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5 minutes ago, Windrunner#squire said:

Hey here’s my question, why did teft have to die? I know this is part of kaladins life but still, was there a secret motive to it?

Because Teft couldn't fight against Moash with Honorblade without having his own Shardblade, and Moash needed to test anti-light on Teft's spren and Teft had to die to break Kaladin and bring him to Odium. Odium wanted to have Kaladin as his champion, and during the whole RoW he tried to do that. All Moash's actions, nightmares and invasion on the Tower, Moash had to make Kaladin suffer failure again, kill those who Kaladin cares about and wants to protect. And it so happened that Teft was awake. If it wasn't Teft it could likely be Kaladin's family, or even Syl.

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One of the criticisms (and it is a fair one) that I have seen here and on Reddit is how broken Stormlight healing is and that there is no real fear that a KR can die. Well now we know they can. A KR had to die and Teft drew the short straw. This moment really landed for me. 

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That wasn’t my question,I asked if this character was a clue to something in book 5.like in the first draft chapter one, it says that he heard texts voice. This seems strangely familiar to Vins situation in the Era 1 of Mistborn. So how will this make the characters like Kaladin and the others of bridge four react in book five

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8 hours ago, Windrunner#squire said:

That wasn’t my question,I asked if this character was a clue to something in book 5.like in the first draft chapter one, it says that he heard texts voice. This seems strangely familiar to Vins situation in the Era 1 of Mistborn. So how will this make the characters like Kaladin and the others of bridge four react in book five

You mean this? SA 5 spoilers:


Then, in response, a voice deep from within him. Familiar, almost certainly imagined. Hold onto this, Kal. Embrace it. I didn't die so you could mope about like a wet Horneater with no razor. It didn't seem anything mystical, but instead... well, Kaladin had known Teft long enough to anticipate what the man would have said. Even in death, a good sergeant knew his job: keep the officers pointed the right direction."

That does sound a bit like the Kelsier/Ruin situation with Vin. Maybe, just very maybe, Teft became a Cognitive Shadow? Or some Shard is communicating with him, Cultivation or even remnants of Honor gaining sapience? But I doubt it. What I think is happening is similar to Tien vision that Dalinar made, Kaladin is now more invested after swearing 4th Ideal, he's closer to the Spiritual Realm and Fortune might also be happening here, allowing him for some weird connections with souls in the Spiritual Realm. As it's noted here, Kel and Teft knew each other very well, they are strongly connected and this connection still exists, despite Teft death. This might be the effect of Fortune and reaching into the Spiritual Realm, or even into the Beyond, something similar to what Dalinar did creating Tien vision, but on a much smaller scale.

Connection and the Spiritual Realm does play a huge role in Radiant's life, and because the Spiritual Realm is timeless, someone could be reaching through it into the past:


Kalanit Taub

When Jasnah picks up the bead for the palace, is that the same bead that Shallan picks up in Oathbringer?

Brandon Sanderson


Kalanit Taub

Is that a coincidence or is there something else...?

Brandon Sanderson

So, whenever things like that happen you can assume there's little bits of Connection going on that's changing the probability a little bit. You're not meant to read much into it, but the probability is increased because of thing like that.

And you'll find, if you look really closely, there are connections between the characters that are really subtle that I'm doing, that anyone who's touching the Spiritual Realm or thing like that. For instance, in the second book, Syl turns into Shallan while Shallan is washed up on the beach while Syl is talking to Kaladin somewhere else. There's enough Connection going on that you see Syl change shapes, and Kal's like, "It looks like she's walking on a beach!"

It's just Syl... because through all of that, is turning into... You'll find things like that <happening> all through the books, really subtle, really small. There's just meant to be, one of the things in the Cosmere is Connection. Your Connection to people, Connection to things, places, influences probability a little bit.

ICon 2019 (Oct. 15, 2019)


We don't know how characters will react in SA 5, we have to wait for Brandon to write it first.

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