


Ive never been particularly active on any forums with the exception of the Jim Butcher forum, but I need people to debate theory with, so Here I Am.

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Was devoured by, definitely :)


Have you read Warbreaker yet? If not I would highly recommend it, due to certain WoR (Words of Radiance) crossovers that are infinitely more awesome with certain knowledge from Warbreaker.


So, basically as one of the resident Australians here I have to ask, does your username originate in any way from the Queensland And Northern Territory Air Service, aka QANTAS our national airline?


Other than that, welcome to the forums :) There's a nice mix of serious and silly discussions around, plus the community is incredibly friendly.

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Welcome! Glad you love the books.


There's a nice mix of serious and silly discussions around, plus the community is incredibly friendly.

Yes, we are incredibly friendly. Unless you feel cranky, then go to the social groups/clans/guilds area. You can duel it out there to your hearts content.

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