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Kobold, depending on what Mat is doing, it is AM, SL, VG, Kathy, Travis, and Big Al. Possibly PF too, but I'm not sure. They are right outside the Front of the store. Are Nathan, PP, and Funtimes coming?


Augh, I'm really not clear on the initials... I believe that's Altermind, Sightline, Voidgaze, Kathy, Travis, Big Al, and Psy-Fi?


The rest of the Brigade is at the Museum right now. Lightwards is coming alone. And by "alone", I mean accompanied by rifle-toting twins sitting on the backs of dinosaurs.

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Niiiice. :D He'd be awesome to see, though I get the feeling he'd be the most overpowered Epic in the RP.


What if you go up against him and try to fail? Will that thwart his Murphonic Field, or will you simply fail at failing (which is probably the saddest thing I can think of)? 


He's pretty much a compounding Spinner. The easiest way to kill him is to not. His field only works if you're trying to kill him. But if you tell someone else to blow up the building he's in. They'll be able to do it without his field affecting them, cause they don't know they're targeting him.

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Is Altermind much of a public figure? I'm wondering whether it's plausible for one of the twins to identify him.

With them being from the opposite corner of the city, they have probably heard of Altermind, but I doubt they would have see him. He doesn't give speeches or anything often, and what he does do, it's all in TT. If he introduced himself, they'd probably connect the dots that he was an illusionist. He doesn't make it public that he's a mental illusionist though.

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With them being from the opposite corner of the city, they have probably heard of Altermind, but I doubt they would have see him. He doesn't give speeches or anything often, and what he does do, it's all in TT. If he introduced himself, they'd probably connect the dots that he was an illusionist. He doesn't make it public that he's a mental illusionist though.


OK, I'm writing something up now.


Also... Big Al's weakness is Taco Bell?  :huh:  :D

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I was thinking of having PP meet SoulSwitch now, I'm planning on having him be a mouse who was studying the museum before it flew into the air and trapped him. Any objections?


I have none.


Think of the terror his little mouse instincts must have filled him with when the scent of predatory dinosaurs reached his nostrils. :o

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I was thinking of having PP meet SoulSwitch now, I'm planning on having him be a mouse who was studying the museum before it flew into the air and trapped him. Any objections?



I have none.


Think of the terror his little mouse instincts must have filled him with when the scent of predatory dinosaurs reached his nostrils. :o


I also have none. (What is the proper conjugation here? Is there one? Or is it one of those weird English things where nothing is right OR wrong, but it all sounds wrong?) 


I am also with Kobold in feeling sorry for the poor mouse-Epic. Dramatic re-enactment of his thought process: 


​I am a mouse, I am going through the museum, I am about to sneak up on those Epics and—


​I smell something. It smells like….like….



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I found another song for Remington. 


Simple Man


Also, will this song describe Alice in the future? :D


I like both of those. :D


I can't understand a word of this song, but the tune seems to fit a Funtimes theme song. It's called KG2 and is by Japanese singers.


PP finally has a way to know everyones names, woo! No more referring to people as, 'the male Epic, the glittery one and the scary one'


We need to introduce an Epic who's only power is "Making all Epics in Oregon know each other's names on sight."  :ph34r:

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I can't understand a word of this song, but the tune seems to fit a Funtimes theme song. It's called KG2 and is by Japanese singers.




I think that song is the default sound her brain goes to when there's nothing interesting to think about. Kind of like hold music. :D 




We need to introduce an Epic who's only power is "Making all Epics in Oregon know each other's names on sight."  :ph34r:


We can call him the "Namer of Names." He will quickly annoy Lightwards by walking into a room and greeting everyone by name in a deep, booming voice that shakes the walls. 


He will become Funtimes' best friend for the same reason. 

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I'm torn on whether to have PP go meet Ray or not, he can't exactly avoid them forever but his character really hates other Energy Epics, although maybe if Twi is up for it he could start trying to murder her but get stopped by Funtimes?

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I'm torn on whether to have PP go meet Ray or not, he can't exactly avoid them forever but his character really hates other Energy Epics, although maybe if Twi is up for it he could start trying to murder her but get stopped by Funtimes?


I'm okay with it, but I say wait until Edge has a chance to post and orient Ray and Nighthound before PP makes his entrance. And ask him when he gets back if he's all right with it. 

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Yeah that's why I had him ask about the others, so he and SS can have a long conversation off screen and wait for them to do whatever they need first. Yeah I'll definitely ask Edge about it.
On a side note how do people think the minor Epics list would be best arranged? In one big post at the start or have everyone have their own lists?

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